Reformat '* On Session' keywords (aaa)
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / aaa / keystone / 010__keystone_authn.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation       Test suite: Authentication Support for Keystone
3 ...
4 ...                 This feature implements the user management for ODL NBI REST APIs integrated with OpenStack, so that
5 ...                 the authentication functionality provided by Keystone can be used. This allows consuming ODL NBI REST
6 ...                 APIs using the same authentication procedures as any OpenStack project, such as Nova, Neutron, etc.
7 ...                 bringing the benefits of a centralized / unified user management framework.
8 ...
9 ...                 As a first step, It shall be possible to authenticate users against Keystone by using passwords
10 ...                 provided by the users.
12 Library             SSHLibrary
13 Library             Collections
14 Library             OperatingSystem
15 Library             RequestsLibrary
16 Resource            ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
17 Resource            ../../../libraries/TemplatedRequests.robot
18 Resource            ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
19 Resource            ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot
20 Resource            ../../../variables/Variables.robot
21 Resource            ../../../libraries/AAA/DockerKeystone.robot
23 Suite Setup         Init Suite
24 Suite Teardown      Cleanup Suite
27 *** Variables ***
28 ${URI_CERTIFICATE}      /restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate
29 ${URI_RESTCONF}         /restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state
32 *** Test Cases ***
33 Successful Authentication Including Domain
34     [Documentation]    *Test Case: Successful Authentication with user@domain/password credentials*
35     ...
36     ...    Steps:
37     ...
38     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "sdnadmin" user in "sdn" domain
39     ...    - Check that the access to URLs of ODL NBI is allowed \ because "sdnadmin" user is associated to domain "sdn" in Keystone and the provided password is the right one.
40     ...
41     ...    Note:
42     ...
43     ...    - URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" ia authorized just for "admin" roles according to shiro.ini configuration. As "sdnadmin" has "admin" role in keystone the access is authorized too
44     ...
45     ...    - URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is not specified neither in shiro.ini nor in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization so no specific role is required
46     Create Session
47     ...    session
48     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
49     ...    auth=${AUTH_SDN_DOMAIN}
50     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
51     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
52     ...    session
53     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
54     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
55     ...    expected_status=anything
56     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
57     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
58     ...    session
59     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
60     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
61     ...    expected_status=anything
62     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
64 Successful Authentication Without Domain
65     [Documentation]    *Test Case: Successful Authentication with user/password credentials. No domain included*
66     ...
67     ...    Steps:
68     ...
69     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "CSC_user" user without specifying any domain then domain "Default" is considered
70     ...    - Check that the access to URLs of ODL NBI is allowed because "CSC_user" user is associated to domain "Default" in Keystone and the provided password is the right one
71     ...
72     ...    Note:
73     ...
74     ...    - URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" ia authorized just for "admin" roles according to shiro.ini configuration. As "CSC_user" has "admin" role in keystone the access is authorized too
75     ...
76     ...    - URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is not specified neither in shiro.ini nor in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization so no specific role is required
77     Create Session    session    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH_CSC_SDN}    headers=${HEADERS}
78     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
79     ...    session
80     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
81     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
82     ...    expected_status=anything
83     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
84     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
85     ...    session
86     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
87     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
88     ...    expected_status=anything
89     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
91 Unsuccessful Authentication Wrong User
92     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Authentication with worng user/password credentials*
93     ...
94     ...    Steps:
95     ...
96     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as an invalid user
97     ...    - Check that the access to URLs of ODL NBI is NOT allowed \ because "invaliduser" user does not exist in Keystone
98     ...
99     ...    Note:
100     ...
101     ...    Due to authentication fails, authorization is not evaluated
102     Create Session    session    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH_INVALID}    headers=${HEADERS}
103     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
104     ...    session
105     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
106     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
107     ...    expected_status=anything
108     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
109     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
110     ...    session
111     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
112     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
113     ...    expected_status=anything
114     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
116 UnSuccessful Authentication Without Domain
117     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Authentication without domain*
118     ...
119     ...    Steps:
120     ...
121     ...
122     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "sdnadmin" user without specifying any domain then domain "Default" is considered
123     ...    - Check that the access to URLs of ODL NBI is NOT allowed because "sdnadmin" user is not associated to domain "Default" in Keystone but to "sdn" which is not included in the credentials
124     ...
125     ...    Note:
126     ...
127     ...    Due to authentication fails, authorization is not evaluated
128     Create Session    session    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH_SDN}    headers=${HEADERS}
129     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
130     ...    session
131     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
132     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
133     ...    expected_status=anything
134     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
135     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
136     ...    session
137     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
138     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
139     ...    expected_status=anything
140     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
142 Unsuccessful Authentication Wrong Domain
143     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Authentication with wrong domain*
144     ...
145     ...    Steps:
146     ...
147     ...    Steps:
148     ...
149     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "sdnadmin" user with "wrong" as domain
150     ...    - Check that the access to URLs of ODL NBI is NOT allowed because "sdnadmin" user is not associated to domain "wrong" in Keystone but to "sdn"
151     ...
152     ...    Note:
153     ...
