package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils; /** * The enum which describes the generic error conditions. * Each enum value is associated with a minimal description string. * */ public enum StatusCode { SUCCESS("Success"), BADREQUEST("Bad Request"), UNAUTHORIZED("UnAuthorized"), FORBIDDEN("Forbidden"), NOTFOUND("Not Found"), NOTALLOWED("Method Not Allowed"), NOTACCEPTABLE("Request Not Acceptable"), TIMEOUT("Request Timeout"), CONFLICT("Resource Conflict"), GONE("Resource Gone"), UNSUPPORTED("Unsupported"), INTERNALERROR("Internal Error"), NOTIMPLEMENTED("Not Implemented"), NOSERVICE("Service Not Available"), UNDEFINED("Undefined Error"); private String description; private StatusCode(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * Prints the description associated to the code value */ public String toString() { return description; } }