/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.dispatch.Futures; import akka.dispatch.OnComplete; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.access.concepts.TransactionIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.AbstractRead; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.BatchedModifications; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.CloseTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.AbstractModification; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.DeleteModification; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.MergeModification; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.Modification; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.WriteModification; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.utils.ActorUtils; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.ReadFailedException; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.NormalizedNode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.concurrent.Future; /** * Redirects front-end transaction operations to a shard for processing. Instances of this class are used * when the destination shard is remote to the caller. * * @author Thomas Pantelis */ public class RemoteTransactionContext extends AbstractTransactionContext { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RemoteTransactionContext.class); private final ActorUtils actorUtils; private final ActorSelection actor; private final OperationLimiter limiter; private BatchedModifications batchedModifications; private int totalBatchedModificationsSent; private int batchPermits; /** * We have observed a failed modification batch. This transaction context is effectively doomed, as the backend * does not have a correct view of the world. If this happens, we do not limit operations but rather short-cut them * to a either a no-op (modifications) or a failure (reads). Once the transaction is ready, though, we send the * message to resynchronize with the backend, sharing a 'lost message' failure path. */ private volatile Throwable failedModification; protected RemoteTransactionContext(final TransactionIdentifier identifier, final ActorSelection actor, final ActorUtils actorUtils, final short remoteTransactionVersion, final OperationLimiter limiter) { super(identifier, remoteTransactionVersion); this.limiter = requireNonNull(limiter); this.actor = actor; this.actorUtils = actorUtils; } private ActorSelection getActor() { return actor; } protected ActorUtils getActorUtils() { return actorUtils; } @Override public void closeTransaction() { LOG.debug("Tx {} closeTransaction called", getIdentifier()); TransactionContextCleanup.untrack(this); actorUtils.sendOperationAsync(getActor(), new CloseTransaction(getTransactionVersion()).toSerializable()); } @Override public Future directCommit(final Boolean havePermit) { LOG.debug("Tx {} directCommit called", getIdentifier()); // Send the remaining batched modifications, if any, with the ready flag set. bumpPermits(havePermit); return sendBatchedModifications(true, true, Optional.empty()); } @Override public Future readyTransaction(final Boolean havePermit, final Optional> participatingShardNames) { logModificationCount(); LOG.debug("Tx {} readyTransaction called", getIdentifier()); // Send the remaining batched modifications, if any, with the ready flag set. bumpPermits(havePermit); Future lastModificationsFuture = sendBatchedModifications(true, false, participatingShardNames); return transformReadyReply(lastModificationsFuture); } private void bumpPermits(final Boolean havePermit) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(havePermit)) { ++batchPermits; } } protected Future transformReadyReply(final Future readyReplyFuture) { // Transform the last reply Future into a Future that returns the cohort actor path from // the last reply message. That's the end result of the ready operation. return TransactionReadyReplyMapper.transform(readyReplyFuture, actorUtils, getIdentifier()); } private BatchedModifications newBatchedModifications() { return new BatchedModifications(getIdentifier(), getTransactionVersion()); } private void batchModification(final Modification modification, final boolean havePermit) { incrementModificationCount(); if (havePermit) { ++batchPermits; } if (batchedModifications == null) { batchedModifications = newBatchedModifications(); } batchedModifications.addModification(modification); if (batchedModifications.getModifications().size() >= actorUtils.getDatastoreContext().getShardBatchedModificationCount()) { sendBatchedModifications(); } } protected Future sendBatchedModifications() { return sendBatchedModifications(false, false, Optional.empty()); } protected Future sendBatchedModifications(final boolean ready, final boolean doCommitOnReady, final Optional> participatingShardNames) { Future sent = null; if (ready || batchedModifications != null && !batchedModifications.getModifications().isEmpty()) { if (batchedModifications == null) { batchedModifications = newBatchedModifications(); } LOG.debug("Tx {} sending {} batched modifications, ready: {}", getIdentifier(), batchedModifications.getModifications().size(), ready); batchedModifications.setDoCommitOnReady(doCommitOnReady); batchedModifications.setTotalMessagesSent(++totalBatchedModificationsSent); final BatchedModifications toSend = batchedModifications; final int permitsToRelease = batchPermits; batchPermits = 0; if (ready) { batchedModifications.setReady(participatingShardNames); batchedModifications.setDoCommitOnReady(doCommitOnReady); batchedModifications = null; } else { batchedModifications = newBatchedModifications(); final Throwable failure = failedModification; if (failure != null) { // We have observed a modification failure, it does not make sense to send this batch. This speeds // up the time when the application could be blocked due to messages timing out and operation // limiter kicking in. LOG.debug("Tx {} modifications previously failed, not sending a non-ready batch", getIdentifier()); limiter.release(permitsToRelease); return Futures.failed(failure); } } sent = actorUtils.executeOperationAsync(getActor(), toSend.toSerializable(), actorUtils.getTransactionCommitOperationTimeout()); sent.onComplete(new OnComplete<>() { @Override public void onComplete(final Throwable failure, final Object success) { if (failure != null) { LOG.debug("Tx {} modifications failed", getIdentifier(), failure); failedModification = failure; } else { LOG.debug("Tx {} modifications completed with {}", getIdentifier(), success); } limiter.release(permitsToRelease); } }, actorUtils.getClientDispatcher()); } return sent; } @Override public void executeDelete(final YangInstanceIdentifier path, final Boolean havePermit) { LOG.debug("Tx {} executeDelete called path = {}", getIdentifier(), path); executeModification(new DeleteModification(path), havePermit); } @Override public void executeMerge(final YangInstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode data, final Boolean havePermit) { LOG.debug("Tx {} executeMerge called path = {}", getIdentifier(), path); executeModification(new MergeModification(path, data), havePermit); } @Override public void executeWrite(final YangInstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode data, final Boolean havePermit) { LOG.debug("Tx {} executeWrite called path = {}", getIdentifier(), path); executeModification(new WriteModification(path, data), havePermit); } private void executeModification(final AbstractModification modification, final Boolean havePermit) { final boolean permitToRelease; if (havePermit == null) { permitToRelease = failedModification == null && acquireOperation(); } else { permitToRelease = havePermit; } batchModification(modification, permitToRelease); } @Override public void executeRead(final AbstractRead readCmd, final SettableFuture returnFuture, final Boolean havePermit) { LOG.debug("Tx {} executeRead {} called path = {}", getIdentifier(), readCmd.getClass().getSimpleName(), readCmd.getPath()); final Throwable failure = failedModification; if (failure != null) { // If we know there was a previous modification failure, we must not send a read request, as it risks // returning incorrect data. We check this before acquiring an operation simply because we want the app // to complete this transaction as soon as possible. returnFuture.setException(new ReadFailedException("Previous modification failed, cannot " + readCmd.getClass().getSimpleName() + " for path " + readCmd.getPath(), failure)); return; } // Send any batched modifications. This is necessary to honor the read uncommitted semantics of the // public API contract. final boolean permitToRelease = havePermit == null ? acquireOperation() : havePermit; sendBatchedModifications(); OnComplete onComplete = new OnComplete<>() { @Override public void onComplete(final Throwable failure, final Object response) { // We have previously acquired an operation, now release it, no matter what happened if (permitToRelease) { limiter.release(); } if (failure != null) { LOG.debug("Tx {} {} operation failed", getIdentifier(), readCmd.getClass().getSimpleName(), failure); returnFuture.setException(new ReadFailedException("Error checking " + readCmd.getClass().getSimpleName() + " for path " + readCmd.getPath(), failure)); } else { LOG.debug("Tx {} {} operation succeeded", getIdentifier(), readCmd.getClass().getSimpleName()); readCmd.processResponse(response, returnFuture); } } }; final Future future = actorUtils.executeOperationAsync(getActor(), readCmd.asVersion(getTransactionVersion()).toSerializable(), actorUtils.getOperationTimeout()); future.onComplete(onComplete, actorUtils.getClientDispatcher()); } /** * Acquire operation from the limiter if the hand-off has completed. If the hand-off is still ongoing, this method * does nothing. * * @return True if a permit was successfully acquired, false otherwise */ private boolean acquireOperation() { checkState(isOperationHandOffComplete(), "Attempted to acquire execute operation permit for transaction %s on actor %s during handoff", getIdentifier(), actor); if (limiter.acquire()) { return true; } LOG.warn("Failed to acquire execute operation permit for transaction {} on actor {}", getIdentifier(), actor); return false; } @Override public boolean usesOperationLimiting() { return true; } }