/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.registry; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.actor.Address; import akka.actor.Props; import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent; import akka.cluster.Member; import akka.japi.Creator; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.AbstractUntypedActor; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.ActorConstants; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.AddRoutedRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.AddRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.GetRoutedRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.GetRoutedRpcReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.GetRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.GetRpcReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.RemoveRoutedRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.RemoveRpc; import org.opendaylight.controller.remote.rpc.messages.RoutingTableData; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connector.api.RpcRouter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.collection.JavaConversions; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This Actor maintains the routing table state and sync it with other nodes in the cluster. * * A scheduler runs after an interval of time, which pick a random member from the cluster * and send the current state of routing table to the member. * * when a message of routing table data is received, it gets merged with the local routing table * to keep the latest data. */ public class RpcRegistryOld extends AbstractUntypedActor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RpcRegistryOld.class); private RoutingTableOld, String> routingTable; private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); private final ClusterWrapper clusterWrapper; private final ScheduledFuture syncScheduler; private RpcRegistryOld(ClusterWrapper clusterWrapper){ this.routingTable = new RoutingTableOld<>(); this.clusterWrapper = clusterWrapper; this.syncScheduler = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new SendRoutingTable(), 10, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public static Props props(final ClusterWrapper clusterWrapper){ return Props.create(new Creator(){ @Override public RpcRegistryOld create() throws Exception { return new RpcRegistryOld(clusterWrapper); } }); } @Override protected void handleReceive(Object message) throws Exception { LOG.debug("Received message {}", message); if(message instanceof RoutingTableData) { syncRoutingTable((RoutingTableData) message); } else if(message instanceof GetRoutedRpc) { getRoutedRpc((GetRoutedRpc) message); } else if(message instanceof GetRpc) { getRpc((GetRpc) message); } else if(message instanceof AddRpc) { addRpc((AddRpc) message); } else if(message instanceof RemoveRpc) { removeRpc((RemoveRpc) message); } else if(message instanceof AddRoutedRpc) { addRoutedRpc((AddRoutedRpc) message); } else if(message instanceof RemoveRoutedRpc) { removeRoutedRpc((RemoveRoutedRpc) message); } } private void getRoutedRpc(GetRoutedRpc rpcMsg){ LOG.debug("Get latest routed Rpc location from routing table {}", rpcMsg); String remoteActorPath = routingTable.getLastAddedRoutedRpc(rpcMsg.getRouteId()); GetRoutedRpcReply routedRpcReply = new GetRoutedRpcReply(remoteActorPath); getSender().tell(routedRpcReply, self()); } private void getRpc(GetRpc rpcMsg) { LOG.debug("Get global Rpc location from routing table {}", rpcMsg); String remoteActorPath = routingTable.getGlobalRoute(rpcMsg.getRouteId()); GetRpcReply rpcReply = new GetRpcReply(remoteActorPath); getSender().tell(rpcReply, self()); } private void addRpc(AddRpc rpcMsg) { LOG.debug("Add Rpc to routing table {}", rpcMsg); routingTable.addGlobalRoute(rpcMsg.getRouteId(), rpcMsg.getActorPath()); getSender().tell("Success", self()); } private void removeRpc(RemoveRpc rpcMsg) { LOG.debug("Removing Rpc to routing table {}", rpcMsg); routingTable.removeGlobalRoute(rpcMsg.getRouteId()); getSender().tell("Success", self()); } private void addRoutedRpc(AddRoutedRpc rpcMsg) { routingTable.addRoutedRpcs(rpcMsg.getAnnouncements(), rpcMsg.getActorPath()); getSender().tell("Success", self()); } private void removeRoutedRpc(RemoveRoutedRpc rpcMsg) { routingTable.removeRoutes(rpcMsg.getAnnouncements(), rpcMsg.getActorPath()); getSender().tell("Success", self()); } private void syncRoutingTable(RoutingTableData routingTableData) { LOG.debug("Syncing routing table {}", routingTableData); Map, String> newRpcMap = routingTableData.getRpcMap(); Set> routeIds = newRpcMap.keySet(); for(RpcRouter.RouteIdentifier routeId : routeIds) { routingTable.addGlobalRoute(routeId, newRpcMap.get(routeId)); } Map, LinkedHashSet> newRoutedRpcMap = routingTableData.getRoutedRpcMap(); routeIds = newRoutedRpcMap.keySet(); for(RpcRouter.RouteIdentifier routeId : routeIds) { Set routeAddresses = newRoutedRpcMap.get(routeId); for(String routeAddress : routeAddresses) { routingTable.addRoutedRpc(routeId, routeAddress); } } } private ActorSelection getRandomRegistryActor() { ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState clusterState = clusterWrapper.getState(); ActorSelection actor = null; Set members = JavaConversions.asJavaSet(clusterState.members()); int memberSize = members.size(); // Don't select yourself if(memberSize > 1) { Address currentNodeAddress = clusterWrapper.getAddress(); int index = new Random().nextInt(memberSize); int i = 0; // keeping previous member, in case when random index member is same as current actor // and current actor member is last in set Member previousMember = null; for(Member member : members){ if(i == index-1) { previousMember = member; } if(i == index) { if(!currentNodeAddress.equals(member.address())) { actor = this.context().actorSelection(member.address() + ActorConstants.RPC_REGISTRY_PATH); break; } else if(index < memberSize-1){ // pick the next element in the set index++; } } i++; } if(actor == null && previousMember != null) { actor = this.context().actorSelection(previousMember.address() + ActorConstants.RPC_REGISTRY_PATH); } } return actor; } private class SendRoutingTable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { RoutingTableData routingTableData = new RoutingTableData(routingTable.getGlobalRpcMap(), routingTable.getRoutedRpcMap()); LOG.debug("Sending routing table for sync {}", routingTableData); ActorSelection actor = getRandomRegistryActor(); if(actor != null) { actor.tell(routingTableData, self()); } } } }