/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.restconf.impl import com.google.common.base.Preconditions import com.google.common.base.Splitter import com.google.common.collect.BiMap import com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap import com.google.common.collect.Lists import java.net.URI import java.net.URLDecoder import java.net.URLEncoder import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.api.mount.MountInstance import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.api.mount.MountService import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.rest.impl.RestUtil import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.rest.impl.RestconfProvider import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.InstanceIdentifier.PathArgument import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.impl.codec.TypeDefinitionAwareCodec import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Module import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.RpcDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaServiceListener import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.IdentityrefTypeDefinition import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.* import static javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.* class ControllerContext implements SchemaServiceListener { val static LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ControllerContext) val static ControllerContext INSTANCE = new ControllerContext val static NULL_VALUE = "null" val static MOUNT_MODULE = "yang-ext" val static MOUNT_NODE = "mount" public val static MOUNT = "yang-ext:mount" val static URI_ENCODING_CHAR_SET = "ISO-8859-1" val static URI_SLASH_PLACEHOLDER = "%2F"; @Property var SchemaContext globalSchema; @Property var MountService mountService; private val BiMap uriToModuleName = HashBiMap.create(); private val Map moduleNameToUri = uriToModuleName.inverse(); private val Map qnameToRpc = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private new() { if (INSTANCE !== null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already instantiated"); } } static def getInstance() { return INSTANCE } private def void checkPreconditions() { if (globalSchema === null) { throw new ResponseException(SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, RestconfProvider::NOT_INITALIZED_MSG) } } def setSchemas(SchemaContext schemas) { onGlobalContextUpdated(schemas) } def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode toInstanceIdentifier(String restconfInstance) { return restconfInstance.toIdentifier(false) } def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode toMountPointIdentifier(String restconfInstance) { return restconfInstance.toIdentifier(true) } private def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode toIdentifier(String restconfInstance, boolean toMountPointIdentifier) { checkPreconditions val encodedPathArgs = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on("/").split(restconfInstance)) val pathArgs = urlPathArgsDecode(encodedPathArgs) pathArgs.omitFirstAndLastEmptyString if (pathArgs.empty) { return null; } val startModule = pathArgs.head.toModuleName(); if (startModule === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "First node in URI has to be in format \"moduleName:nodeName\"") } var InstanceIdWithSchemaNode iiWithSchemaNode = null; if (toMountPointIdentifier) { iiWithSchemaNode = collectPathArguments(InstanceIdentifier.builder(), pathArgs, globalSchema.getLatestModule(startModule), null, true); } else { iiWithSchemaNode = collectPathArguments(InstanceIdentifier.builder(), pathArgs, globalSchema.getLatestModule(startModule), null, false); } if (iiWithSchemaNode === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format") } return iiWithSchemaNode } private def omitFirstAndLastEmptyString(List list) { if (list.empty) { return list; } if (list.head.empty) { list.remove(0) } if (list.empty) { return list; } if (list.last.empty) { list.remove(list.indexOf(list.last)) } return list; } private def getLatestModule(SchemaContext schema, String moduleName) { checkArgument(schema !== null); checkArgument(moduleName !== null && !moduleName.empty) val modules = schema.modules.filter[m|m.name == moduleName] return modules.filterLatestModule } private def filterLatestModule(Iterable modules) { var latestModule = modules.head for (module : modules) { if (module.revision.after(latestModule.revision)) { latestModule = module } } return latestModule } def findModuleByName(String moduleName) { checkPreconditions checkArgument(moduleName !== null && !moduleName.empty) return globalSchema.getLatestModule(moduleName) } def findModuleByName(MountInstance mountPoint, String moduleName) { checkArgument(moduleName !== null && mountPoint !== null) val mountPointSchema = mountPoint.schemaContext; return mountPointSchema?.getLatestModule(moduleName); } def findModuleByNamespace(URI namespace) { checkPreconditions checkArgument(namespace !