*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to validate subnet routing and multicast functionality in an openstack integrated environment. ... The assumption of this suite is that the environment is already configured with the proper ... integration bridges and vxlan tunnels. Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown Stop Suite Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Resource ../../../libraries/BgpOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot *** Variables *** ${AS_ID} 100 ${SECURITY_GROUP} mc_sg ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_NETWORK} 4 ${NUM_OF_INSTANCES} 20 ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261111 ${VPN_NAME} mc_vpn1 ${LOOPBACK_IP} ${L3VPN_RD} 2200:2 ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${RPING_MIP_IP} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP1} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] ${RPING_MIP_IP2} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] ${BGP_CONFIG_SERVER_CMD} bgp-connect -h ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} -p 7644 add @{INTERFACE_STATE} up down @{NETWORKS} mc_net_1 mc_net_2 mc_net_3 @{NET_1_VMS} mc_net_1_vm_1 mc_net_1_vm_2 mc_net_1_vm_3 mc_net_1_vm_4 @{NET_2_VMS} mc_net_2_vm_1 mc_net_2_vm_2 mc_net_2_vm_3 mc_net_2_vm_4 @{NET_3_VMS} mc_net_3_vm_1 mc_net_3_vm_2 mc_net_3_vm_3 mc_net_3_vm_4 @{NET_1_PORTS} mc_net_1_port_1 mc_net_1_port_2 mc_net_1_port_3 mc_net_1_port_4 @{NET_2_PORTS} mc_net_2_port_1 mc_net_2_port_2 mc_net_2_port_3 mc_net_2_port_4 @{NET_3_PORTS} mc_net_3_port_1 mc_net_3_port_2 mc_net_3_port_3 mc_net_3_port_4 @{SUBNETS} mc_sub_1 mc_sub_2 mc_sub_3 @{SUBNET_CIDR} @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET} ${MASK} *** Test Cases *** Verify The Subnet Route When Neutron Port Hosting Subnet Route Is Down/up On Single VSwitch Topology [Documentation] Verify the subnet route when enterprise host is down and up. BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[1] ${allowed_ip_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${allowed_ip_list} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${allowed_ip_list} Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host Verify Enterprise Hosts Reachability After VM Reboot [Documentation] Restart the VSwitch1 which is hosting the enterprise host and check the subnet route OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS} OpenStackOperations.Reboot Nova VM @{NET_1_VMS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host Verify The Subnet Route For Multiple Subnets On Multi VSwitch Topology When DC-GW Is Restarted [Documentation] Restart dcgw and check enterprise hosts reachability BgpOperations.Restart BGP Processes On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create BGP Config On DCGW Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host Verify The Subnet Route For Multiple Subnets On Multi VSwitch Topology When Qbgp Is Restarted [Documentation] Restart qbgp and check enterprise hosts reachability BgpOperations.Restart BGP Processes On ODL ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host *** Keywords *** Start Suite [Documentation] Test Suite for Subnet_Routing_and_Multicast_Deployments. VpnOperations.Basic Suite Setup BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On ODL ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create Setup Stop Suite [Documentation] Test Teardown for Subnet_Routing_and_Multicast_Deployments. BgpOperations.Delete BGP Configuration On ODL session BgpOperations.Delete BGP Config On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} BgpOperations.Stop BGP Processes On Node ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BgpOperations.Stop BGP Processes On Node ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown Create Neutron Networks [Documentation] Create required number of networks : FOR ${net} IN @{NETWORKS} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${net} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${NETWORK_URL} ${NETWORKS} Create Neutron Subnets [Arguments] ${num_of_network} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY} ${verbose}=TRUE [Documentation] Create required number of subnets for previously created networks : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${num_of_network} \ OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{NETWORKS}[${index}] @{SUBNETS}[${index}] @{SUBNET_CIDR}[${index}] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SUBNETWORK_URL} ${SUBNETS} Create Neutron Ports [Documentation] Create required number of ports under previously created subnets ${allowed_address_pairs_args1} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] ${allowed_address_pairs_args2} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] ${allowed_address_pairs_args3} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_NETWORK} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args1} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_NETWORK} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args2} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_NETWORK} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[2] @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args3} Create Nova VMs [Documentation] Create Vm instances on compute nodes : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 2 \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_1_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_1_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_2_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_2_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_3_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_3_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} ${NET2_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_2_VMS} @{NET_3_VM_IPS} ${NET3_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_3_VMS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_1_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_2_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_3_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_1_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_2_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_3_VM_IPS} None OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VMS} @{NET_3_VMS} Create Setup [Documentation] Create basic topology OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup ${id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Project Id ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} OpenStackOperations.Set Instance Quota For Project ${NUM_OF_INSTANCES} ${id} Create Neutron Networks Create Neutron Subnets ${3} OpenStackOperations.Create And Configure Security Group ${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Neutron Ports Create Nova VMs Create Sub Interfaces And Verify Create L3VPN : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ ${network_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${network} \ VpnOperations.Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${network_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} Create BGP Config On ODL Create BGP Config On DCGW BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s VpnOperations.Verify Tunnel Status as UP ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP1} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP2} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply Create Sub Interfaces And Verify [Documentation] Create Sub Interface and verify for all VMs BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0] ... ${MASK} @{INTERFACE_STATE}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0] Create L3VPN [Documentation] Create L3VPN and verify the same ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id @{NETWORKS}[0] ${tenant_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Tenant ID From Network ${net_id} VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} name=${VPN_NAME} rd=["${L3VPN_RD}"] exportrt=["${L3VPN_RD}"] importrt=["${L3VPN_RD}"] tenantid=${tenant_id} VpnOperations.Verify L3VPN On ODL ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} Create BGP Config On ODL [Documentation] Configure BGP Config on ODL KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${BGP_CONFIG_SERVER_CMD} BgpOperations.Create BGP Configuration On ODL localas=${AS_ID} routerid=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BgpOperations.AddNeighbor To BGP Configuration On ODL remoteas=${AS_ID} neighborAddr=${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${output} = BgpOperations.Get BGP Configuration On ODL session BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} Create BGP Config On DCGW [Documentation] Configure BGP on DCGW BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${VPN_NAME} ${L3VPN_RD} ... ${LOOPBACK_IP} ${output} = BgpOperations.Execute Show Command On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${RUN_CONFIG} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${output} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 10s BgpOperations.Verify BGP Neighbor Status On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface [Arguments] ${network_name} ${ip} ${vm_ip} ${mask} ${sub_interface_state}=${EMPTY} ${interface}=eth0 ... ${sub_interface_number}=1 [Documentation] Keyword for configuring specified IP on specified interface and the corresponding specified sub interface OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${network_name} ${vm_ip} sudo ifconfig ${interface}:${sub_interface_number} ${ip} netmask ${mask} ${sub_interface_state} Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface [Arguments] ${network_name} ${ip} ${vm_ip} ${interface}=eth0 ${sub_interface_number}=1 [Documentation] Keyword for verifying specified IP on specified interface and the corresponding specified sub interface ${resp} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${network_name} ${vm_ip} sudo ifconfig ${interface}:${sub_interface_number} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${resp} ${ip} Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host [Documentation] Ping Enterprise Host for Intra, Inter from different and same network ${dst_ip_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list}