package; import static; import; import java.util.*; import javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException; import; import; import; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.*; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.*; import; import; class JsonMapper { private final Set foundLeafLists = new HashSet<>(); private final Set foundLists = new HashSet<>(); public void write(JsonWriter writer, CompositeNode data, DataNodeContainer schema) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(writer); Preconditions.checkNotNull(data); Preconditions.checkNotNull(schema); writer.beginObject(); if (schema instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { writeContainer(writer, data, (ContainerSchemaNode) schema); } else if (schema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { writeList(writer, data, (ListSchemaNode) schema); } else { throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException( "Schema can be ContainerSchemaNode or ListSchemaNode. Other types are not supported yet."); } writer.endObject(); foundLeafLists.clear(); foundLists.clear(); } private void writeChildrenOfParent(JsonWriter writer, CompositeNode parent, DataNodeContainer parentSchema) throws IOException { checkNotNull(parent); checkNotNull(parentSchema); for (Node child : parent.getChildren()) { DataSchemaNode childSchema = findFirstSchemaForNode(child, parentSchema.getChildNodes()); if (childSchema == null) { throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException("Probably the data node \"" + child.getNodeType().getLocalName() + "\" is not conform to schema"); } if (childSchema instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { Preconditions.checkState(child instanceof CompositeNode, "Data representation of Container should be CompositeNode - " + child.getNodeType()); writeContainer(writer, (CompositeNode) child, (ContainerSchemaNode) childSchema); } else if (childSchema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { if (!foundLists.contains(childSchema)) { Preconditions.checkState(child instanceof CompositeNode, "Data representation of List should be CompositeNode - " + child.getNodeType()); foundLists.add((ListSchemaNode) childSchema); writeList(writer, (CompositeNode) child, (ListSchemaNode) childSchema); } } else if (childSchema instanceof LeafListSchemaNode) { if (!foundLeafLists.contains(childSchema)) { Preconditions.checkState(child instanceof SimpleNode, "Data representation of LeafList should be SimpleNode - " + child.getNodeType()); foundLeafLists.add((LeafListSchemaNode) childSchema); writeLeafList(writer, (SimpleNode) child, (LeafListSchemaNode) childSchema); } } else if (childSchema instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { Preconditions.checkState(child instanceof SimpleNode, "Data representation of LeafList should be SimpleNode - " + child.getNodeType()); writeLeaf(writer, (SimpleNode) child, (LeafSchemaNode) childSchema); } else { throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException("Schema can be ContainerSchemaNode, ListSchemaNode, " + "LeafListSchemaNode, or LeafSchemaNode. Other types are not supported yet."); } } for (Node child : parent.getChildren()) { DataSchemaNode childSchema = findFirstSchemaForNode(child, parentSchema.getChildNodes()); if (childSchema instanceof LeafListSchemaNode) { foundLeafLists.remove((LeafListSchemaNode) childSchema); } else if (childSchema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { foundLists.remove((ListSchemaNode) childSchema); } } } private DataSchemaNode findFirstSchemaForNode(Node node, Set dataSchemaNode) { for (DataSchemaNode dsn : dataSchemaNode) { if (node.getNodeType().getLocalName().equals(dsn.getQName().getLocalName())) { return dsn; } } return null; } private void writeContainer(JsonWriter writer, CompositeNode node, ContainerSchemaNode schema) throws IOException {; writer.beginObject(); writeChildrenOfParent(writer, node, schema); writer.endObject(); } private void writeList(JsonWriter writer, CompositeNode node, ListSchemaNode schema) throws IOException {; writer.beginArray(); if (node.getParent() != null) { CompositeNode parent = node.getParent(); List nodeLists = parent.getCompositesByName(node.getNodeType()); for (CompositeNode nodeList : nodeLists) { writer.beginObject(); writeChildrenOfParent(writer, nodeList, schema); writer.endObject(); } } else { writer.beginObject(); writeChildrenOfParent(writer, node, schema); writer.endObject(); } writer.endArray(); } private