/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.samples.simpleforwarding.internal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.CacheConfigException; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.CacheExistException; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.IClusterContainerServices; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.IClusterServices; import org.opendaylight.controller.forwardingrulesmanager.FlowEntry; import org.opendaylight.controller.forwardingrulesmanager.IForwardingRulesManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.IfIptoHost; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.IfNewHostNotify; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.hostAware.HostNodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.action.Action; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.action.Output; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.action.PopVlan; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.action.SetDlDst; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.action.SetVlanId; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Edge; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Path; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.State; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.UpdateType; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.flowprogrammer.Flow; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.match.Match; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.match.MatchType; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.routing.IListenRoutingUpdates; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.routing.IRouting; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.EtherTypes; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NodeConnectorCreator; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.IInventoryListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.ISwitchManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.topologymanager.ITopologyManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SimpleForwardingImpl implements IfNewHostNotify, IListenRoutingUpdates, IInventoryListener { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(SimpleForwardingImpl.class); private static short DEFAULT_IPSWITCH_PRIORITY = 1; private IfIptoHost hostTracker; private IForwardingRulesManager frm; private ITopologyManager topologyManager; private IRouting routing; private ConcurrentMap> rulesDB; private Map> tobePrunedPos = new HashMap>(); private IClusterContainerServices clusterContainerService = null; private ISwitchManager switchManager; /** * Return codes from the programming of the perHost rules in HW * */ public enum RulesProgrammingReturnCode { SUCCESS, FAILED_FEW_SWITCHES, FAILED_ALL_SWITCHES, FAILED_WRONG_PARAMS } public void setRouting(IRouting routing) { this.routing = routing; } public void unsetRouting(IRouting routing) { if (this.routing == routing) { this.routing = null; } } public ITopologyManager getTopologyManager() { return topologyManager; } public void setTopologyManager(ITopologyManager topologyManager) { log.debug("Setting topologyManager"); this.topologyManager = topologyManager; } public void unsetTopologyManager(ITopologyManager topologyManager) { if (this.topologyManager == topologyManager) { this.topologyManager = null; } } public void setHostTracker(IfIptoHost hostTracker) { log.debug("Setting HostTracker"); this.hostTracker = hostTracker; } public void setForwardingRulesManager( IForwardingRulesManager forwardingRulesManager) { log.debug("Setting ForwardingRulesManager"); this.frm = forwardingRulesManager; } public void unsetHostTracker(IfIptoHost hostTracker) { if (this.hostTracker == hostTracker) { this.hostTracker = null; } } public void unsetForwardingRulesManager( IForwardingRulesManager forwardingRulesManager) { if (this.frm == forwardingRulesManager) { this.frm = null; } } /** * Function called when the bundle gets activated * */ public void startUp() { allocateCaches(); retrieveCaches(); } /** * Function called when the bundle gets stopped * */ public void shutDown() { log.debug("Destroy all the host Rules given we are shutting down"); uninstallPerHostRules(); destroyCaches(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void