== null) val moduleSchemas = globalSchema.findModuleByNamespace(namespace) return moduleSchemas?.filterLatestModule } def findModuleByNamespace(MountInstance mountPoint, URI namespace) { checkArgument(namespace !== null && mountPoint !== null) val mountPointSchema = mountPoint.schemaContext; val moduleSchemas = mountPointSchema?.findModuleByNamespace(namespace) return moduleSchemas?.filterLatestModule } def findModuleByNameAndRevision(QName module) { checkPreconditions checkArgument(module !== null && module.localName !== null && module.revision !== null) return globalSchema.findModuleByName(module.localName, module.revision) } def findModuleByNameAndRevision(MountInstance mountPoint, QName module) { checkPreconditions checkArgument(module !== null && module.localName !== null && module.revision !== null && mountPoint !== null) return mountPoint.schemaContext?.findModuleByName(module.localName, module.revision) } def getDataNodeContainerFor(InstanceIdentifier path) { checkPreconditions val elements = path.path; val startQName = elements.head.nodeType; val initialModule = globalSchema.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(startQName.namespace, startQName.revision) var node = initialModule as DataNodeContainer; for (element : elements) { val potentialNode = node.childByQName(element.nodeType); if (potentialNode === null || !potentialNode.listOrContainer) { return null } node = potentialNode as DataNodeContainer } return node } def String toFullRestconfIdentifier(InstanceIdentifier path) { checkPreconditions val elements = path.path; val ret = new StringBuilder(); val startQName = elements.head.nodeType; val initialModule = globalSchema.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(startQName.namespace, startQName.revision) var node = initialModule as DataNodeContainer; for (element : elements) { val potentialNode = node.childByQName(element.nodeType); if (!potentialNode.listOrContainer) { return null } node = potentialNode as DataNodeContainer ret.append(element.convertToRestconfIdentifier(node)); } return ret.toString } private def dispatch CharSequence convertToRestconfIdentifier(NodeIdentifier argument, ContainerSchemaNode node) { '''/«argument.nodeType.toRestconfIdentifier()»''' } private def dispatch CharSequence convertToRestconfIdentifier(NodeIdentifierWithPredicates argument, ListSchemaNode node) { val nodeIdentifier = argument.nodeType.toRestconfIdentifier(); val keyValues = argument.keyValues; return '''/«nodeIdentifier»/«FOR key : node.keyDefinition SEPARATOR "/"»«keyValues.get(key).toUriString»«ENDFOR»''' } private def dispatch CharSequence convertToRestconfIdentifier(PathArgument argument, DataNodeContainer node) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conversion of generic path argument is not supported"); } def findModuleNameByNamespace(URI namespace) { checkPreconditions var moduleName = uriToModuleName.get(namespace) if (moduleName === null) { val module = findModuleByNamespace(namespace) if (module === null) return null moduleName = module.name uriToModuleName.put(namespace, moduleName) } return moduleName } def findModuleNameByNamespace(MountInstance mountPoint, URI namespace) { val module = mountPoint.findModuleByNamespace(namespace); return module?.name } def findNamespaceByModuleName(String moduleName) { var namespace = moduleNameToUri.get(moduleName) if (namespace === null) { var module = findModuleByName(moduleName) if(module === null) return null namespace = module.namespace uriToModuleName.put(namespace, moduleName) } return namespace } def findNamespaceByModuleName(MountInstance mountPoint, String moduleName) { val module = mountPoint.findModuleByName(moduleName) return module?.namespace } def getAllModules(MountInstance mountPoint) { checkPreconditions return mountPoint?.schemaContext?.modules } def getAllModules() { checkPreconditions return globalSchema.modules } def CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(QName qname) { checkPreconditions var module = uriToModuleName.get(qname.namespace) if (module === null) { val moduleSchema = globalSchema.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(qname.namespace, qname.revision); if(moduleSchema === null) return null uriToModuleName.put(qname.namespace, moduleSchema.name) module = moduleSchema.name; } return '''«module»:«qname.localName»'''; } def CharSequence toRestconfIdentifier(MountInstance mountPoint, QName qname) { val moduleSchema = mountPoint?.schemaContext.findModuleByNamespaceAndRevision(qname.namespace, qname.revision); if(moduleSchema === null) return null val module = moduleSchema.name; return '''«module»:«qname.localName»'''; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ChoiceNode container, QName name) { for (caze : container.cases) { val ret = caze.childByQName(name) if (ret !