void writeLeafList(JsonWriter writer, SimpleNode node, LeafListSchemaNode schema) throws IOException {; writer.beginArray(); CompositeNode parent = node.getParent(); List> nodeLeafLists = parent.getSimpleNodesByName(node.getNodeType()); for (SimpleNode nodeLeafList : nodeLeafLists) { writeValueOfNodeByType(writer, nodeLeafList, schema.getType()); } writer.endArray(); } private void writeLeaf(JsonWriter writer, SimpleNode node, LeafSchemaNode schema) throws IOException {; writeValueOfNodeByType(writer, node, schema.getType()); } private void writeValueOfNodeByType(JsonWriter writer, SimpleNode node, TypeDefinition type) throws IOException { if (!(node.getValue() instanceof String)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Value in SimpleNode should be type String"); } String value = (String) node.getValue(); // TODO check Leafref, InstanceIdentifierTypeDefinition, // IdentityrefTypeDefinition, UnionTypeDefinition TypeDefinition baseType = resolveBaseTypeFrom(type); if (baseType instanceof InstanceIdentifierTypeDefinition) { writer.value(((InstanceIdentifierTypeDefinition) baseType).getPathStatement().toString()); } else if (baseType instanceof UnionTypeDefinition) { processTypeIsUnionType(writer, (UnionTypeDefinition) baseType, value); } else if (baseType instanceof DecimalTypeDefinition || baseType instanceof IntegerTypeDefinition || baseType instanceof UnsignedIntegerTypeDefinition) { writer.value(new NumberForJsonWriter(value)); } else if (baseType instanceof BooleanTypeDefinition) { writer.value(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); } else if (baseType instanceof EmptyTypeDefinition) { writeEmptyDataTypeToJson(writer); } else { writer.value(value != null ? value : ""); } } private void processTypeIsUnionType(JsonWriter writer, UnionTypeDefinition unionType, String value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { writeEmptyDataTypeToJson(writer); } else if ((isNumber(value)) && containsType(unionType, UnsignedIntegerTypeDefinition.class, IntegerTypeDefinition.class, DecimalTypeDefinition.class)) { writer.value(new NumberForJsonWriter(value)); } else if (isBoolean(value) && containsType(unionType, BooleanTypeDefinition.class)) { writer.value(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); } else { writer.value(value); } } private boolean isBoolean(String value) { if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("false")) { return true; } return false; } private void writeEmptyDataTypeToJson(JsonWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.beginArray(); writer.nullValue(); writer.endArray(); } private boolean isNumber(String value) { try { Double.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } return true; } private boolean containsType(UnionTypeDefinition unionType, Class... searchedTypes) { List> allUnionSubtypes = resolveAllUnionSubtypesFrom(unionType); for (TypeDefinition unionSubtype : allUnionSubtypes) { for (Class searchedType : searchedTypes) { if (searchedType.isInstance(unionSubtype)) { return true; } } } return false; } private List> resolveAllUnionSubtypesFrom(UnionTypeDefinition inputType) { List> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (TypeDefinition subtype : inputType.getTypes()) { TypeDefinition resolvedSubtype = subtype; resolvedSubtype = resolveBaseTypeFrom(subtype); if (resolvedSubtype instanceof UnionTypeDefinition) { List> subtypesFromRecursion = resolveAllUnionSubtypesFrom((UnionTypeDefinition) resolvedSubtype); result.addAll(subtypesFromRecursion); } else { result.add(resolvedSubtype); } } return result; } private TypeDefinition resolveBaseTypeFrom(TypeDefinition type) { return type.getBaseType() != null ? resolveBaseTypeFrom(type.getBaseType()) : type; } private static final class NumberForJsonWriter extends Number { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3147729419814417666L; private final String value; public NumberForJsonWriter(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public int intValue() { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be invoked"); } @Override public long longValue() { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be invoked"); } @Override public float floatValue() { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be invoked"); } @Override public double doubleValue() { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be invoked"); } @Override public String toString() { return value; } } }