module aliveness-monitor { namespace "urn:opendaylight:vpnservice:alivenessmonitor"; prefix alivenessmon; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } revision "2015-06-29" { description "YANG model describes methods for monitoring endpoints."; } typedef ether-types { type enumeration { enum arp; enum lldp; } } typedef monitoring-mode { type enumeration { enum one-one; } } grouping endpoint { choice endpoint-type { case ip-address { leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case interface { leaf interface-ip { type inet:ip-address; } leaf interface-name { type string; } } case host-name { leaf host-name { type string; } } } } grouping monitor-profile-params { leaf monitor-interval { type uint32; } //Monitoring interval in milli-seconds leaf monitor-window { type uint32; } //Number M of consecutive intervals to consider for monitoring leaf failure-threshold { type uint32; } //Number N of missing messages in window to detect failure ("N out of M") leaf protocol-type { type ether-types; } } grouping monitor-params { leaf mode { type monitoring-mode; } container source { uses endpoint; } container destination { uses endpoint; } leaf profile-id { type uint32; } } // RPC Methods rpc monitor-profile-create { input { container profile { uses monitor-profile-params; } } output { leaf profile-id { type uint32; } } } rpc monitor-start { input { container config { uses monitor-params; } } output { leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } } } rpc monitor-pause { input { leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } } } rpc monitor-unpause { input { leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } } } rpc monitor-stop { input { leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } } } rpc monitor-profile-delete { input { leaf profile-id { type uint32; } } } // YANG Notifications typedef liveness-state { type enumeration { enum up; enum down; enum unknown; } } grouping liveness-event-state { leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } leaf monitor-state { type liveness-state; } } notification monitor-event { container event-data { uses liveness-event-state; } } //Operational Model container monitor-profiles { config false; list monitor-profile { key "id"; leaf id { type uint32; } uses monitor-profile-params; } } container monitor-configs { config false; list monitoring-info { key "id"; leaf id { type uint32; } uses monitor-params; } } typedef monitor-status { type enumeration { enum started; enum paused; enum stopped; } } container monitoring-states { config false; list monitoring-state { key "monitor-key"; leaf monitor-key { type string; } //Key to identify monitor-id from packet-in leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } leaf response-pending-count { type uint32; } leaf request-count { type uint32; } leaf state { type liveness-state; } leaf status { type monitor-status; } } } container monitorid-key-map { config false; list monitorid-key-entry { key "monitor-id"; leaf monitor-id { type uint32; } leaf monitor-key { type string; } } } container interface-monitor-map { config false; list interface-monitor-entry { key "interface-name"; leaf interface-name { type string; } leaf-list monitor-ids { type uint32; } } } }