""" Robot testdoc and testlib generator Authors: Kailash Khalasi (kkhalasi@iix.net) Created: 2015-07-21 This script will issue a command to all the robot suites and libraries in the given directories to generate documentation using Robot's "testdoc" and "libdoc" tool. ex usage: python create_docs.py suitelocation librarylocation suitedocoutputlocation libdocoutputlocation ex values: suitelocation:$HOME/integration/test/csit/suites librarylocation:$HOME/integration/test/csit/libraries suitedocoutputlocation:/tmp/RobotDocs libdocoutputlocation: /tmp/RobotLibs """ import os from sys import argv import robot.testdoc import robot.libdoc if len(argv) != 5: suiteRoot = os.getenv("HOME")+'/integration/test/csit/suites' libraryRoot = os.getenv("HOME")+'/integration/test/csit/libraries' tmpSuite = '/tmp/RobotDocs/' tmpLib = '/tmp/RobotLibs/' print "All arguments are not passed....Using default arguments:" print 'Suite Location: ' + suiteRoot print 'Library Location: ' + libraryRoot print 'Suite Doc Output Location: ' + tmpSuite print 'Library Doc Output Location: ' + tmpLib else: script, suiteRoot, libraryRoot, tmpSuite, tmpLib = argv def generate_docs(testDir, outputFolder, debug=False): """ Generate Robot Documentation Args: testDir: The directory in which your robot files live (can be suites or libraries) outputFolder: The directory where you want your generated docs to be placed. This function will "walk" through each robot file in the given "suitelocation" and "librarylocation" and will issue a python -m robot.testdoc|libdoc on each of those files. The script will first determine if you've passed in a robot suite location or robot library location. The outcome generates an HTML file (our expected documents) to the given "suitedocoutputlocation"|"libdocoutputlocation". :param debug: Default is false. Setting debug to true will print the output of each command entered to generate a robot doc """ if testDir == suiteRoot: docFunction = robot.testdoc.testdoc else: docFunction = robot.libdoc.libdoc for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(testDir): for file in files: if file.endswith(".robot"): inputFile = os.path.join(root, file) outputFile = os.path.join(outputFolder, file + ".html") docFunction(inputFile, outputFile) tmpDirs = [tmpSuite, tmpLib] for dirs in tmpDirs: if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) generate_docs(suiteRoot, tmpSuite) generate_docs(libraryRoot, tmpLib)