## Wrapped CBench (WCBench) CBench, wrapped in stuff that makes it useful. - [Wrapped CBench (WCBench)](#user-content-wrapped-cbench-wcbench) - [Overview](#user-content-overview) - [Usage](#user-content-usage) - [Usage Overview](#user-content-usage-overview) - [Usage Details: wcbench.sh](#user-content-usage-details-wcbenchsh) - [Usage Details: loop_wcbench.sh](#user-content-usage-details-loop_wcbenchsh) - [Usage Details: stats.py](#user-content-usage-details-statspy) - [WCBench Results](#user-content-wcbench-results) - [Detailed Walkthrough: Vagrant](#user-content-detailed-walkthrough-vagrant) - [Detailed Walkthrough: Manual](#user-content-detailed-walkthrough-manual) - [Contributing](#user-content-contributing) - [Contact](#user-content-contact) ### Overview CBench is a somewhat classic SDN controller benchmark tool. It blasts a controller with OpenFlow packet-in messages and counts the rate of flow mod messages returned. WCBench consumes CBench as a library, then builds a robust test automation, stats collection and stats analysis/graphing system around it. WCBench currently only supports the Helium release of the OpenDaylight SDN controller, but it would be fairly easy to add support for other controllers. Community contributions are encouraged! ### Usage #### Usage Overview The help outputs produced by `./wcbench.sh -h`, `./loop_wcbench.sh -h` and `stats.py -h` are quite useful: ``` Usage ./wcbench.sh [options] Setup and/or run CBench and/or OpenDaylight. OPTIONS: -h Show this message -v Output verbose debug info -c Install CBench -t