module networkutils { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:networkutils"; prefix "networkutils"; revision "2017-08-18" { description "Initial revision of networkutils model"; } grouping links-input-grouping { container links-input { description "This is the input to initialize the nodes"; leaf xpdr-node { type string; } leaf xpdr-num { type uint8; } leaf network-num { type uint8; } leaf rdm-node { type string; } leaf srg-num { type uint8; } leaf termination-point-num { type string; } } } rpc init-roadm-nodes { description "This rpc initiates roadm to roadm link"; input { leaf rdm-a-node { type string; } leaf deg-a-num { type uint8; } leaf termination-point-a { type string; } leaf rdm-z-node { type string; } leaf deg-z-num { type uint8; } leaf termination-point-z { type string; } } output { leaf result { type string; } } } rpc init-xpdr-rdm-links { description "This rpc initiates xponder to rdm link"; input { uses links-input-grouping; } output { leaf result { type string; } } } rpc init-rdm-xpdr-links { description "This rpc initiates rdm to xponder link"; input { uses links-input-grouping; } output { leaf result { type string; } } } rpc delete-link { description "This rpc deletes a given link in openroadm Topology layer"; input { leaf link-id { type string; } } output { leaf result { type string; } } } }