module XSQL{ yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix XSQL; import config { prefix config; revision-date 2013-04-05; } import opendaylight-md-sal-binding { prefix mdsal; revision-date 2013-10-28; } import rpc-context { prefix rpcx; revision-date 2013-06-17; } import opendaylight-md-sal-dom {prefix sal;} import opendaylight-md-sal-common {prefix common;} organization "Netconf Central"; contact "Sharon Aicler "; description "YANG version of the XSQL status"; revision "2014-06-26" { description "XSQL module initial version"; } container XSQL { presence "Indicates the XSQL service is available"; description "Container to indicate the XSQL availability"; leaf port { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The port the XSQL binds on"; } } identity XSQL { base config:module-type; config:java-name-prefix XSQL; status deprecated; } augment "/config:modules/config:module/config:configuration" { status deprecated; case XSQL { when "/config:modules/config:module/config:type = 'XSQL'"; container data-broker { uses config:service-ref { refine type { mandatory false; config:required-identity mdsal:binding-async-data-broker; } } } container async-data-broker { uses config:service-ref { refine type { mandatory false; config:required-identity sal:dom-async-data-broker; } } } container schema-service { uses config:service-ref { refine type { mandatory false; config:required-identity sal:schema-service; } } } } } }