package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Factory; import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer; import; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Forest; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair; /** * For the input Graph, creates a MinimumSpanningTree * using a variation of Prim's algorithm. * * @author Tom Nelson - * * @param * @param */ public class MinimumSpanningForest { protected Graph graph; protected Forest forest; protected Map weights; /** * Creates a Forest from the supplied Graph and supplied Factory, which * is used to create a new, empty Forest. If non-null, the supplied root * will be used as the root of the tree/forest. If the supplied root is * null, or not present in the Graph, then an arbitrary Graph vertex * will be selected as the root. * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another * tree is created. * @param graph the input graph * @param factory the factory to use to create the new forest * @param root the vertex of the graph to be used as the root of the forest * @param weights edge weights */ public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph graph, Factory> factory, V root, Map weights) { this(graph, factory.create(), root, weights); } /** * Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the * supplied Forest, which must be empty. * If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph, * then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root. * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another * tree is created * @param graph the Graph to find MST in * @param forest the Forest to populate. Must be empty * @param root first Tree root, may be null * @param weights edge weights, may be null */ public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph graph, Forest forest, V root, Map weights) { if(forest.getVertexCount() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied Forest must be empty"); } this.graph = graph; this.forest = forest; if(weights != null) { this.weights = weights; } Set unfinishedEdges = new HashSet(graph.getEdges()); if(graph.getVertices().contains(root)) { this.forest.addVertex(root); } updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges); } /** * Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the * supplied Forest, which must be empty. * If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph, * then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root. * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another * tree is created * @param graph the Graph to find MST in * @param forest the Forest to populate. Must be empty * @param root first Tree root, may be null */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph graph, Forest forest, V root) { if(forest.getVertexCount() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied Forest must be empty"); } this.graph = graph; this.forest = forest; this.weights = LazyMap.decorate(new HashMap(), new ConstantTransformer(1.0)); Set unfinishedEdges = new HashSet(graph.getEdges()); if(graph.getVertices().contains(root)) { this.forest.addVertex(root); } updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges); } /** * Returns the generated forest. */ public Forest getForest() { return forest; } protected void updateForest(Collection tv, Collection unfinishedEdges) { double minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE; E nextEdge = null; V nextVertex = null; V currentVertex = null; for(E e : unfinishedEdges) { if(forest.getEdges().contains(e)) continue; // find the lowest cost edge, get its opposite endpoint, // and then update forest from its Successors Pair endpoints = graph.getEndpoints(e); V first = endpoints.getFirst(); V second = endpoints.getSecond(); if(tv.contains(first) == true && tv.contains(second) == false) { if(weights.get(e) < minCost) { minCost = weights.get(e); nextEdge = e; currentVertex = first; nextVertex = second; } } if(graph.getEdgeType(e) == EdgeType.UNDIRECTED && tv.contains(second) == true && tv.contains(first) == false) { if(weights.get(e) < minCost) { minCost = weights.get(e); nextEdge = e; currentVertex = second; nextVertex = first; } } } if(nextVertex != null && nextEdge != null) { unfinishedEdges.remove(nextEdge); forest.addEdge(nextEdge, currentVertex, nextVertex); updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges); } Collection leftovers = new HashSet(graph.getVertices()); leftovers.removeAll(forest.getVertices()); if(leftovers.size() > 0) { V anotherRoot = leftovers.iterator().next(); forest.addVertex(anotherRoot); updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges); } } }