package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.restconf.impl import import import import import import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.api.model.SchemaServiceListener import import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import import import import import import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.RpcDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.LeafrefTypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.SchemaContextUtil import static* class ControllerContext implements SchemaServiceListener { val static ControllerContext INSTANCE = new ControllerContext val static NULL_VALUE = "null" var SchemaContext schemas; private val BiMap uriToModuleName = HashBiMap.create(); private val Map moduleNameToUri = uriToModuleName.inverse(); private val Map qnameToRpc = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private new() { if (INSTANCE !== null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already instantiated"); } } static def getInstance() { return INSTANCE } private def void checkPreconditions() { if (schemas === null) { throw new ResponseException(Response.Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, RestconfProvider::NOT_INITALIZED_MSG) } } def setSchemas(SchemaContext schemas) { onGlobalContextUpdated(schemas) } public def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode toInstanceIdentifier(String restconfInstance) { val ret = InstanceIdentifier.builder(); val pathArgs = restconfInstance.split("/"); if (pathArgs.empty) { return null; } if (pathArgs.head.empty) { pathArgs.remove(0) } val schemaNode = ret.collectPathArguments(pathArgs, restconfInstance.findModule); if (schemaNode === null) { return null } return new InstanceIdWithSchemaNode(ret.toInstance, schemaNode) } private def findModule(String restconfInstance) { checkPreconditions checkNotNull(restconfInstance); val pathArgs = restconfInstance.split("/"); if (pathArgs.empty) { return null; } val modulWithFirstYangStatement = pathArgs.filter[s|s.contains(":")].head val startModule = modulWithFirstYangStatement.toModuleName(); return getLatestModule(startModule) } private def getLatestModule(String moduleName) { checkPreconditions checkArgument(moduleName !== null && !moduleName.empty) val modules = schemas.modules.filter[m| == moduleName] var latestModule = modules.head for (module : modules) { if (module.revision.after(latestModule.revision)) { latestModule = module } } return latestModule } def String toFullRestconfIdentifier(InstanceIdentifier path) { checkPreconditions val elements = path.path; val ret = new StringBuilder(); val startQName = elements.get(0).nodeType; val initialModule = schemas.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(startQName.namespace, startQName.revision) var node = initialModule as DataSchemaNode; for (element : elements) { node = node.childByQName(element.nodeType); ret.append(element.toRestconfIdentifier(node)); } return ret.toString } private def dispatch CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(NodeIdentifier argument, DataSchemaNode node) { '''/«argument.nodeType.toRestconfIdentifier()»''' } private def dispatch CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(NodeIdentifierWithPredicates argument, ListSchemaNode node) { val nodeIdentifier = argument.nodeType.toRestconfIdentifier(); val keyValues = argument.keyValues; return '''/«nodeIdentifier»/«FOR key : node.keyDefinition SEPARATOR "/"»«keyValues.get(key).toUriString»«ENDFOR»''' } private def dispatch CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(PathArgument argument, DataSchemaNode node) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conversion of generic path argument is not supported"); } def findModuleByNamespace(URI namespace) { checkPreconditions var module = uriToModuleName.get(namespace) if (module === null) { val moduleSchemas = schemas.findModuleByNamespace(namespace); if(moduleSchemas === null) throw new IllegalArgumentException() var latestModule = moduleSchemas.head for (m : moduleSchemas) { if (m.revision.after(latestModule.revision)) { latestModule = m } } if(latestModule === null) throw new IllegalArgumentException() uriToModuleName.put(namespace, module =; } return module } def CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(QName qname) { checkPreconditions var module = uriToModuleName.get(qname.namespace) if (module === null) { val moduleSchema = schemas.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(qname.namespace, qname.revision); if(moduleSchema === null) throw new IllegalArgumentException() uriToModuleName.put(qname.namespace, module =; } return '''«module»:«qname.localName»'''; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ChoiceNode container, QName name) { for (caze : container.cases) { val ret = caze.childByQName(name) if (ret !