# Lighty-TransportPCE Controller This project starts [TransportPCE](https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/transportpce) without karaf framework. ## Build & Run * Make sure you have JDK8 or later installed * Make sure you have [maven 3.5.0](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi) or later installed. * Make sure you have proper [settings.xml](https://github.com/opendaylight/odlparent/blob/master/settings.xml) in your ``~/.m2`` directory. #### Before compiling Lighty-TransportPCE Make sure upstream projects are compiled locally and stored in local ``~/.m2/repository``: 1. compile __transportpce/master__ ``` git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/transportpce && (cd transportpce && curl -kLo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/tools/hooks/commit-msg; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg) cd transportpce ``` Before compilation, make sure that deviations are not present in models: ``` transportpce/ordmodels/network/src/main/yang/org-openroadm-otn-network-topology@2018-11-30.yang transportpce/ordmodels/network/src/main/yang/org-openroadm-network-topology@2018-11-30.yang transportpce/ordmodels/network/src/main/yang/org-openroadm-network@2018-11-30.yang ``` After deviations are removed from models, compile the project. ``` mvn clean install -DskipTests ``` 2. compile __lighty-core/10.0.x__ ``` git clone https://github.com/PantheonTechnologies/lighty-core.git cd lighty-core git checkout 10.0.x mvn clean install -DskipTests ``` #### Compile Lighty-TransportPCE * Project is build using maven command: ``` cd ../lighty mvn clean install ``` * After project build is done, use binary package to run the TransportPCE controller. ``` cd target unzip lighty-transportpce-10.0.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.zip cd lighty-transportpce-10.0.1-SNAPSHOT ./start-controller.sh ``` * The whole build process described here and in the previous section can be performed automatically by launching the script build.sh from lighty folder. ## TransportPCE lighty.io - karaf comparison ### Application Boot test This test compares TransportPCE application on lighty.io and karaf. After TransportPCE is started, performance is measured using [visualvm](https://visualvm.github.io/) tool. | Property Name | ODL/Karaf * | lighty.io ** | |-----------------------------------|----------------|--------------| | Build size | 225M | 64M | | Startup Time | ~15s | ~6s | | Shutdown Time | ~5s | ~100ms | | Process memory allocated (RSS)*** | 1236 MB | 353 MB | | HEAP memory (used/allocated) | 135 / 1008 MB | 58 / 128 MB | | Metaspace (used/allocated) | 115 / 132 MB | 62 / 65 MB | | Threads (live/daemon) | 111 / 48 | 70 / 11 | | Classes loaded | 22027 | 12019 | | No. of jars | 680 | 244 | ### test_end2end_lighty.py This test compares TransportPCE application on lighty.io and karaf while running __test_end2end_lighty.py__ (4 connected netconf devices). | Property Name | ODL/Karaf * | lighty.io ** | |-----------------------------------|----------------|--------------| | Build size | 225M | 64M | | Startup Time | ~15s | ~6s | | Shutdown Time | ~5s | ~100ms | | Process memory allocated (RSS)*** | 1185 MB | 440 MB | | HEAP memory (used/allocated) | 158 / 960 MB | 85 / 128 MB | | Metaspace (used/allocated) | 128 / 146 MB | 83 / 87 MB | | Threads (live/daemon) | 148 / 60 | 129 / 26 | | Classes loaded | 24326 | 16155 | | No. of jars | 680 | 244 | `* JVM parameters: -Xms128M -Xmx2048m ...` `** JVM parameters: -Xms128m -Xmx128m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m` `*** sudo ps -o pid,rss,user,command ax | grep java | grep transportpce` ### Integration Test results | Test Name | Failed | All | Comment | |---------------------------------------|--------|-----|----------------------------| | test_portmapping.py | 0 | 18 | | | test_topoPortMapping.py | 1 | 6 | (same results with karaf) | | test_topology.py | 0 | 33 | | | test_renderer_service_path_nominal.py | 0 | 24 | | | test_pce.py | 0 | 22 | | | test_olm.py | 1 | 40 | (same results with karaf) | | test_end2end_lighty.py | 18 | 52 | (same as karaf, need check)| `karaf: executable = "../karaf/target/assembly/bin/karaf"` `lighty.io executable = "../lighty/target/lighty-transportpce-10.0.1-SNAPSHOT/start-controller.sh": ` * __Total Success: 175__ * __Total Failed: 20__ ### Postman collection Check this [postman collection](docs/TransportPCE.postman_collection.json) for RESTCONF examples.