module demo-topology { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:demo.simple-topology"; prefix "tp"; import simple-list-demo { prefix "simple"; revision-date 2008-01-01; } import controller-network {prefix "cn";} import mount {prefix "mnt";} organization "OPEN DAYLIGHT"; contact ""; description " This module contains the definitions of elements that creates network topology i.e. definition of network nodes and links. This module is not designed to be used solely for network representation. This module SHOULD be used as base module in defining the network topology. "; revision "2013-02-08"{ reference " WILL BE DEFINED LATER"; } deviation /base:system/base:user/base:type { deviate add { default "admin"; // new users are 'admin' by default } } deviation /base:system/base:name-server { deviate replace { max-elements 3; } } deviation "/base:system" { deviate delete { must "daytime or time"; } } grouping target { status "current"; leaf address { type inet:ip-address; description "Target IP address"; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "Target port number"; } } augment "/cn:network/cn:topologies/cn:topology" { container prefixes { container "prefix" { leaf id { type string; description ""; } leaf-list advertising-node-id { type cn:node-ref; description ""; } } } mnt:mountpoint point { mnt:target-ref target; } } container peer { container destination { uses target; } } container topology { leaf ifType { type enumeration { enum ethernet; enum atm; } } leaf ifMTU { type uint32; } must "ifType != 'ethernet' or " + "(ifType = 'ethernet' and ifMTU = 1500)" { error-message "An ethernet MTU must be 1500"; } presence "test-presence"; description " This is the model of abstract topology which contains only Network Nodes and Network Links. Each topology MUST be identified by unique topology-id for reason that the store could contain many topologies. "; leaf topology-id { type string; description " It is presumed that datastore will contain many topologies. To distinguish between topologies it is vital to have UNIQUE topology identifier. "; } container network-nodes { list network-node { ordered-by system; description "The list of network nodes defined for topology."; key "node-id"; leaf node-id { type string; description "The Topology identifier of network-node."; } list network-interface { key "interface-id"; leaf interface-id { type uint8; } leaf interface-address { type string; } } container node-attributes { description " Additional attributes that can Network Node contains. "; leaf geo-latitude { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } config true; } leaf geo-longitude { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } config true; } } } } container network-links { list network-link { description " The Network Link which is defined by Local (Source) and Remote (Destination) Network Nodes. Every link MUST be defined either by identifier and his local and remote Network Nodes (in real applications it is common that many links are originated from one node and end up in same remote node). To ensure that we would always know to distinguish between links, every link SHOULD have identifier. "; key "link-id"; leaf link-id { type string; description ""; } container source { leaf node-id { type string; description "Source node identifier."; } } container destination { leaf node-id { type string; description "Destination node identifier."; } } container link-attributes { description "Aditional attributes that can Network Link contains."; } } } } rpc activate-software-image { input { leaf image-name { type string; } } output { leaf status { type string; } } } }