== null) { return ret; } } return null; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ChoiceCaseNode container, QName name) { val ret = container.getDataChildByName(name); return ret; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ContainerSchemaNode container, QName name) { return container.dataNodeChildByQName(name); } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ListSchemaNode container, QName name) { return container.dataNodeChildByQName(name); } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(DataSchemaNode container, QName name) { return null; } private static def DataSchemaNode dataNodeChildByQName(DataNodeContainer container, QName name) { var ret = container.getDataChildByName(name); if (ret === null) { // Find in Choice Cases for (node : container.childNodes) { if (node instanceof ChoiceCaseNode) { val caseNode = (node as ChoiceCaseNode); ret = caseNode.childByQName(name); if (ret !== null) { return ret; } } } } return ret; } private def toUriString(Object object) { if(object === null) return ""; return URLEncoder.encode(object.toString) } private def DataSchemaNode collectPathArguments(InstanceIdentifierBuilder builder, List strings, DataNodeContainer parentNode) { checkNotNull(strings) if (parentNode === null) { return null; } if (strings.empty) { return parentNode as DataSchemaNode; } val nodeRef = strings.head; val nodeName = nodeRef.toNodeName(); val targetNode = parentNode.getDataChildByName(nodeName); if (targetNode === null) { val children = parentNode.childNodes for (child : children) { if (child instanceof ChoiceNode) { val choice = child as ChoiceNode for (caze : choice.cases) { val result = builder.collectPathArguments(strings, caze as DataNodeContainer); if (result !== null) return result } } } return null } if (targetNode instanceof ChoiceNode) { return null } // Number of consumed elements var consumed = 1; if (targetNode instanceof ListSchemaNode) { val listNode = targetNode as ListSchemaNode; val keysSize = listNode.keyDefinition.size // every key has to be filled if ((strings.length - consumed) < keysSize) { return null; } val uriKeyValues = strings.subList(consumed, consumed + keysSize); val keyValues = new HashMap(); var i = 0; for (key : listNode.keyDefinition) { val uriKeyValue = uriKeyValues.get(i); // key value cannot be NULL if (uriKeyValue.equals(NULL_VALUE)) { return null } keyValues.addKeyValue(listNode.getDataChildByName(key), uriKeyValue); i = i + 1; } consumed = consumed + i; builder.nodeWithKey(targetNode.QName, keyValues); } else { // Only one instance of node is allowed builder.node(targetNode.QName); } if (targetNode instanceof DataNodeContainer) { val remaining = strings.subList(consumed, strings.length); val result = builder.collectPathArguments(remaining, targetNode as DataNodeContainer); return result } return targetNode } private def void addKeyValue(HashMap map, DataSchemaNode node, String uriValue) { checkNotNull(uriValue); checkArgument(node instanceof LeafSchemaNode); val decoded = URLDecoder.decode(uriValue); map.put(node.QName, decoded); } private def String toModuleName(String str) { checkNotNull(str) if (str.contains(":")) { val args = str.split(":"); checkArgument(args.size === 2); return args.get(0); } else { return null; } } private def String toNodeName(String str) { if (str.contains(":")) { val args = str.split(":"); checkArgument(args.size === 2); return args.get(1); } else { return str; } } private def QName toQName(String name) { val module = name.toModuleName; val node = name.toNodeName; val namespace = moduleNameToUri.get(module); return new QName(namespace, null, node); } def getRpcDefinition(String name) { return qnameToRpc.get(name.toQName) } override onGlobalContextUpdated(SchemaContext context) { this.schemas = context; for (operation : context.operations) { val qname = new QName(operation.QName.namespace, null, operation.QName.localName); qnameToRpc.put(qname, operation); } } /** * Resolve target type from leafref type. * * According to RFC 6020 referenced element has to be leaf (chapter 9.9). * Therefore if other element is referenced then null value is returned. * * Currently only cases without path-predicate are supported. * * @param leafRef * @param schemaNode * data schema node which contains reference * @return type if leaf is referenced and it is possible to find referenced * node in schema context. In other cases null value is returned */ def LeafSchemaNode resolveTypeFromLeafref(LeafrefTypeDefinition leafRef, DataSchemaNode schemaNode) { val xPath = leafRef.getPathStatement(); val module = SchemaContextUtil.findParentModule(schemas, schemaNode); var SchemaNode foundSchemaNode if (xPath.isAbsolute()) { foundSchemaNode = SchemaContextUtil.findDataSchemaNode(schemas, module, xPath); } else { foundSchemaNode = SchemaContextUtil.findDataSchemaNodeForRelativeXPath(schemas, module, schemaNode, xPath); } if (foundSchemaNode instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { return foundSchemaNode as LeafSchemaNode; } return null; } }