== null) { return ret; } } return null; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ChoiceCaseNode container, QName name) { val ret = container.getDataChildByName(name); return ret; } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ContainerSchemaNode container, QName name) { return container.dataNodeChildByQName(name); } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(ListSchemaNode container, QName name) { return container.dataNodeChildByQName(name); } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(Module container, QName name) { return container.dataNodeChildByQName(name); } private static dispatch def DataSchemaNode childByQName(DataSchemaNode container, QName name) { return null; } private static def DataSchemaNode dataNodeChildByQName(DataNodeContainer container, QName name) { var ret = container.getDataChildByName(name); if (ret === null) { // Find in Choice Cases for (node : container.childNodes) { if (node instanceof ChoiceCaseNode) { val caseNode = (node as ChoiceCaseNode); ret = caseNode.childByQName(name); if (ret !== null) { return ret; } } } } return ret; } private def toUriString(Object object) { if(object === null) return ""; // return object.toString.replace("/",URI_SLASH_PLACEHOLDER) return URLEncoder.encode(object.toString,URI_ENCODING_CHAR_SET) } private def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode collectPathArguments(InstanceIdentifierBuilder builder, List strings, DataNodeContainer parentNode, MountInstance mountPoint, boolean returnJustMountPoint) { checkNotNull(strings) if (parentNode === null) { return null; } if (strings.empty) { return new InstanceIdWithSchemaNode(builder.toInstance, parentNode as DataSchemaNode, mountPoint) } val nodeName = strings.head.toNodeName val moduleName = strings.head.toModuleName var DataSchemaNode targetNode = null if (!moduleName.nullOrEmpty) { // if it is mount point if (moduleName == MOUNT_MODULE && nodeName == MOUNT_NODE) { if (mountPoint !== null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Restconf supports just one mount point in URI.") } if (mountService === null) { throw new ResponseException(SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "MountService was not found. " + "Finding behind mount points does not work." ) } val partialPath = builder.toInstance; val mount = mountService.getMountPoint(partialPath) if (mount === null) { LOG.debug("Instance identifier to missing mount point: {}", partialPath) throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Mount point does not exist.") } val mountPointSchema = mount.schemaContext; if (mountPointSchema === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Mount point does not contain any schema with modules.") } if (returnJustMountPoint) { return new InstanceIdWithSchemaNode(InstanceIdentifier.builder().toInstance, mountPointSchema, mount) } if (strings.size == 1) { // any data node is not behind mount point return new InstanceIdWithSchemaNode(InstanceIdentifier.builder().toInstance, mountPointSchema, mount) } val moduleNameBehindMountPoint = strings.get(1).toModuleName() if (moduleNameBehindMountPoint === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "First node after mount point in URI has to be in format \"moduleName:nodeName\"") } val moduleBehindMountPoint = mountPointSchema.getLatestModule(moduleNameBehindMountPoint) if (moduleBehindMountPoint === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. \"" + moduleName + "\" module does not exist in mount point.") } return collectPathArguments(InstanceIdentifier.builder(), strings.subList(1, strings.size), moduleBehindMountPoint, mount, returnJustMountPoint); } var Module module = null; if (mountPoint === null) { module = globalSchema.getLatestModule(moduleName) if (module === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. \"" + moduleName + "\" module does not exist.") } } else { module = mountPoint.schemaContext?.getLatestModule(moduleName) if (module === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. \"" + moduleName + "\" module does not exist in mount point.") } } targetNode = parentNode.findInstanceDataChildByNameAndNamespace(nodeName, module.namespace) if (targetNode === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. Possible reasons:\n" + "1. \"" + strings.head + "\" was not found in parent data node.\n" + "2. \"" + strings.head + "\" is behind mount point. Then it should be in format \"/" + MOUNT + "/" + strings.head + "\".") } } else { // string without module name val potentialSchemaNodes = parentNode.findInstanceDataChildrenByName(nodeName) if (potentialSchemaNodes.size > 1) { val StringBuilder namespacesOfPotentialModules = new StringBuilder; for (potentialNodeSchema : potentialSchemaNodes) { namespacesOfPotentialModules.append(" ").append(potentialNodeSchema.QName.namespace.toString).append("\n") } throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. Node \"" + nodeName + "\" is added as augment from more than one module. " + "Therefore the node must have module name and it has to be in format \"moduleName:nodeName\"." + "\nThe node is added as augment from modules with namespaces:\n" + namespacesOfPotentialModules) } targetNode = potentialSchemaNodes.head if (targetNode === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. \"" + nodeName + "\" was not found in parent data node.