*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to validate multiple vpnservice functionality in an openstack integrated environment. ... The assumption of this suite is that the environment is already configured with the proper ... integration bridges and vxlan tunnels. Suite Setup Suite Setup Suite Teardown OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/BgpOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Tcpdump.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot *** Variables *** ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_HOST} 3 ${NUM_OF_VMS_PER_HOST} 3 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} 3 ${AS_ID} 100 ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${NET} mvpn_net_new ${ROUTER} mvpn_router ${LOOPBACK_IP} ${CREATE_RT} ["2200:2","2300:2","2400:2"] ${RT_LIST_1} ["2200:2","2300:2"] ${RT_LIST_2} ["2200:2","2400:2"] @{SECURITY_GROUP} mvpn_sg mvpn_custom_sg @{REQ_PREFIXLENGTHS} @{REQ_SUBNETS_PREFIX} mvpn_subnet10 mvpn_subnet11 @{NETWORKS} mvpn_net_1 mvpn_net_2 mvpn_net_3 @{SUBNETS} mvpn_sub_1 mvpn_sub_2 mvpn_sub_3 @{SUBNET_CIDRS} @{PORTS_HOST1} mvpn_net_1_port_1 mvpn_net_2_port_1 mvpn_net_3_port_1 mvpn_net_1_port1_csg mvpn_net_2_port1_csg @{PORTS_HOST2} mvpn_net_1_port_2 mvpn_net_2_port_2 mvpn_net_3_port_2 mvpn_net_2_port2_csg @{VMS_HOST1} mvpn_net_1_vm_1 mvpn_net_2_vm_1 mvpn_net_3_vm_1 mvpn_net_1_vm1_csg mvpn_net_2_vm1_csg @{VMS_HOST2} mvpn_net_1_vm_2 mvpn_net_2_vm_2 mvpn_net_3_vm_2 mvpn_net_2_vm2_csg @{NET_1_VMS} mvpn_net_1_vm_1 mvpn_net_1_vm_2 mvpn_net_1_vm1_csg @{NET_2_VMS} mvpn_net_2_vm_1 mvpn_net_2_vm_2 mvpn_net_2_vm1_csg mvpn_net_2_vm2_csg @{NET_3_VMS} mvpn_net_3_vm_1 mvpn_net_3_vm_2 @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261441 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261442 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261443 @{VPN_NAMES} mvpn_1 mvpn_2 mvpn_3 @{RDS} ["2200:2"] ["2300:2"] ["2400:2"] @{DCGW_RD} 2200:2 2300:2 2400:2 @{LOOPBACK_IPS} @{LOOPBACK_NAMES} int1 int2 int3 *** Test Cases *** Check Datapath Traffic Across Networks With L3VPN [Documentation] Datapath Test Across the networks with VPN. ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 20 @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 20 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 20 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[2] ping -c 20 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[2] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[2] ping -c 20 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[3] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} Verify Route Update In Bgp For Routes With Default Route And Various Prefix Lengths [Documentation] Create network with different prefix lengths and check the route update in bgp. BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${SUBNET_CIDRS} OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${NET} ${length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${REQ_SUBNETS_PREFIX} : FOR ${idx} IN RANGE ${length} \ OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet ${NET} @{REQ_SUBNETS_PREFIX}[${idx}] @{REQ_PREFIXLENGTHS}[${idx}] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SUBNETWORK_URL} ${REQ_SUBNETS_PREFIX} ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${NET} VpnOperations.Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${net_id} vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] VpnOperations.Verify L3VPN On ODL @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${REQ_PREFIXLENGTHS} [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords VpnOperations.Dissociate L3VPN From Networks networkid=${net_id} vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] ... AND OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${NET} ... AND Post Test Cleanup @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] Verification Of Route Download With Three Vpns In SE And Qbgp With One-One Export Import Route Target [Documentation] Check the datapath traffic with one-one export import route target with three vpns. Create Multiple L3VPN @{NETWORKS}[0] ${3} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} @{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] \ ... @{DCGW_RD}[${index}] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[${index}] VpnOperations.Associate L3VPNs To Networks ${VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} ${NETWORKS} ${fib_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{NET_3_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS} @{LOOPBACK_IPS} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${fib_values} ${fib1_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 15s BgpOperations.Verify Routes On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} @{DCGW_RD}[0] ${fib1_values} ${fib2_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[1] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 15s BgpOperations.Verify Routes On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} @{DCGW_RD}[1] ${fib2_values} ${fib3_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_3_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[2] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[2] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 15s BgpOperations.Verify Routes On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} @{DCGW_RD}[2] ${fib3_values} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_1_VM_IPS} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_2_VM_IPS} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 3 @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 3 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 