package org.openflow.protocol.action; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.openflow.util.HexString; public class ActionVendorOutputNextHop extends OFActionVendor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static int VENDOR_CISCO = 0xC; private enum ONHLength { ONH_LEN_MIN(16), ONH_LEN_P2P(16), ONH_LEN_IPV4(24), ONH_LEN_MAC(32), ONH_LEN_IPV6(40); private int value; private ONHLength(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return this.value; } } private enum ONHActionType { ONH_ACTION_NONE(0), ONH_ACTION_OUTPUT_NH(1), ONH_ACTION_NETFLOW(2); private int value; private ONHActionType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return this.value; } } private enum ONHAddressType { ONH_ADDRTYPE_NONE(0), ONH_ADDRTYPE_P2P(1), ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV4(2), ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV6(3), ONH_ADDRTYPE_MAC48(4); private int value; private ONHAddressType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return this.value; } } private enum ONHXAddressType { ONH_XADDRTYPE_NONE(0), ONH_XADDRTYPE_PORT(1), ONH_XADDRTYPE_VPNID(2); private int value; private ONHXAddressType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return this.value; } } protected InetAddress address; public ActionVendorOutputNextHop() { super(); super.setLength((short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_MIN.getValue()); super.setVendor(VENDOR_CISCO); this.address = null; } public void setNextHop(InetAddress address) { short actionLen; if (address instanceof Inet4Address) { actionLen = (short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_IPV4.getValue(); } else { actionLen = (short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_IPV6.getValue(); } super.setLength(actionLen); this.address = address; } public InetAddress getNextHop() { return this.address; } @Override public void readFrom(ByteBuffer data) { /* * For now, only contains the next hop address */ //super.readFrom(data); don't need this if (data.remaining() < super.getLength()-8) { /* * malformed element, skip over */ data.position(data.remaining()); return; } if ((super.getLength() != (short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_IPV4.getValue()) && (super.getLength() != (short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_IPV6.getValue())) { /* * mal-formed element, skip over */ data.position(super.getLength()); return; } data.getShort(); // skip the ONH_ACTION_OUTPUT_NH data.getShort(); // skip address and xtraaddress types data.getInt(); // skip the extra address (8 bytes) data.getInt(); byte[] a; if (super.getLength() == (short)ONHLength.ONH_LEN_IPV4.getValue()) { a = new byte[4]; data.get(a); } else { a = new byte[16]; data.get(a); data.getInt(); //4 bytes pad } try { this.address = InetAddress.getByAddress(a); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void writeTo(ByteBuffer data) { byte atype = (byte)(ONHAddressType.ONH_ADDRTYPE_NONE.getValue()); byte xatype = (byte)(ONHXAddressType.ONH_XADDRTYPE_NONE.getValue()); if (address instanceof Inet4Address) atype = (byte)(ONHAddressType.ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV4.getValue()); else atype = (byte)(ONHAddressType.ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV6.getValue()); super.writeTo(data); // this writes the standard 8byte ofp_action_vendor_header data.putShort((short)(ONHActionType.ONH_ACTION_OUTPUT_NH.getValue())); data.put(atype); data.put(xatype); /* * write the xtra address. For now it is all 0 */ data.putInt(0); // 8-byte pad data.putInt(0); /* * write the address only when address type is not P2P */ if (atype == (byte)(ONHAddressType.ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV4.getValue())) { data.put(address.getAddress()); // no need to pad //avnh.put(address.getAddress()); } else if (atype == (byte)(ONHAddressType.ONH_ADDRTYPE_IPV6.getValue())) { data.put(address.getAddress()); //avnh.put(address.getAddress()); data.putInt(0); // 4-byte pad //avnh.putInt(0); } ActionVendorOutputNextHop a = new ActionVendorOutputNextHop(); a.setLength((short)24); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 347; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + address.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof ActionVendorOutputNextHop)) { return false; } ActionVendorOutputNextHop other = (ActionVendorOutputNextHop) obj; if (!other.address.equals(this.address)) return false; return true; } public String toString() { return ("OutputNextHop: " + address.getHostAddress()); } }