\n") } } if (!targetNode.isListOrContainer) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST,"URI has bad format. Node \"" + strings.head + "\" must be Container or List yang type.") } // Number of consumed elements var consumed = 1; if (targetNode instanceof ListSchemaNode) { val listNode = targetNode as ListSchemaNode; val keysSize = listNode.keyDefinition.size // every key has to be filled if ((strings.length - consumed) < keysSize) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST,"Missing key for list \"" + listNode.QName.localName + "\".") } val uriKeyValues = strings.subList(consumed, consumed + keysSize); val keyValues = new HashMap(); var i = 0; for (key : listNode.keyDefinition) { val uriKeyValue = uriKeyValues.get(i); // key value cannot be NULL if (uriKeyValue.equals(NULL_VALUE)) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format. List \"" + listNode.QName.localName + "\" cannot contain \"null\" value as a key." ) } keyValues.addKeyValue(listNode.getDataChildByName(key), uriKeyValue); i = i + 1; } consumed = consumed + i; builder.nodeWithKey(targetNode.QName, keyValues); } else { // Only one instance of node is allowed builder.node(targetNode.QName); } if (targetNode instanceof DataNodeContainer) { val remaining = strings.subList(consumed, strings.length); val result = builder.collectPathArguments(remaining, targetNode as DataNodeContainer, mountPoint, returnJustMountPoint); return result } return new InstanceIdWithSchemaNode(builder.toInstance, targetNode, mountPoint) } def DataSchemaNode findInstanceDataChildByNameAndNamespace(DataNodeContainer container, String name, URI namespace) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespace) val potentialSchemaNodes = container.findInstanceDataChildrenByName(name) return potentialSchemaNodes.filter[n|n.QName.namespace == namespace].head } def List findInstanceDataChildrenByName(DataNodeContainer container, String name) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(container) Preconditions.checkNotNull(name) val instantiatedDataNodeContainers = new ArrayList instantiatedDataNodeContainers.collectInstanceDataNodeContainers(container, name) return instantiatedDataNodeContainers } private def void collectInstanceDataNodeContainers(List potentialSchemaNodes, DataNodeContainer container, String name) { val nodes = container.childNodes.filter[n|n.QName.localName == name] for (potentialNode : nodes) { if (potentialNode.isInstantiatedDataSchema) { potentialSchemaNodes.add(potentialNode) } } val allCases = container.childNodes.filter(ChoiceNode).map[cases].flatten for (caze : allCases) { collectInstanceDataNodeContainers(potentialSchemaNodes, caze, name) } } def boolean isInstantiatedDataSchema(DataSchemaNode node) { switch node { LeafSchemaNode: return true LeafListSchemaNode: return true ContainerSchemaNode: return true ListSchemaNode: return true default: return false } } private def void addKeyValue(HashMap map, DataSchemaNode node, String uriValue) { checkNotNull(uriValue); checkArgument(node instanceof LeafSchemaNode); val urlDecoded = URLDecoder.decode(uriValue); val typedef = (node as LeafSchemaNode).type; var decoded = TypeDefinitionAwareCodec.from(typedef)?.deserialize(urlDecoded) if(decoded === null) { var baseType = RestUtil.resolveBaseTypeFrom(typedef) if(baseType instanceof IdentityrefTypeDefinition) { decoded = toQName(urlDecoded) } } map.put(node.QName, decoded); } private static def String toModuleName(String str) { checkNotNull(str) if (str.contains(":")) { val args = str.split(":"); if (args.size === 2) { return args.get(0); } } return null; } private def String toNodeName(String str) { if (str.contains(":")) { val args = str.split(":"); if (args.size === 2) { return args.get(1); } } return str; } private def QName toQName(String name) { val module = name.toModuleName; val node = name.toNodeName; val namespace = FluentIterable.from(globalSchema.modules.sort[o1,o2 | o1.revision.compareTo(o2.revision)]) .transform[QName.create(namespace,revision,it.name)].findFirst[module == localName] if (namespace === null) { return null } return QName.create(namespace, node); } private def boolean isListOrContainer(DataSchemaNode node) { return ((node instanceof ListSchemaNode) || (node instanceof ContainerSchemaNode)) } def getRpcDefinition(String name) { val validName = name.toQName if (validName === null) { return null } return qnameToRpc.get(validName) } override onGlobalContextUpdated(SchemaContext context) { if (context !== null) { qnameToRpc.clear this.globalSchema = context; for (operation : context.operations) { val qname = operation.QName; qnameToRpc.put(qname, operation); } } } def urlPathArgsDecode(List strings) { val List decodedPathArgs = new ArrayList(); for (pathArg : strings) { decodedPathArgs.add(URLDecoder.decode(pathArg, URI_ENCODING_CHAR_SET)) } return decodedPathArgs } }