allocateCaches() { if (this.clusterContainerService == null) { log.info("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't create cache"); return; } try { clusterContainerService.createCache("forwarding.ipswitch.rules", EnumSet.of(IClusterServices.cacheMode.NON_TRANSACTIONAL)); } catch (CacheExistException cee) { log.error("\nCache already exists - destroy and recreate if needed"); } catch (CacheConfigException cce) { log.error("\nCache configuration invalid - check cache mode"); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) private void retrieveCaches() { if (this.clusterContainerService == null) { log.info("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't retrieve cache"); return; } rulesDB = (ConcurrentMap>) clusterContainerService .getCache("forwarding.ipswitch.rules"); if (rulesDB == null) { log.error("\nFailed to get rulesDB handle"); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void destroyCaches() { if (this.clusterContainerService == null) { log.info("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't destroy cache"); return; } clusterContainerService.destroyCache("forwarding.ipswitch.rules"); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void updatePerHostRuleInSW(HostNodeConnector host, Node currNode, Node rootNode, Edge link, HostNodePair key, Set passedPorts) { // link parameter it's optional if (host == null || key == null || currNode == null || rootNode == null) { return; } Set ports = passedPorts; // TODO: Replace this with SAL equivalent when available //if (container == null) { ports = new HashSet(); ports.add(NodeConnectorCreator.createNodeConnector( NodeConnectorIDType.ALL, NodeConnector.SPECIALNODECONNECTORID, currNode)); //} HashMap pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); if (pos == null) { pos = new HashMap(); } if (ports == null) { log.debug("Empty port list, nothing to do"); return; } for (NodeConnector inPort : ports) { /* * skip the port connected to the target host */ if (currNode.equals(rootNode) && (host.getnodeConnector().equals(inPort))) { continue; } FlowEntry removed_po = pos.remove(inPort); Match match = new Match(); List actions = new ArrayList(); // IP destination based forwarding //on /32 entries only! match.setField(MatchType.DL_TYPE, EtherTypes.IPv4.shortValue()); match.setField(MatchType.NW_DST, host.getNetworkAddress()); //Action for the policy if to //forward to a port except on the //switch where the host sits, //which is to rewrite also the MAC //and to forward on the Host port NodeConnector outPort = null; if (currNode.equals(rootNode)) { outPort = host.getnodeConnector(); if (inPort.equals(outPort)) { /* * skip the host port */ continue; } actions.add(new SetDlDst(host.getDataLayerAddressBytes())); if (!inPort.getType().equals( NodeConnectorIDType.ALL)) { /* * Container mode: at the destination switch, we need to strip out the tag (VLAN) */ actions.add(new PopVlan()); } } else { /* * currNode is NOT the rootNode */ if (link != null) { outPort = link.getTailNodeConnector(); if (inPort.equals(outPort)) { /* * skip the outgoing port */ continue; } /* * If outPort is network link, add VLAN tag */ if (topologyManager.isInternal(outPort)) { log.debug("outPort {}/{} is internal uplink port", currNode, outPort); } else { log.debug("outPort {}/{} is host facing port", currNode, outPort); } if ((!inPort.getType().equals( NodeConnectorIDType.ALL)) && (topologyManager.isInternal(outPort))) { Node nextNode = link.getHeadNodeConnector() .getNode(); // TODO: Replace this with SAL equivalent //short tag = container.getTag((Long)nextNode.getNodeID()); short tag = 0; if (tag != 0) { log.debug("adding SET_VLAN " + tag + " for traffic leaving " + currNode + "/" + outPort + "toward switch " + nextNode); actions.add(new SetVlanId(tag)); } else { log.debug("No tag assigned to switch " + nextNode); } } } } if (outPort != null) { actions.add(new Output(outPort)); } if (!inPort.getType().equals(NodeConnectorIDType.ALL)) { /* * include input port in the flow match field */ match.setField(MatchType.IN_PORT, inPort); if (topologyManager.isInternal(inPort)) { log.debug("inPort {}/{} is internal uplink port", currNode, inPort); } else { log.debug("inPort {}/{} is