3 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${NO_PING_REGEXP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ping -c 3 @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[1] BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${NO_PING_REGEXP} [Teardown] Post Test Cleanup @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} Verification Of Route Download With Three Vpns In SE And Qbgp With One-Many Export Import Route Target [Documentation] Check the datapath traffic with one-many export import route target with three vpns. VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[0] rd=@{RDS}[0] exportrt=${CREATE_RT} importrt=@{RDS}[0] : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[${index}] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] rd=@{RDS}[${index}] exportrt=@{RDS}[${index}] importrt=${RT_LIST_${index}} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} @{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] \ ... @{DCGW_RD}[${index}] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[${index}] ${networks} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NETWORKS}[1] VpnOperations.Associate L3VPNs To Networks ${VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} ${networks} ${fib_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[1] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${fib_values} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_1_VM_IPS} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_2_VM_IPS} [Teardown] Post Test Cleanup @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} Verification Of Route Download With Three Vpns In SE And Qbgp With Many-One Export Import Route Target [Documentation] Check the datapath traffic with many-one export import route target with three vpns. VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[0] rd=@{RDS}[0] exportrt=@{RDS}[0] importrt=${CREATE_RT} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[${index}] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] rd=@{RDS}[${index}] exportrt=${RT_LIST_${index}} importrt=@{RDS}[${index}] : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} @{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] \ ... @{DCGW_RD}[${index}] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[${index}] ${networks} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NETWORKS}[1] VpnOperations.Associate L3VPNs To Networks ${VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} ${networks} ${fib_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[1] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${fib_values} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_1_VM_IPS} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_2_VM_IPS} [Teardown] Post Test Cleanup @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} Verification Of Route Download With Three Vpns In SE And Qbgp With Many-Many Export Import Route Target [Documentation] Check the datapath traffic with many-many export import route target with three vpns. : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[${index}] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] rd=@{RDS}[${index}] exportrt=${CREATE_RT} importrt=${CREATE_RT} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_L3VPN} \ BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} @{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] \ ... @{DCGW_RD}[${index}] @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[${index}] ${networks} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NETWORKS}[1] VpnOperations.Associate L3VPNs To Networks ${VPN_INSTANCE_IDS} ${networks} ${fib_values} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[1] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${fib_values} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_1_VM_IPS} VpnOperations.Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${NET_2_VM_IPS} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup [Documentation] Basic setup. VpnOperations.Basic Suite Setup BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On ODL ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create Setup OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VMS} @{NET_3_VMS} OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs Create Setup [Documentation] Create basic topology Create Neutron Networks Create Neutron Subnets OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP[0]} Security Group Rule with Remote SG ${SECURITY_GROUP[1]} Create Neutron Ports Create Nova VMs VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[0] rd=@{RDS}[0] exportrt=@{RDS}[0] importrt=@{RDS}[0] VpnOperations.Verify L3VPN On ODL @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ ${network_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${network} \ VpnOperations.Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${network_id} vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[0] Create BGP Config On ODL Create BGP Config On DCGW Create External Tunnel Endpoint Create Neutron Networks [Documentation] Create required number of networks : FOR ${NET} IN @{NETWORKS} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${NET} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${NETWORK_URL} ${NETWORKS} Create Neutron Subnets [Documentation] Create required number of subnets for previously created networks ${num_of_networks} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${NETWORKS} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${num_of_networks} \ OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{NETWORKS}[${index}] @{SUBNETS}[${index}] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[${index}] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SUBNETWORK_URL} ${SUBNETS} Create