package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.restconf.impl import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import java.util.Set import import import import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import import import import import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition import static* class RestconfImpl implements RestconfService { val static RestconfImpl INSTANCE = new RestconfImpl @Property BrokerFacade broker @Property extension ControllerContext controllerContext private new() { if (INSTANCE !== null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already instantiated"); } } static def getInstance() { return INSTANCE } override readAllData() { // return broker.readOperationalData("".toInstanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Reading all data is currently not supported.") } override getModules() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } override getRoot() { return null; } override readData(String identifier) { val instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.resolveInstanceIdentifier val data = broker.readOperationalData(instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.getInstanceIdentifier); return new StructuredData(data, instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.schemaNode) } override createConfigurationData(String identifier, CompositeNode payload) { val identifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.resolveInstanceIdentifier val value = normalizeNode(payload, identifierWithSchemaNode.schemaNode) val status = broker.commitConfigurationDataPut(identifierWithSchemaNode.instanceIdentifier, value).get(); switch status.result { case TransactionStatus.COMMITED: Response.status(NO_CONTENT).build default: Response.status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build } } override updateConfigurationData(String identifier, CompositeNode payload) { val identifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.resolveInstanceIdentifier val value = normalizeNode(payload, identifierWithSchemaNode.schemaNode) val status = broker.commitConfigurationDataPut(identifierWithSchemaNode.instanceIdentifier, value).get(); switch status.result { case TransactionStatus.COMMITED: Response.status(OK).build default: Response.status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build } } override invokeRpc(String identifier, CompositeNode payload) { val rpc = identifier.rpcDefinition if (rpc === null) { throw new ResponseException(NOT_FOUND, "RPC does not exist."); } val value = normalizeNode(payload, rpc.input) val List> input = new ArrayList input.add(value) val rpcRequest = NodeFactory.createMutableCompositeNode(rpc.QName, null, input, null, null) val rpcResult = broker.invokeRpc(rpc.QName, rpcRequest); if (!rpcResult.successful) { throw new ResponseException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Operation failed") } if (rpcResult.result === null) { return null } return new StructuredData(rpcResult.result, rpc.output) } override readConfigurationData(String identifier) { val instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.resolveInstanceIdentifier val data = broker.readConfigurationData(instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.getInstanceIdentifier); return new StructuredData(data, instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.schemaNode) } override readOperationalData(String identifier) { val instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.resolveInstanceIdentifier val data = broker.readOperationalData(instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.getInstanceIdentifier); return new StructuredData(data, instanceIdentifierWithSchemaNode.schemaNode) } override updateConfigurationDataLegacy(String identifier, CompositeNode payload) { updateConfigurationData(identifier, payload); } override createConfigurationDataLegacy(String identifier, CompositeNode payload) { createConfigurationData(identifier, payload); } private def InstanceIdWithSchemaNode resolveInstanceIdentifier(String identifier) { val identifierWithSchemaNode = identifier.toInstanceIdentifier if (identifierWithSchemaNode === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "URI has bad format"); } return identifierWithSchemaNode } private def CompositeNode normalizeNode(CompositeNode node, DataSchemaNode schema) { if (node instanceof CompositeNodeWrapper) { normalizeNode(node as CompositeNodeWrapper, schema, null) return (node as CompositeNodeWrapper).unwrap() } return node } private def void normalizeNode(NodeWrapper nodeBuilder, DataSchemaNode schema, QName previousAugment) { if (schema === null) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Data has bad format\n" + nodeBuilder.localName + " does not exist in yang schema."); } var validQName = schema.QName var currentAugment = previousAugment; if (schema.augmenting) { currentAugment = schema.QName } else if (previousAugment !== null && schema.QName.namespace !== previousAugment.namespace) { validQName = QName.create(currentAugment, schema.QName.localName); } val moduleName = controllerContext.findModuleByNamespace(validQName.namespace); if (nodeBuilder.namespace === null || nodeBuilder.namespace == validQName.namespace || nodeBuilder.namespace.path == moduleName) { nodeBuilder.qname = validQName } else { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Data has bad format\nIf data is in XML format then namespace for " + nodeBuilder.localName + " should be " + schema.QName.namespace + ".\n If data is in Json format then module name for " + nodeBuilder.localName + " should be " + moduleName + "."); } if (nodeBuilder instanceof CompositeNodeWrapper) { val List> children = (nodeBuilder as CompositeNodeWrapper).getValues for (child : children) { normalizeNode(child, findFirstSchemaByLocalName(child.localName, (schema as DataNodeContainer).childNodes), currentAugment) } if(schema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { val listKeys = (schema as ListSchemaNode).keyDefinition for (listKey : listKeys) { var foundKey = false for (child : children) { if (child.unwrap.nodeType.localName == listKey.localName) { foundKey = true; } } if (!foundKey) { throw new ResponseException(BAD_REQUEST, "Missing key \"" + listKey.localName + "\" of list \"" + schema.QName.localName + "\"") } } } } else if (nodeBuilder instanceof SimpleNodeWrapper) { val simpleNode = (nodeBuilder as SimpleNodeWrapper) val stringValue = simpleNode.value as String; val objectValue = TypeDefinitionAwareCodec.from(schema.typeDefinition)?.deserialize(stringValue); simpleNode.setValue(objectValue) } else if (nodeBuilder instanceof EmptyNodeWrapper) { val emptyNodeBuilder = nodeBuilder as EmptyNodeWrapper if (schema instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { emptyNodeBuilder.setComposite(false); } else if (schema instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { // FIXME: Add presence check emptyNodeBuilder.setComposite(true); } } } private def dispatch TypeDefinition typeDefinition(LeafSchemaNode node) { node.type } private def dispatch TypeDefinition typeDefinition(LeafListSchemaNode node) { node.type } private def DataSchemaNode findFirstSchemaByLocalName(String localName, Set schemas) { for (schema : schemas) { if (schema instanceof ChoiceNode) { for (caze : (schema as ChoiceNode).cases) { val result = findFirstSchemaByLocalName(localName, caze.childNodes) if (result !== null) { return result } } } else { val result = schemas.findFirst[n|n.QName.localName.equals(localName)] if (result !== null) { return result; } } } return null } }