package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore; import; import; import akka.testkit.JavaTestKit; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.CloseTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.CloseTransactionReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.DeleteData; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.DeleteDataReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.MergeData; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.MergeDataReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadData; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadDataReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadyTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadyTransactionReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.WriteData; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.WriteDataReply; import; import; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class ShardTransactionTest extends AbstractActorTest { private static ListeningExecutorService storeExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); private static final InMemoryDOMDataStore store = new InMemoryDOMDataStore("OPER", storeExecutor); static { store.onGlobalContextUpdated(TestModel.createTestContext()); } @Test public void testOnReceiveReadData() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testReadData"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new ReadData(InstanceIdentifier.builder().build()), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof ReadDataReply) { if (((ReadDataReply) in).getNormalizedNode() != null) { return "match"; } return null; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } @Test public void testOnReceiveWriteData() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testWriteData"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new WriteData(TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode(TestModel.TEST_QNAME)), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof WriteDataReply) { return "match"; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } @Test public void testOnReceiveMergeData() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testMergeData"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new MergeData(TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode(TestModel.TEST_QNAME)), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof MergeDataReply) { return "match"; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } @Test public void testOnReceiveDeleteData() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testDeleteData"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new DeleteData(TestModel.TEST_PATH), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof DeleteDataReply) { return "match"; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } @Test public void testOnReceiveReadyTransaction() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testReadyTransaction"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new ReadyTransaction(), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof ReadyTransactionReply) { return "match"; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } @Test public void testOnReceiveCloseTransaction() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ final Props props = ShardTransaction.props(store.newReadWriteTransaction()); final ActorRef subject = getSystem().actorOf(props, "testCloseTransaction"); new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { subject.tell(new CloseTransaction(), getRef()); final String out = new ExpectMsg("match hint") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected String match(Object in) { if (in instanceof CloseTransactionReply) { return "match"; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); // this extracts the received message assertEquals("match", out); expectNoMsg(); } }; }}; } }