host facing port", currNode, inPort); } /* * for incoming network link; if the VLAN tag is defined, include it for incoming flow matching */ if (topologyManager.isInternal(inPort)) { // TODO: Replace this with SAL equivalent //short tag = container.getTag((Long)currNode.getNodeID()); short tag = 0; if (tag != 0) { log.debug("adding MATCH VLAN " + tag + " for traffic entering " + currNode + "/" + inPort); match.setField(MatchType.DL_VLAN, tag); } else { log.debug("No tag assigned to switch " + currNode); } } } // Make sure the priority for IP switch entries is // set to a level just above default drop entries Flow flow = new Flow(match, actions); flow.setIdleTimeout((short) 0); flow.setHardTimeout((short) 0); flow.setPriority(DEFAULT_IPSWITCH_PRIORITY); String policyName = host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress() + "/32"; String flowName = "[" + (!inPort.getType().equals(NodeConnectorIDType.ALL) ? (inPort.getID()).toString() + "," : "") + host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress() + "/32 on N " + currNode + "]"; FlowEntry po = new FlowEntry(policyName, flowName, flow, currNode); // Now save the rule in the DB rule, // so on updates from topology we can // selectively pos.put(inPort, po); this.rulesDB.put(key, pos); if (!inPort.getType().equals(NodeConnectorIDType.ALL)) { log.debug("Adding Match(inPort=" + inPort + ",DIP=" + host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress() + ") Action(outPort=" + outPort + ") to node " + currNode); if ((removed_po != null) && (!po.getFlow().getMatch().equals( removed_po.getFlow().getMatch()))) { log.debug("Old Flow match: {}, New Flow match: {}", removed_po.getFlow().getMatch(), po.getFlow() .getMatch()); addTobePrunedPolicy(currNode, removed_po, po); } } else { log.debug("Adding policy Match(DIP=" + host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress() + ") Action(outPort=" + outPort + ") to node " + currNode); } } } /** * Calculate the per-Host rules to be installed in the rulesDB, * and that will later on be installed in HW, this routine will * implicitly calculate the shortest path tree among the switch * to which the host is attached and all the other switches in the * network and will automatically create all the rules that allow * a /32 destination IP based forwarding, as in traditional IP * networks. * * @param host Host for which we are going to prepare the rules in the rulesDB * * @return A set of switches touched by the calculation */ private Set preparePerHostRules(HostNodeConnector host) { if (host == null) { return null; } if (this.routing == null) { return null; } if (this.switchManager == null) { return null; } if (this.rulesDB == null) { return null; } Node rootNode = host.getnodeconnectorNode(); Set nodes = this.switchManager.getNodes(); Set switchesToProgram = new HashSet(); HostNodePair key; HashMap pos; FlowEntry po; for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.equals(rootNode)) { // We skip it because for the node with host attached // we will process in every case even if there are no // routes continue; } List links; Path res = this.routing.getRoute(node, rootNode); if ((res == null) || ((links = res.getEdges()) == null)) { // Still the path that connect node to rootNode // doesn't exists log.debug("NO Route/Path between SW[" + node + "] --> SW[" + rootNode + "] cleaning potentially existing entries"); key = new HostNodePair(host, node); pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); if (pos != null) { for (Map.Entry e : pos.entrySet()) { po = e.getValue(); if (po != null) { //Uninstall the policy this.frm.uninstallFlowEntry(po); } } this.rulesDB.remove(key); } continue; } log.debug("Route between SW[" + node + "] --> SW[" + rootNode + "]"); Integer curr; Node currNode = node; key = new HostNodePair(host, currNode); Edge link; for (curr = 0; curr < links.size(); curr++) { link = links.get(curr); if (link == null) { log.error("Could not retrieve the Link"); continue; } log.debug(link.toString()); // Index all the switches to be programmed // switchesToProgram.add(currNode); Set ports = null; ports = switchManager.getUpNodeConnectors(currNode); updatePerHostRuleInSW(host, currNode, rootNode, link, key, ports); if ((this.rulesDB.get(key)) != null) { /* * Calling updatePerHostRuleInSW() doesn't guarantee that rules will be * added in currNode (e.g, there is only one link from currNode to rootNode * This check makes sure that there are some rules in the rulesDB for the * given key prior to adding switch to switchesToProgram */ switchesToProgram.add(currNode); } currNode = link.getHeadNodeConnector().getNode(); key = new HostNodePair(host, currNode); } } // This rule will be added no matter if any topology is built // or no, it serve as a way to handle the case of a node with // multiple hosts attached to it but not yet connected to the // rest of the world switchesToProgram.add(rootNode); Set ports = switchManager .getUpNodeConnectors(rootNode); updatePerHostRuleInSW(host, rootNode, rootNode, null, new HostNodePair( host, rootNode), ports); // log.debug("Getting out at the end!"); return switchesToProgram; } /** * Calculate the per-Host rules to be installed in the rulesDB * from a specific switch when a host facing port comes up. * These rules will later on be installed in HW. This routine * will implicitly calculate the shortest path from the switch * where the port has come up to the switch where host is , * attached and will automatically create all the rules that allow * a /32 destination IP based forwarding, as in traditional IP * networks. * * @param host Host for which we are going to prepare the rules in the rulesDB * @param swId Switch ID where the port has come up * * @return A set of switches touched by the calculation */ private Set preparePerHostPerSwitchRules(HostNodeConnector host, Node node, NodeConnector swport) { if ((host == null) || (node == null)) { return null; } if (this.routing == null) { return null; } if (this.switchManager == null) { return null; } if (this.rulesDB == null) { return null; } Node rootNode = host.getnodeconnectorNode(); Set switchesToProgram = new HashSet(); HostNodePair key; Map pos; FlowEntry po; Set ports = new HashSet(); ports.add(swport); List links; Path res = this.routing.getRoute(node, rootNode); if ((res == null) || ((links = res.getEdges()) == null)) { // Still the path that connect node to rootNode // doesn't exists log.debug("NO Route/Path between SW[" + node + "] --> SW[" + rootNode + "] cleaning potentially existing entries"); key = new HostNodePair(host, node); pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); if (pos != null) { for (Map.Entry e : pos.entrySet()) { po = e.getValue(); if (po != null) { //Uninstall the policy this.frm.uninstallFlowEntry(po); } } this.rulesDB.remove(key); } return null; } log.debug("Route between SW[" + node + "] --> SW[" + rootNode + "]"); Integer curr; Node currNode = node; key = new HostNodePair(host, currNode); Edge link; for (curr = 0; curr < links.size(); curr++) { link = links.get(curr); if (link == null) { log.error("Could not retrieve the Link"); continue; } log.debug("Link [" + currNode + "/" + link.getHeadNodeConnector() + "] --> [" + link.getHeadNodeConnector().getNode() + "/" + link.getTailNodeConnector() + "]"); // Index all the switches to be programmed switchesToProgram.add(currNode); updatePerHostRuleInSW(host, currNode, rootNode, link, key, ports); break; // come out of the loop for port up case, interested only in programming one switch } // This rule will be added no matter if any topology is built // or no, it serve as a way to handle the case of a node with // multiple hosts attached to it but not yet connected to the // rest of the world // switchesToProgram.add(rootNode); //updatePerHostRuleInSW(host, rootNode, // rootNode, null, // new HostNodePair(host, rootNode),ports); // log.debug("Getting out at the end!"); return switchesToProgram; } /** * Routine that fetch the per-Host rules from the rulesDB and * install in HW, the one having the same match rules will be * overwritten silently. * * @param host host for which we want to install in HW the per-Host rules * @param switchesToProgram list of switches to be programmed in * HW, usually are them all, but better to be explicit, that list * may change with time based on new switch addition/removal * * @return a return code that convey the programming status of the HW */ private RulesProgrammingReturnCode installPerHostRules( HostNodeConnector