#!/bin/sh - STATUS=100 if [ "$#" -eq 2 ] then PORT=$1 CONFIG=$2 if [ -e $CONFIG ] then rm -rf $(dirname $0)/persist cp $CONFIG $(dirname $0)/config/device/ filename=$(basename -- "$CONFIG") echo "changing netconf port with $PORT in netconf.json file ..." sed -i "/netconf-ssh-binding-port/c\ \"netconf-ssh-binding-port\" : "$PORT"," $(dirname $0)/config/netconf.json echo "changing persist-context and persist-config to false in honeycomb.json file ..." sed -i "/persist-context/c\ \"persist-context\" : \"false\"," $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json sed -i "/persist-config/c\ \"persist-config\" : \"false\"," $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json echo "changing netconf-initial-config-xml location with $CONFIG in honeycomb.json file ..." sed -i "/netconf-initial-config-xml/c\ \"netconf-initial-config-xml\" : \"device/$filename\"" $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json while [ $STATUS -eq 100 ] do java -Xms512m -Xmn512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m -jar $(dirname $0)/honeynode-distribution-1.18.01.jar STATUS=$? echo "Honeycomb exited with status: $STATUS" if [ $STATUS -eq 100 ] then echo "Restarting..." fi done else echo "initial config file doesn't exist !" fi else echo "honeycomb-tpce port initial-config-xml " echo "Eg : honeycomb-tpce 17830 sample-config-ROADM.xml" fi