/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl; import static org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.builder; import static org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.StoreUtils.append; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.AsyncDataBroker.DataChangeScope; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.Builder; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.SimpleEventFactory; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.tree.ListenerTree; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.tree.ListenerTree.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.tree.ListenerTree.Walker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.tree.NodeModification; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.store.impl.tree.StoreMetadataNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.NodeWithValue; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.PathArgument; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.NormalizedNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.NormalizedNodeContainer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; /** * * Resolve Data Change Events based on modifications and listeners * * Computes data change events for all affected registered listeners in data * tree. * * Prerequisites for computation is to set all parameters properly: * * */ public class ResolveDataChangeEventsTask implements Callable> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResolveDataChangeEventsTask.class); private static final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent NO_CHANGE = builder(DataChangeScope.BASE).build(); private InstanceIdentifier rootPath; private ListenerTree listenerRoot; private NodeModification modificationRoot; private Optional beforeRoot; private Optional afterRoot; private final Multimap events = HashMultimap.create(); protected InstanceIdentifier getRootPath() { return rootPath; } protected ResolveDataChangeEventsTask setRootPath(final InstanceIdentifier rootPath) { this.rootPath = rootPath; return this; } protected ListenerTree getListenerRoot() { return listenerRoot; } protected ResolveDataChangeEventsTask setListenerRoot(final ListenerTree listenerRoot) { this.listenerRoot = listenerRoot; return this; } protected NodeModification getModificationRoot() { return modificationRoot; } protected ResolveDataChangeEventsTask setModificationRoot(final NodeModification modificationRoot) { this.modificationRoot = modificationRoot; return this; } protected Optional getBeforeRoot() { return beforeRoot; } protected ResolveDataChangeEventsTask setBeforeRoot(final Optional beforeRoot) { this.beforeRoot = beforeRoot; return this; } protected Optional getAfterRoot() { return afterRoot; } protected ResolveDataChangeEventsTask setAfterRoot(final Optional afterRoot) { this.afterRoot = afterRoot; return this; } /** * Resolves and creates Notification Tasks * * Implementation of done as Map-Reduce with two steps: 1. resolving events * and their mapping to listeners 2. merging events affecting same listener * * @return Iterable of Notification Tasks which needs to be executed in * order to delivery data change events. */ @Override public Iterable call() { LOG.trace("Resolving events for {}", modificationRoot); try (final Walker w = listenerRoot.getWalker()) { resolveAnyChangeEvent(rootPath, Collections.singleton(w.getRootNode()), modificationRoot, beforeRoot, afterRoot); return createNotificationTasks(); } } /** * * Walks map of listeners to data change events, creates notification * delivery tasks. * * Walks map of registered and affected listeners and creates notification * tasks from set of listeners and events to be delivered. * * If set of listeners has more then one event (applicable to wildcarded * listeners), merges all data change events into one, final which contains * all separate updates. * * Dispatch between merge variant and reuse variant of notification task is * done in * {@link #addNotificationTask(com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder, Node, Collection)} * * @return Collection of notification tasks. */ private Collection createNotificationTasks() { ImmutableList.Builder taskListBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Entry> entry : events.asMap().entrySet()) { addNotificationTask(taskListBuilder, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return taskListBuilder.build(); } /** * Adds notification task to task list. * * If entry collection contains one event, this event is reused and added to * notification tasks for listeners (see * {@link #addNotificationTaskByScope(com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder, Node, DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent)} * . Otherwise events are merged by scope and distributed between listeners * to particular scope. See * {@link #addNotificationTasksAndMergeEvents(com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder, Node, Collection)} * . * * @param taskListBuilder * @param listeners * @param entries */ private static void addNotificationTask(final ImmutableList.Builder taskListBuilder, final ListenerTree.Node listeners, final Collection entries) { if (!entries.isEmpty()) { if (entries.size() == 1) { addNotificationTaskByScope(taskListBuilder, listeners, Iterables.getOnlyElement(entries)); } else { addNotificationTasksAndMergeEvents(taskListBuilder, listeners, entries); } } } /** * * Add notification deliveries task to the listener. * * * @param taskListBuilder * @param listeners * @param event */ private static void addNotificationTaskByScope( final ImmutableList.Builder taskListBuilder, final ListenerTree.Node listeners, final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent event) { DataChangeScope eventScope = event.getScope(); for (DataChangeListenerRegistration listenerReg : listeners.getListeners()) { DataChangeScope listenerScope = listenerReg.getScope(); List> listenerSet = Collections .> singletonList(listenerReg); if (eventScope == DataChangeScope.BASE) { taskListBuilder.add(new ChangeListenerNotifyTask(listenerSet, event)); } else if (eventScope == DataChangeScope.ONE && listenerScope != DataChangeScope.BASE) { taskListBuilder.add(new ChangeListenerNotifyTask(listenerSet, event)); } else if (eventScope == DataChangeScope.SUBTREE && listenerScope == DataChangeScope.SUBTREE) { taskListBuilder.add(new ChangeListenerNotifyTask(listenerSet, event)); } } } /** * * Add notification tasks with merged event * * Separate Events by scope and creates merged notification tasks for each * and every scope which is present. * * Adds merged events to task list based on scope requested by client. * * @param taskListBuilder * @param listeners * @param entries */ private static void addNotificationTasksAndMergeEvents( final ImmutableList.Builder taskListBuilder, final ListenerTree.Node listeners, final Collection entries) { final Builder baseBuilder = builder(DataChangeScope.BASE); final Builder oneBuilder = builder(DataChangeScope.ONE); final Builder subtreeBuilder = builder(DataChangeScope.SUBTREE); boolean baseModified = false; boolean oneModified = false; boolean subtreeModified = false; for (final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent entry : entries) { switch (entry.getScope()) { // Absence of breaks is intentional here. Subtree contains base and // one, one also contains base case BASE: baseBuilder.merge(entry); baseModified = true; case ONE: oneBuilder.merge(entry); oneModified = true; case SUBTREE: subtreeBuilder.merge(entry); subtreeModified = true; } } if (baseModified) { addNotificationTaskExclusively(taskListBuilder, listeners, baseBuilder.build()); } if (oneModified) { addNotificationTaskExclusively(taskListBuilder, listeners, oneBuilder.build()); } if (subtreeModified) { addNotificationTaskExclusively(taskListBuilder, listeners, subtreeBuilder.build()); } } private static void addNotificationTaskExclusively( final ImmutableList.Builder taskListBuilder, final Node listeners, final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent event) { for (DataChangeListenerRegistration listener : listeners.getListeners()) { if (listener.getScope() == event.getScope()) { Set> listenerSet = Collections .> singleton(listener); taskListBuilder.add(new ChangeListenerNotifyTask(listenerSet, event)); } } } /** * Resolves data change event for supplied node * * @param path * Path to current node in tree * @param listeners * Collection of Listener registration nodes interested in * subtree * @param modification * Modification of current node * @param before * - Original (before) state of current node * @param after * - After state of current node * @return Data Change Event of this node and all it's children */ private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveAnyChangeEvent(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NodeModification modification, final Optional before, final Optional after) { // No listeners are present in listener registration subtree // no before and after state is present if (!before.isPresent() && !after.isPresent()) { return NO_CHANGE; } switch (modification.getModificationType()) { case SUBTREE_MODIFIED: return resolveSubtreeChangeEvent(path, listeners, modification, before.get(), after.get()); case MERGE: case WRITE: if (before.isPresent()) { return resolveReplacedEvent(path, listeners, before.get().getData(), after.get().getData()); } else { return resolveCreateEvent(path, listeners, after.get()); } case DELETE: return resolveDeleteEvent(path, listeners, before.get()); default: return NO_CHANGE; } } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveReplacedEvent(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NormalizedNode beforeData, final NormalizedNode afterData) { if (beforeData instanceof NormalizedNodeContainer) { // Node is container (contains child) and we have interested // listeners registered for it, that means we need to do // resolution of changes on children level and can not // shortcut resolution. LOG.trace("Resolving subtree replace event for {} before {}, after {}",path,beforeData,afterData); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NormalizedNodeContainer> beforeCont = (NormalizedNodeContainer>) beforeData; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NormalizedNodeContainer> afterCont = (NormalizedNodeContainer>) afterData; return resolveNodeContainerReplaced(path, listeners, beforeCont, afterCont); } else if (!beforeData.equals(afterData)) { // Node is either of Leaf type (does not contain child nodes) // or we do not have listeners, so normal equals method is // sufficient for determining change. LOG.trace("Resolving leaf replace event for {} , before {}, after {}",path,beforeData,afterData); DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent event = builder(DataChangeScope.BASE).setBefore(beforeData).setAfter(afterData) .addUpdated(path, beforeData, afterData).build(); addPartialTask(listeners, event); return event; } else { return NO_CHANGE; } } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveNodeContainerReplaced(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NormalizedNodeContainer> beforeCont, final NormalizedNodeContainer> afterCont) { final Set alreadyProcessed = new HashSet<>(); final List childChanges = new LinkedList<>(); DataChangeScope potentialScope = DataChangeScope.BASE; // We look at all children from before and compare it with after state. for (NormalizedNode beforeChild : beforeCont.getValue()) { PathArgument childId = beforeChild.getIdentifier(); alreadyProcessed.add(childId); InstanceIdentifier childPath = append(path, childId); Collection childListeners = getListenerChildrenWildcarded(listeners, childId); Optional> afterChild = afterCont.getChild(childId); DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent childChange = resolveNodeContainerChildUpdated(childPath, childListeners, beforeChild, afterChild); // If change is empty (equals to NO_CHANGE) if (childChange != NO_CHANGE) { childChanges.add(childChange); } } for (NormalizedNode afterChild : afterCont.getValue()) { PathArgument childId = afterChild.getIdentifier(); if (!alreadyProcessed.contains(childId)) { // We did not processed that child already // and it was not present in previous loop, that means it is // created. Collection childListeners = getListenerChildrenWildcarded(listeners, childId); InstanceIdentifier childPath = append(path,childId); childChanges.add(resolveSameEventRecursivelly(childPath , childListeners, afterChild, DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.getCreateEventFactory())); } } if (childChanges.isEmpty()) { return NO_CHANGE; } Builder eventBuilder = builder(potentialScope) // .setBefore(beforeCont) // .setAfter(afterCont) .addUpdated(path, beforeCont, afterCont); for (DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent childChange : childChanges) { eventBuilder.merge(childChange); } DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent replaceEvent = eventBuilder.build(); addPartialTask(listeners, replaceEvent); return replaceEvent; } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveNodeContainerChildUpdated(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NormalizedNode before, final Optional> after) { if (after.isPresent()) { // REPLACE or SUBTREE Modified return resolveReplacedEvent(path, listeners, before, after.get()); } else { // AFTER state is not present - child was deleted. return resolveSameEventRecursivelly(path, listeners, before, DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.getRemoveEventFactory()); } } /** * Resolves create events deep down the interest listener tree. * * * @param path * @param listeners * @param afterState * @return */ private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveCreateEvent(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final StoreMetadataNode afterState) { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final NormalizedNode node = (NormalizedNode) afterState.getData(); return resolveSameEventRecursivelly(path, listeners, node, DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.getCreateEventFactory()); } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveDeleteEvent(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final StoreMetadataNode beforeState) { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final NormalizedNode node = (NormalizedNode) beforeState.getData(); return resolveSameEventRecursivelly(path, listeners, node, DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent.getRemoveEventFactory()); } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveSameEventRecursivelly(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NormalizedNode node, final SimpleEventFactory eventFactory) { final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent event = eventFactory.create(path, node); DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent propagateEvent = event; // We have listeners for this node or it's children, so we will try // to do additional processing if (node instanceof NormalizedNodeContainer) { LOG.trace("Resolving subtree recursive event for {}, type {}", path, eventFactory); Builder eventBuilder = builder(DataChangeScope.BASE); eventBuilder.merge(event); eventBuilder.setBefore(event.getOriginalSubtree()); eventBuilder.setAfter(event.getUpdatedSubtree()); // Node has children, so we will try to resolve it's children // changes. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NormalizedNodeContainer> container = (NormalizedNodeContainer>) node; for (NormalizedNode child : container.getValue()) { PathArgument childId = child.getIdentifier(); LOG.trace("Resolving event for child {}", childId); Collection childListeners = getListenerChildrenWildcarded(listeners, childId); eventBuilder.merge(resolveSameEventRecursivelly(append(path, childId), childListeners, child, eventFactory)); } propagateEvent = eventBuilder.build(); } else { // We do not dispatch leaf events since Binding Aware components do not support them. propagateEvent = builder(DataChangeScope.BASE).build(); } if (!listeners.isEmpty()) { addPartialTask(listeners, propagateEvent); } return propagateEvent; } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent resolveSubtreeChangeEvent(final InstanceIdentifier path, final Collection listeners, final NodeModification modification, final StoreMetadataNode before, final StoreMetadataNode after) { Builder one = builder(DataChangeScope.ONE).setBefore(before.getData()).setAfter(after.getData()); Builder subtree = builder(DataChangeScope.SUBTREE).setBefore(before.getData()).setAfter(after.getData()); for (NodeModification childMod : modification.getModifications()) { PathArgument childId = childMod.getIdentifier(); InstanceIdentifier childPath = append(path, childId); Collection childListeners = getListenerChildrenWildcarded(listeners, childId); Optional childBefore = before.getChild(childId); Optional childAfter = after.getChild(childId); switch (childMod.getModificationType()) { case WRITE: case MERGE: case DELETE: one.merge(resolveAnyChangeEvent(childPath, childListeners, childMod, childBefore, childAfter)); break; case SUBTREE_MODIFIED: subtree.merge(resolveSubtreeChangeEvent(childPath, childListeners, childMod, childBefore.get(), childAfter.get())); break; case UNMODIFIED: // no-op break; } } DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent oneChangeEvent = one.build(); subtree.merge(oneChangeEvent); DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent subtreeEvent = subtree.build(); if (!listeners.isEmpty()) { addPartialTask(listeners, oneChangeEvent); addPartialTask(listeners, subtreeEvent); } return subtreeEvent; } private DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent addPartialTask(final Collection listeners, final DOMImmutableDataChangeEvent event) { for (ListenerTree.Node listenerNode : listeners) { if (!listenerNode.getListeners().isEmpty()) { LOG.trace("Adding event {} for listeners {}",event,listenerNode); events.put(listenerNode, event); } } return event; } private static Collection getListenerChildrenWildcarded(final Collection parentNodes, final PathArgument child) { if (parentNodes.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder result = ImmutableList.builder(); if (child instanceof NodeWithValue || child instanceof NodeIdentifierWithPredicates) { NodeIdentifier wildcardedIdentifier = new NodeIdentifier(child.getNodeType()); addChildrenNodesToBuilder(result, parentNodes, wildcardedIdentifier); } addChildrenNodesToBuilder(result, parentNodes, child); return result.build(); } private static void addChildrenNodesToBuilder(final ImmutableList.Builder result, final Collection parentNodes, final PathArgument childIdentifier) { for (ListenerTree.Node node : parentNodes) { Optional child = node.getChild(childIdentifier); if (child.isPresent()) { result.add(child.get()); } } } public static ResolveDataChangeEventsTask create() { return new ResolveDataChangeEventsTask(); } }