package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent implements AsyncDataChangeEvent> { private static final RemoveEventFactory REMOVE_EVENT_FACTORY = new RemoveEventFactory(); private static final CreateEventFactory CREATE_EVENT_FACTORY = new CreateEventFactory(); private final NormalizedNode original; private final NormalizedNode updated; private final Map> originalData; private final Map> createdData; private final Map> updatedData; private final Set removedPaths; private final DataChangeScope scope; private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent(final Builder change) { original = change.before; updated = change.after; originalData =; createdData =; updatedData =; removedPaths =; scope = change.scope; } public static final Builder builder(final DataChangeScope scope) { return new Builder(scope); } protected DataChangeScope getScope() { return scope; } @Override public NormalizedNode getOriginalSubtree() { return original; } @Override public NormalizedNode getUpdatedSubtree() { return updated; } @Override public Map> getOriginalData() { return originalData; } @Override public Map> getCreatedData() { return createdData; } @Override public Map> getUpdatedData() { return updatedData; } @Override public Set getRemovedPaths() { return removedPaths; } @Override public String toString() { return "DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent [created=" + createdData.keySet() + ", updated=" + updatedData.keySet() + ", removed=" + removedPaths + "]"; } /** * Simple event factory which creates event based on path and data * * */ public interface SimpleEventFactory { DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent create(InstanceIdentifier path, NormalizedNode data); } /** * Event factory which takes after state and creates event for it. * * Factory for events based on path and after state. * After state is set as {@link #getUpdatedSubtree()} and is path, * state mapping is also present in {@link #getUpdatedData()}. * * @return */ public static final SimpleEventFactory getCreateEventFactory() { return CREATE_EVENT_FACTORY; } /** * Event factory which takes before state and creates event for it. * * Factory for events based on path and after state. * After state is set as {@link #getOriginalSubtree()} and is path, * state mapping is also present in {@link #getOriginalSubtree()}. * * Path is present in {@link #getRemovedPaths()}. * @return */ public static final SimpleEventFactory getRemoveEventFactory() { return REMOVE_EVENT_FACTORY; } public static class Builder { public DataChangeScope scope; private NormalizedNode after; private NormalizedNode before; private final ImmutableMap.Builder> original = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableMap.Builder> created = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableMap.Builder> updated = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableSet.Builder removed = ImmutableSet.builder(); private Builder(final DataChangeScope scope) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(scope, "Data change scope should not be null."); this.scope = scope; } public Builder setAfter(final NormalizedNode node) { after = node; return this; } public DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent build() { return new DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent(this); } public void merge(final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent nestedChanges) { original.putAll(nestedChanges.getOriginalData()); created.putAll(nestedChanges.getCreatedData()); updated.putAll(nestedChanges.getUpdatedData()); removed.addAll(nestedChanges.getRemovedPaths()); } public Builder setBefore(final NormalizedNode node) { this.before = node; return this; } public Builder addCreated(final InstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode node) { created.put(path, node); return this; } public Builder addRemoved(final InstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode node) { original.put(path, node); removed.add(path); return this; } public Builder addUpdated(final InstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode before, final NormalizedNode after) { original.put(path, before); updated.put(path, after); return this; } } private static final class RemoveEventFactory implements SimpleEventFactory { @Override public DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent create(final InstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode data) { return builder(DataChangeScope.BASE) // .setBefore(data) // .addRemoved(path, data) // .build(); } } private static final class CreateEventFactory implements SimpleEventFactory { @Override public DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent create(final InstanceIdentifier path, final NormalizedNode data) { return builder(DataChangeScope.BASE) // .setAfter(data) // .addCreated(path, data) // .build(); } } }