host, Set switchesToProgram) { RulesProgrammingReturnCode retCode = RulesProgrammingReturnCode.SUCCESS; if (host == null || switchesToProgram == null) { return RulesProgrammingReturnCode.FAILED_WRONG_PARAMS; } Map pos; FlowEntry po; // Now program every single switch log.debug("Inside installPerHostRules"); for (Node swId : switchesToProgram) { HostNodePair key = new HostNodePair(host, swId); pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); if (pos == null) { continue; } for (Map.Entry e : pos.entrySet()) { po = e.getValue(); if (po != null) { // Populate the Policy field now Status poStatus = this.frm.installFlowEntry(po); if (!poStatus.isSuccess()) { log.error("Failed to install policy: " + po.getGroupName() + " (" + poStatus.getDescription() + ")"); retCode = RulesProgrammingReturnCode.FAILED_FEW_SWITCHES; // Remove the entry from the DB, it was not installed! this.rulesDB.remove(key); } else { log.debug("Successfully installed policy " + po.toString() + " on switch " + swId); } } else { log.error("Cannot find a policy for SW:{" + swId + "} Host: {" + host + "}"); /* // Now dump every single rule */ /* for (HostNodePair dumpkey : this.rulesDB.keySet()) { */ /* po = this.rulesDB.get(dumpkey); */ /* log.debug("Dumping entry H{" + dumpkey.getHost() + "} S{" + dumpkey.getSwitchId() + "} = {" + (po == null ? "null policy" : po)); */ /* } */ } } } log.debug("Leaving installPerHostRules"); return retCode; } /** * Cleanup all the host rules for a given host * * @param host Host for which the host rules need to be cleaned * up, the host could be null in that case it match all the hosts * * @return a return code that convey the programming status of the HW */ private RulesProgrammingReturnCode uninstallPerHostRules( HostNodeConnector host) { RulesProgrammingReturnCode retCode = RulesProgrammingReturnCode.SUCCESS; Map pos; FlowEntry po; // Now program every single switch for (HostNodePair key : this.rulesDB.keySet()) { if (host == null || key.getHost().equals(host)) { pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); for (Map.Entry e : pos.entrySet()) { po = e.getValue(); if (po != null) { // Uninstall the policy this.frm.uninstallFlowEntry(po); } } this.rulesDB.remove(key); } } return retCode; } /** * Cleanup all the host rules for a given node, triggered when the * switch disconnects, so there is no reason for Hw cleanup * because it's disconnected anyhow * TBD - Revisit above stmt in light of CSCus88743 * @param targetNode Node for which we want to do cleanup * */ private void uninstallPerNodeRules(Node targetNode) { //RulesProgrammingReturnCode retCode = RulesProgrammingReturnCode.SUCCESS; Map pos; FlowEntry po; // Now program every single switch for (HostNodePair key : this.rulesDB.keySet()) { Node node = key.getNode(); if (targetNode == null || node.equals(targetNode)) { log.debug("Work on " + node + " host " + key.getHost()); pos = this.rulesDB.get(key); for (Map.Entry e : pos.entrySet()) { po = e.getValue(); if (po != null) { // Uninstall the policy this.frm.uninstallFlowEntry(po); } } log.debug("Remove " + key); this.rulesDB.remove(key); } } } /** * Cleanup all the host rules currently present in the rulesDB * * @return a return code that convey the programming status of the HW */ private RulesProgrammingReturnCode uninstallPerHostRules() { return uninstallPerHostRules(null); } @Override public void recalculateDone() { if (this.hostTracker == null) { //Not yet ready to process all the updates return; } Set allHosts = this.hostTracker.getAllHosts(); for (HostNodeConnector host : allHosts) { Set switches = preparePerHostRules(host); if (switches != null) { // This will refresh existing rules, by overwriting // the previous ones installPerHostRules(host, switches); pruneExcessRules(switches); } } } void addTobePrunedPolicy(Node swId, FlowEntry po, FlowEntry new_po) { List pl = tobePrunedPos.get(swId); if (pl == null) { pl = new LinkedList(); tobePrunedPos.put(swId, pl); } pl.add(po); log.debug("Adding Pruned Policy for SwId: {}", swId); log.debug("Old Policy: " + po.toString()); log.debug("New Policy: " + new_po.toString()); } private void pruneExcessRules(Set switches) { for (Node swId : switches) { List pl = tobePrunedPos.get(swId); if (pl != null) { log .debug( "Policies for Switch: {} in the list to be deleted: {}", swId, pl); Iterator plIter = pl.iterator(); //for (Policy po: pl) { while (plIter.hasNext()) { FlowEntry po = plIter.next(); log.error("Removing Policy, Switch: {} Policy: {}", swId, po); this.frm.uninstallFlowEntry(po); plIter.remove(); } } // tobePrunedPos.remove(swId); } } /* * A Host facing port has come up in a container. Add rules on the switch where this * port has come up for all the known hosts to the controller. * @param swId switch id of the port where port came up * @param swPort port which came up */ private void updateRulesforHIFup(Node node, NodeConnector swPort) { if (this.hostTracker == null) { //Not yet ready to process all the updates return; } log.debug("Host Facing Port in a container came up, install the rules for all hosts from this port !"); Set allHosts = this.hostTracker.getAllHosts(); for (HostNodeConnector host : allHosts) { if (node.equals(host.getnodeconnectorNode()) && swPort.equals(host.getnodeConnector())) { /* * This host resides behind the same switch and port for which a port up * message is received. Ideally this should not happen, but if it does, * don't program any rules for this host */ continue; } Set switches = preparePerHostPerSwitchRules(host, node, swPort); if (switches != null) { // This will refresh existing rules, by overwriting // the previous ones installPerHostRules(host, switches); } } } @Override public void notifyHTClient(HostNodeConnector host) { if (host == null) { return; } Set switches = preparePerHostRules(host); if (switches != null) { installPerHostRules(host, switches); } } @Override public void notifyHTClientHostRemoved(HostNodeConnector host) { if (host == null) { return; } uninstallPerHostRules(host); } @Override public void notifyNode(Node node, UpdateType type, Map propMap) { if (node == null) return; switch (type) { case REMOVED: log.debug("Node " + node + " gone, doing a cleanup"); uninstallPerNodeRules(node); break; default: break; } } @Override public void notifyNodeConnector(NodeConnector nodeConnector, UpdateType type, Map propMap) { if (nodeConnector == null) return; boolean up = false; switch (type) { case ADDED: up = true; break; case REMOVED: break; case CHANGED: State state = (State) propMap.get(State.StatePropName); if ((state != null) && (state.getValue() == State.EDGE_UP)) { up = true; } break; default: return; } if (up) { handleNodeConnectorStatusUp(nodeConnector); } else { handleNodeConnectorStatusDown(nodeConnector); } } private void handleNodeConnectorStatusUp(NodeConnector nodeConnector) { if (topologyManager == null) { log.debug("topologyManager is not set yet"); return; } if (topologyManager.isInternal(nodeConnector)) { log.debug("{} is not a host facing link", nodeConnector); return; } log.debug("{} is up", nodeConnector); updateRulesforHIFup(nodeConnector.getNode(), nodeConnector); } private void handleNodeConnectorStatusDown(NodeConnector nodeConnector) { log.debug("{} is down", nodeConnector); } void setClusterContainerService(IClusterContainerServices s) { log.debug("Cluster Service set"); this.clusterContainerService = s; } void unsetClusterContainerService(IClusterContainerServices s) { if (this.clusterContainerService == s) { log.debug("Cluster Service removed!"); this.clusterContainerService = null; } } /** * Function called by the dependency manager when all the required * dependencies are satisfied * */ void init() { startUp(); } /** * Function called by the dependency manager when at least one * dependency become unsatisfied or when the component is shutting * down because for example bundle is being stopped. * */ void destroy() { } /** * Function called by dependency manager after "init ()" is called * and after the services provided by the class are registered in * the service registry * */ void start() { } /** * Function called by the dependency manager before the services * exported by the component are unregistered, this will be * followed by a "destroy ()" calls * */ void stop() { } public void setSwitchManager(ISwitchManager switchManager) { this.switchManager = switchManager; } public void unsetSwitchManager(ISwitchManager switchManager) { if (this.switchManager == switchManager) { this.switchManager = null; } } }