Neutron Ports [Documentation] Create required number of ports under previously created subnets : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_HOST} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[${index}] @{PORTS_HOST1}[${index}] sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[0] : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_HOST} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[${index}] @{PORTS_HOST2}[${index}] sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[0] @{PORTS_HOST1}[3] @{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[1] @{PORTS_HOST1}[4] @{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[1] @{PORTS_HOST2}[3] @{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] ${PORTS} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORTS_HOST1} @{PORTS_HOST2} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/neutron:neutron/ports/ ${PORTS} Create Nova VMs [Documentation] Create Vm instances on compute nodes : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_VMS_PER_HOST} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORTS_HOST1}[${index}] @{VMS_HOST1}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[0] : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_VMS_PER_HOST} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORTS_HOST2}[${index}] @{VMS_HOST2}[${index}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORTS_HOST1}[3] @{VMS_HOST1}[3] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORTS_HOST1}[4] @{VMS_HOST1}[4] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORTS_HOST2}[3] @{VMS_HOST2}[3] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=@{SECURITY_GROUP}[1] @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET_1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} ${NET_2_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_2_VMS} @{NET_3_VM_IPS} ${NET_3_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_3_VMS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_1_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_2_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_3_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_1_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_2_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_3_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_1_DHCP_IP} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_2_DHCP_IP} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_3_DHCP_IP} None Create External Tunnel Endpoint [Documentation] Create and verify external tunnel endpoint between ODL and GWIP BgpOperations.Create External Tunnel Endpoint Configuration destIp=${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${output} = BgpOperations.Get External Tunnel Endpoint Configuration ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create BGP Config On ODL [Documentation] Configure BGP Config on ODL KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${BGP_CONFIG_SERVER_CMD} BgpOperations.Create BGP Configuration On ODL localas=${AS_ID} routerid=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BgpOperations.AddNeighbor To BGP Configuration On ODL remoteas=${AS_ID} neighborAddr=${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${output} = BgpOperations.Get BGP Configuration On ODL session BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create BGP Config On DCGW [Documentation] Configure BGP on DCGW BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} @{VPN_NAMES}[0] @{DCGW_RD}[0] ... @{LOOPBACK_IPS}[0] ${output} = BgpOperations.Execute Show Command On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${RUN_CONFIG} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${output} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 10s BgpOperations.Verify BGP Neighbor Status On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} Create Multiple L3VPN [Arguments] ${network} ${num_of_l3vpns} [Documentation] Creates multiple L3VPNs and then verify the same : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${num_of_l3vpns} \ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40s 10s VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=@{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[${index}] name=@{VPN_NAMES}[${index}] \ ... rd=@{RDS}[${index}] exportrt=@{RDS}[${index}] importrt=@{RDS}[${index}] \ VpnOperations.Verify L3VPN On ODL @{VPN_INSTANCE_IDS}[${index}] Security Group Rule with Remote SG [Arguments] ${sec_grp} [Documentation] Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP packets for this suite OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create ${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=ingress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote-group-id=${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=egress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote-group-id=${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=ingress protocol=icmp remote-group-id=${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=egress protocol=icmp remote-group-id=${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=ingress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp remote_group_id=${sec_grp} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sec_grp} direction=egress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp remote-group-id=${sec_grp} Post Test Cleanup [Arguments] @{vpn_ids} [Documentation] Test Case Cleanup. VpnOperations.Delete Multiple L3VPNs @{vpn_ids} BgpOperations.Delete BGP Config On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID}