package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import static; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.concurrent.DeadlockDetectingListeningExecutorService; import; import; import; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DOMBrokerTest { private SchemaContext schemaContext; private DOMDataBrokerImpl domBroker; private ListeningExecutorService executor; @Before public void setupStore() { InMemoryDOMDataStore operStore = new InMemoryDOMDataStore("OPER", MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); InMemoryDOMDataStore configStore = new InMemoryDOMDataStore("CFG", MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); schemaContext = TestModel.createTestContext(); operStore.onGlobalContextUpdated(schemaContext); configStore.onGlobalContextUpdated(schemaContext); ImmutableMap stores = ImmutableMap. builder() // .put(CONFIGURATION, configStore) // .put(OPERATIONAL, operStore) // .build(); executor = new DeadlockDetectingListeningExecutorService(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(), TransactionCommitDeadlockException.DEADLOCK_EXECUTOR_FUNCTION); domBroker = new DOMDataBrokerImpl(stores, executor); } @After public void tearDown() { if( executor != null ) { executor.shutdownNow(); } } @Test(timeout=10000) public void testTransactionIsolation() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { assertNotNull(domBroker); DOMDataReadTransaction readTx = domBroker.newReadOnlyTransaction(); assertNotNull(readTx); DOMDataReadWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newReadWriteTransaction(); assertNotNull(writeTx); /** * * Writes /test in writeTx * */ writeTx.put(OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode(TestModel.TEST_QNAME)); /** * * Reads /test from writeTx Read should return container. * */ ListenableFuture>> writeTxContainer =, TestModel.TEST_PATH); assertTrue(writeTxContainer.get().isPresent()); /** * * Reads /test from readTx Read should return Absent. * */ ListenableFuture>> readTxContainer = readTx .read(OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH); assertFalse(readTxContainer.get().isPresent()); } @Test(timeout=10000) public void testTransactionCommit() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { DOMDataReadWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newReadWriteTransaction(); assertNotNull(writeTx); /** * * Writes /test in writeTx * */ writeTx.put(OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode(TestModel.TEST_QNAME)); /** * * Reads /test from writeTx Read should return container. * */ ListenableFuture>> writeTxContainer =, TestModel.TEST_PATH); assertTrue(writeTxContainer.get().isPresent()); writeTx.submit().get(); Optional> afterCommitRead = domBroker.newReadOnlyTransaction() .read(OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH).get(); assertTrue(afterCommitRead.isPresent()); } /** * Tests a simple DataChangeListener notification after a write. */ @Test public void testDataChangeListener() throws Throwable { final NormalizedNode testNode = ImmutableNodes.containerNode( TestModel.TEST_QNAME ); TestDOMDataChangeListener dcListener = new TestDOMDataChangeListener(); domBroker.registerDataChangeListener( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, dcListener, DataChangeScope.BASE ); final DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction(); assertNotNull( writeTx ); writeTx.put( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, testNode ); AtomicReference caughtEx = submitTxAsync( writeTx ); dcListener.waitForChange(); if( caughtEx.get() != null ) { throw caughtEx.get(); } NormalizedNode actualNode = dcListener.change.getCreatedData().get( TestModel.TEST_PATH ); assertEquals( "Created node", testNode, actualNode ); } /** * Tests a DataChangeListener that does an async submit of a write Tx in its onDataChanged method. * This should succeed without deadlock. */ @Test public void testDataChangeListenerDoingAsyncWriteTxSubmit() throws Throwable { final AtomicReference caughtCommitEx = new AtomicReference<>(); final CountDownLatch commitCompletedLatch = new CountDownLatch( 1 ); TestDOMDataChangeListener dcListener = new TestDOMDataChangeListener() { @Override public void onDataChanged( AsyncDataChangeEvent> change ) { DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction(); writeTx.put( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST2_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode( TestModel.TEST2_QNAME ) ); Futures.addCallback( writeTx.submit(), new FutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess( Void result ) { commitCompletedLatch.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure( Throwable t ) { caughtCommitEx.set( t ); commitCompletedLatch.countDown(); } } ); super.onDataChanged( change ); } }; domBroker.registerDataChangeListener( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, dcListener, DataChangeScope.BASE ); final DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction(); assertNotNull( writeTx ); writeTx.put( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode( TestModel.TEST_QNAME ) ); AtomicReference caughtEx = submitTxAsync( writeTx ); dcListener.waitForChange(); if( caughtEx.get() != null ) { throw caughtEx.get(); } assertTrue( "Commit Future was not invoked", commitCompletedLatch.await( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ); if( caughtCommitEx.get() != null ) { throw caughtCommitEx.get(); } } /** * Tests a DataChangeListener that does a blocking submit of a write Tx in its onDataChanged method. * This should throw an exception and not deadlock. */ @Test(expected=TransactionCommitDeadlockException.class) public void testDataChangeListenerDoingBlockingWriteTxSubmit() throws Throwable { final AtomicReference caughtCommitEx = new AtomicReference<>(); TestDOMDataChangeListener dcListener = new TestDOMDataChangeListener() { @Override public void onDataChanged( AsyncDataChangeEvent> change ) { DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction(); writeTx.put( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST2_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode( TestModel.TEST2_QNAME ) ); try { writeTx.submit().get(); } catch( ExecutionException e ) { caughtCommitEx.set( e.getCause() ); } catch( Exception e ) { caughtCommitEx.set( e ); } finally { super.onDataChanged( change ); } } }; domBroker.registerDataChangeListener( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, dcListener, DataChangeScope.BASE ); final DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx = domBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction(); assertNotNull( writeTx ); writeTx.put( OPERATIONAL, TestModel.TEST_PATH, ImmutableNodes.containerNode( TestModel.TEST_QNAME ) ); AtomicReference caughtEx = submitTxAsync( writeTx ); dcListener.waitForChange(); if( caughtEx.get() != null ) { throw caughtEx.get(); } if( caughtCommitEx.get() != null ) { throw caughtCommitEx.get(); } } AtomicReference submitTxAsync( final DOMDataWriteTransaction writeTx ) { final AtomicReference caughtEx = new AtomicReference<>(); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { writeTx.submit(); } catch( Throwable e ) { caughtEx.set( e ); } } }.start(); return caughtEx; } static class TestDOMDataChangeListener implements DOMDataChangeListener { volatile AsyncDataChangeEvent> change; private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch( 1 ); @Override public void onDataChanged( AsyncDataChangeEvent> change ) { this.change = change; latch.countDown(); } void waitForChange() throws InterruptedException { assertTrue( "onDataChanged was not called", latch.await( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ); } } }