Step 1: Move vm scripts to the right place
[integration/test.git] / test / csit / variables / ovsdb / create_port_vm.json
1 {
2   "port": {
3     "binding:host_id": "{BIND_HOST_ID}",
4     "allowed_address_pairs": [],
5     "device_owner": "compute:None",
6     "port_security_enabled": true,
7     "binding:profile": {},
8     "fixed_ips": [
9       {
10         "subnet_id": "{subnetId}",
11         "ip_address": ""
12       }
13     ],
14     "id": "{portId}",
15     "security_groups": [
16       {
17         "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
18         "description": "Default security group",
19         "id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
20         "security_group_rules": [
21           {
22             "remote_group_id": null,
23             "direction": "egress",
24             "remote_ip_prefix": null,
25             "protocol": null,
26             "ethertype": "IPv4",
27             "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
28             "port_range_max": null,
29             "port_range_min": null,
30             "id": "3f260b84-637a-4edc-8ba6-a5ff36b2ae79",
31             "security_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333"
32           },
33           {
34             "remote_group_id": null,
35             "direction": "egress",
36             "remote_ip_prefix": null,
37             "protocol": null,
38             "ethertype": "IPv6",
39             "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
40             "port_range_max": null,
41             "port_range_min": null,
42             "id": "9c3a324a-822d-4a60-b4d9-bc9fc8a890e9",
43             "security_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333"
44           },
45           {
46             "remote_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
47             "direction": "ingress",
48             "remote_ip_prefix": null,
49             "protocol": null,
50             "ethertype": "IPv6",
51             "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
52             "port_range_max": null,
53             "port_range_min": null,
54             "id": "a3dc2551-2939-4a0b-8113-bcbce704c0fd",
55             "security_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333"
56           },
57           {
58             "remote_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
59             "direction": "ingress",
60             "remote_ip_prefix": null,
61             "protocol": null,
62             "ethertype": "IPv4",
63             "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
64             "port_range_max": null,
65             "port_range_min": null,
66             "id": "efa8f393-1494-4370-87c2-693f1c109190",
67             "security_group_id": "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333"
68           }
69         ],
70         "name": "default"
71       }
72     ],
73     "device_id": "{deviceId}",
74     "name": "",
75     "admin_state_up": true,
76     "network_id": "{netId}",
77     "tenant_id": "{tntId}",
78     "binding:vif_details": {},
79     "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
80     "binding:vif_type": "unbound",
81     "mac_address": "{macAddr}"
82   }
83 }HTTP/1.1 201 Created
84 Content-Type: application/json
85 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
86 Server: Jetty(8.1.15.v20140411)
88 8CB
89 {
90    "port" : {
91       "id" : "341ceaca-24bf-4017-9b08-c3180e86fd24",
92       "network_id" : "12809f83-ccdf-422c-a20a-4ddae0712655",
93       "name" : "",
94       "admin_state_up" : true,
95       "mac_address" : "FA:16:3E:8E:B8:05",
96       "fixed_ips" : [ {
97          "ip_address" : "",
98          "subnet_id" : "6c496958-a787-4d8c-9465-f4c4176652e8"
99       } ],
100       "device_id" : "20e500c3-41e1-4be0-b854-55c710a1cfb2",
101       "device_owner" : "compute:None",
102       "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf",
103       "security_groups" : [ {
104          "id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
105          "name" : "default",
106          "description" : "Default security group",
107          "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf",
108          "security_group_rules" : [ {
109             "id" : "3f260b84-637a-4edc-8ba6-a5ff36b2ae79",
110             "direction" : "egress",
111             "ethertype" : "IPv4",
112             "security_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
113             "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf"
114          }, {
115             "id" : "9c3a324a-822d-4a60-b4d9-bc9fc8a890e9",
116             "direction" : "egress",
117             "ethertype" : "IPv6",
118             "security_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
119             "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf"
120          }, {
121             "id" : "a3dc2551-2939-4a0b-8113-bcbce704c0fd",
122             "direction" : "ingress",
123             "ethertype" : "IPv6",
124             "remote_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
125             "security_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
126             "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf"
127          }, {
128             "id" : "efa8f393-1494-4370-87c2-693f1c109190",
129             "direction" : "ingress",
130             "ethertype" : "IPv4",
131             "remote_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
132             "security_group_id" : "970d6a6d-bebf-43a3-85cc-a860fc994333",
133             "tenant_id" : "cde2563ead464ffa97963c59e002c0cf"
134          } ]
135       } ],
136       "allowed_address_pairs" : [ ],
137       "binding:host_id" : "{BIND_HOST_ID}",
138       "binding:vnic_type" : "normal",
139       "binding:vif_type" : "unbound",
140       "binding:vif_details" : [ {
141       } ]
142    }
143 }