/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.dispatch.Futures; import akka.dispatch.OnComplete; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.access.concepts.LocalHistoryIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.access.concepts.TransactionIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.CloseTransactionChain; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.PrimaryShardInfo; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMTransactionChainClosedException; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.spi.store.DOMStoreReadTransaction; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.spi.store.DOMStoreReadWriteTransaction; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.spi.store.DOMStoreTransactionChain; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.spi.store.DOMStoreWriteTransaction; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.tree.api.ReadOnlyDataTree; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.concurrent.Future; import scala.concurrent.Promise; /** * A chain of {@link TransactionProxy}s. It allows a single open transaction to be open * at a time. For remote transactions, it also tracks the outstanding readiness requests * towards the shard and unblocks operations only after all have completed. */ final class TransactionChainProxy extends AbstractTransactionContextFactory implements DOMStoreTransactionChain { private abstract static class State { /** * Check if it is okay to allocate a new transaction. * @throws IllegalStateException if a transaction may not be allocated. */ abstract void checkReady(); /** * Return the future which needs to be waited for before shard information * is returned (which unblocks remote transactions). * @return Future to wait for, or null of no wait is necessary */ abstract Future previousFuture(); } private abstract static class Pending extends State { private final TransactionIdentifier transaction; private final Future previousFuture; Pending(final TransactionIdentifier transaction, final Future previousFuture) { this.previousFuture = previousFuture; this.transaction = requireNonNull(transaction); } @Override final Future previousFuture() { return previousFuture; } final TransactionIdentifier getIdentifier() { return transaction; } } private static final class Allocated extends Pending { Allocated(final TransactionIdentifier transaction, final Future previousFuture) { super(transaction, previousFuture); } @Override void checkReady() { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Previous transaction %s is not ready yet", getIdentifier())); } } private static final class Submitted extends Pending { Submitted(final TransactionIdentifier transaction, final Future previousFuture) { super(transaction, previousFuture); } @Override void checkReady() { // Okay to allocate } } private abstract static class DefaultState extends State { @Override final Future previousFuture() { return null; } } private static final State IDLE_STATE = new DefaultState() { @Override void checkReady() { // Okay to allocate } }; private static final State CLOSED_STATE = new DefaultState() { @Override void checkReady() { throw new DOMTransactionChainClosedException("Transaction chain has been closed"); } }; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransactionChainProxy.class); private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater STATE_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TransactionChainProxy.class, State.class, "currentState"); private final TransactionContextFactory parent; private volatile State currentState = IDLE_STATE; /** * This map holds Promise instances for each read-only tx. It is used to maintain ordering of tx creates * wrt to read-only tx's between this class and a LocalTransactionChain since they're bridged by * asynchronous futures. Otherwise, in the following scenario, eg: *

* 1) Create write tx1 on chain * 2) do write and submit * 3) Create read-only tx2 on chain and issue read * 4) Create write tx3 on chain, do write but do not submit *

* if the sequence/timing is right, tx3 may create its local tx on the LocalTransactionChain before tx2, * which results in tx2 failing b/c tx3 isn't ready yet. So maintaining ordering prevents this issue * (see Bug 4774). *

* A Promise is added via newReadOnlyTransaction. When the parent class completes the primary shard * lookup and creates the TransactionContext (either success or failure), onTransactionContextCreated is * called which completes the Promise. A write tx that is created prior to completion will wait on the * Promise's Future via findPrimaryShard. */ private final ConcurrentMap> priorReadOnlyTxPromises = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); TransactionChainProxy(final TransactionContextFactory parent, final LocalHistoryIdentifier historyId) { super(parent.getActorUtils(), historyId); this.parent = parent; } @Override public DOMStoreReadTransaction newReadOnlyTransaction() { currentState.checkReady(); TransactionProxy transactionProxy = new TransactionProxy(this, TransactionType.READ_ONLY); priorReadOnlyTxPromises.put(transactionProxy.getIdentifier(), Futures.promise()); return transactionProxy; } @Override public DOMStoreReadWriteTransaction newReadWriteTransaction() { getActorUtils().acquireTxCreationPermit(); return allocateWriteTransaction(TransactionType.READ_WRITE); } @Override public DOMStoreWriteTransaction newWriteOnlyTransaction() { getActorUtils().acquireTxCreationPermit(); return allocateWriteTransaction(TransactionType.WRITE_ONLY); } @Override public void close() { currentState = CLOSED_STATE; // Send a close transaction chain request to each and every shard getActorUtils().broadcast(version -> new CloseTransactionChain(getHistoryId(), version).toSerializable(), CloseTransactionChain.class); } private TransactionProxy allocateWriteTransaction(final TransactionType type) { State localState = currentState; localState.checkReady(); final TransactionProxy ret = new TransactionProxy(this, type); currentState = new Allocated(ret.getIdentifier(), localState.previousFuture()); return ret; } @Override protected LocalTransactionChain factoryForShard(final String shardName, final ActorSelection shardLeader, final ReadOnlyDataTree dataTree) { final LocalTransactionChain ret = new LocalTransactionChain(this, shardLeader, dataTree); LOG.debug("Allocated transaction chain {} for shard {} leader {}", ret, shardName, shardLeader); return ret; } /** * This method is overridden to ensure the previous Tx's ready operations complete * before we initiate the next Tx in the chain to avoid creation failures if the * previous Tx's ready operations haven't completed yet. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override protected Future findPrimaryShard(final String shardName, final TransactionIdentifier txId) { // Read current state atomically final State localState = currentState; // There are no outstanding futures, shortcut Future previous = localState.previousFuture(); if (previous == null) { return combineFutureWithPossiblePriorReadOnlyTxFutures(parent.findPrimaryShard(shardName, txId), txId); } final String previousTransactionId; if (localState instanceof Pending) { previousTransactionId = ((Pending) localState).getIdentifier().toString(); LOG.debug("Tx: {} - waiting for ready futures with pending Tx {}", txId, previousTransactionId); } else { previousTransactionId = ""; LOG.debug("Waiting for ready futures on chain {}", getHistoryId()); } previous = combineFutureWithPossiblePriorReadOnlyTxFutures(previous, txId); // Add a callback for completion of the combined Futures. final Promise returnPromise = Futures.promise(); final OnComplete onComplete = new OnComplete() { @Override public void onComplete(final Throwable failure, final Object notUsed) { if (failure != null) { // A Ready Future failed so fail the returned Promise. LOG.error("Tx: {} - ready future failed for previous Tx {}", txId, previousTransactionId); returnPromise.failure(failure); } else { LOG.debug("Tx: {} - previous Tx {} readied - proceeding to FindPrimaryShard", txId, previousTransactionId); // Send the FindPrimaryShard message and use the resulting Future to complete the // returned Promise. returnPromise.completeWith(parent.findPrimaryShard(shardName, txId)); } } }; previous.onComplete(onComplete, getActorUtils().getClientDispatcher()); return returnPromise.future(); } private Future combineFutureWithPossiblePriorReadOnlyTxFutures(final Future future, final TransactionIdentifier txId) { return priorReadOnlyTxPromises.isEmpty() || priorReadOnlyTxPromises.containsKey(txId) ? future // Tough luck, we need do some work : combineWithPriorReadOnlyTxFutures(future, txId); } // Split out of the common path private Future combineWithPriorReadOnlyTxFutures(final Future future, final TransactionIdentifier txId) { // Take a stable snapshot, and check if we raced final List>> priorReadOnlyTxPromiseEntries = new ArrayList<>(priorReadOnlyTxPromises.entrySet()); if (priorReadOnlyTxPromiseEntries.isEmpty()) { return future; } final List> priorReadOnlyTxFutures = new ArrayList<>(priorReadOnlyTxPromiseEntries.size()); for (Entry> entry: priorReadOnlyTxPromiseEntries) { LOG.debug("Tx: {} - waiting on future for prior read-only Tx {}", txId, entry.getKey()); priorReadOnlyTxFutures.add(entry.getValue().future()); } final Future> combinedFutures = Futures.sequence(priorReadOnlyTxFutures, getActorUtils().getClientDispatcher()); final Promise returnPromise = Futures.promise(); final OnComplete> onComplete = new OnComplete<>() { @Override public void onComplete(final Throwable failure, final Iterable notUsed) { LOG.debug("Tx: {} - prior read-only Tx futures complete", txId); // Complete the returned Promise with the original Future. returnPromise.completeWith(future); } }; combinedFutures.onComplete(onComplete, getActorUtils().getClientDispatcher()); return returnPromise.future(); } @Override protected void onTransactionReady(final TransactionIdentifier transaction, final Collection> cohortFutures) { final State localState = currentState; checkState(localState instanceof Allocated, "Readying transaction %s while state is %s", transaction, localState); final TransactionIdentifier currentTx = ((Allocated)localState).getIdentifier(); checkState(transaction.equals(currentTx), "Readying transaction %s while %s is allocated", transaction, currentTx); // Transaction ready and we are not waiting for futures -- go to idle if (cohortFutures.isEmpty()) { currentState = IDLE_STATE; return; } // Combine the ready Futures into 1 final Future> combined = Futures.sequence(cohortFutures, getActorUtils().getClientDispatcher()); // Record the we have outstanding futures final State newState = new Submitted(transaction, combined); currentState = newState; // Attach a completion reset, but only if we do not allocate a transaction // in-between combined.onComplete(new OnComplete>() { @Override public void onComplete(final Throwable arg0, final Iterable arg1) { STATE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(TransactionChainProxy.this, newState, IDLE_STATE); } }, getActorUtils().getClientDispatcher()); } @Override protected void onTransactionContextCreated(final TransactionIdentifier transactionId) { Promise promise = priorReadOnlyTxPromises.remove(transactionId); if (promise != null) { promise.success(null); } } }