154     ...    Due to authentication fails, authorization is not evaluated
155     Create Session
156     ...    session
157     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
158     ...    auth=${AUTH_SDN_WRONG_DOM}
159     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
160     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
161     ...    session
162     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
163     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
164     ...    expected_status=anything
165     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
166     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
167     ...    session
168     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
169     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
170     ...    expected_status=anything
171     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
173 Unsuccessful Basic Authorization
174     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Basic Authorization*
175     ...
176     ...    Steps:
177     ...
178     ...    - Provision MDSAL so that users with role "admin" or "user" are authorized to access all URIs
179     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "CSC_user_no_admin" user
180     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" is NOT authorized because in shiro.ini configuration the access is allowed just to "admin" roles and "CSC_user_no_admin" does not have \ "admin" role in keystone but "user" role even though the MDSAL Dynamic Authorization would allow the access, that is, authorization process is an "AND" operation between shiro.ini and MDSAL Dynamic Authorization
181     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is authorized becaiuse that URL is not specified in shiro.ini and in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization access to all URLs is allowed to all user with "user" role
182     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/put-dynamic-auth.json
183     Provision MDSAL    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
184     Create Session
185     ...    session
186     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
187     ...    auth=${AUTH_CSC_NO_ADMIN}
188     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
189     ${resp_ok}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
190     ...    session
191     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
192     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
193     ...    expected_status=anything
194     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp_ok.status_code}
195     ${resp_nook}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
196     ...    session
197     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
198     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
199     ...    expected_status=anything
200     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp_nook.status_code}
202 Unsuccessful Dynamic Authorization
203     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Dynamic Authorization*
204     ...
205     ...    Steps:
206     ...
207     ...    - Provision MDSAL so that just users with role "admin" are authorized to access all URIs
208     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "CSC_user_no_admin" user
209     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" is NOT authorized because in shiro.ini configuration the access is allowed just to "admin" roles and "CSC_user_no_admin" does not have \ "admin" role in keystone but "user" role even though the MDSAL Dynamic Authorization would allow the access, that is, authorization process is an "AND" operation between shiro.ini and MDSAL Dynamic Authorization
210     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is NOT authorized because although the URL is not specified in shiro.ini, in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization access to all URLs is allowed just for users with "admin" role and "CSC_user_no_admin" does not have \ "admin" role in keystone but "user" role
211     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/put-dynamic-auth-2.json
212     Provision MDSAL    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
213     Create Session
214     ...    session
215     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
216     ...    auth=${AUTH_CSC_NO_ADMIN}
217     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
218     ${resp_nook}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
219     ...    session
220     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
221     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
222     ...    expected_status=anything
223     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp_nook.status_code}
224     ${resp_nook}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
225     ...    session
226     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
227     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
228     ...    expected_status=anything
229     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp_nook.status_code}
231 Unsuccessful Dynamic Authorization 2
232     [Documentation]    *Test Case: UnSuccessful Dynamic Authorization 2*
233     ...
234     ...    Steps:
235     ...
236     ...    - Provision MDSAL so that:
237     ...    \ \ - URI "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" is authorized just for users with "user" role
238     ...    \ - URI "/restconf/operational/**" is authorized just for users with "user" role
239     ...
240     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "sdnadmin" user
241     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" is NOT authorized because although in shiro.ini configuration the access is allowed to "admin" roles and "cscadmin" does have \ "admin" role, \ in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization access to that URL is allowed just for users with "user" role and "cscadmin" does not have \ "user" role in keystone but "admin" role
242     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is NOT authorized because although in shiro.ini configuration that URL is not considered, \ in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization access to that URL is allowed just for users with "user" role and "cscadmin" does not have \ "user" role in keystone but "admin" role
243     ...
244     ...
245     ...    - Create an HTTP session with ODL as "CSC_user_no_admin" user
246     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getODLCertificate" is NOT authorized because in shiro.ini configuration the access is allowed just to "admin" roles and "CSC_user_no_admin" does not have \ "admin" role in keystone but "user" role even though the MDSAL Dynamic Authorization would allow the access, that is, authorization process is an "AND" operation between shiro.ini and MDSAL Dynamic Authorization
247     ...    - Check that the access to URL "/restconf/operational/ietf-restconf-monitoring:restconf-state" is authorized because the URL is not specified in shiro.ini and in MDSAL Dynamic Authorization access to that URL is allowed just for users with "user" role and "CSC_user_no_admin" does \ have \ "user" role in keystone
248     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/put-dynamic-auth-3.json
249     Provision MDSAL    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
250     Create Session
251     ...    session
252     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
253     ...    auth=${AUTH_SDN_DOMAIN}
254     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
255     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
256     ...    session
257     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
258     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
259     ...    expected_status=anything
260     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
261     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
262     ...    session
263     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
264     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
265     ...    expected_status=anything
266     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
267     Create Session
268     ...    session
269     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
270     ...    auth=${AUTH_CSC_NO_ADMIN}
271     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
272     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
273     ...    session
274     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
275     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
276     ...    expected_status=anything
277     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
278     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
279     ...    session
280     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
281     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
282     ...    expected_status=anything
283     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
285 Unsuccessful No Keystone Connection
286     [Documentation]    *Test Case: Unsuccessful No Keystone Connection*
287     ...
288     ...    Steps:
289     ...
290     ...    - Put down Keystone
291     ...    - All accesses are forbidden
292     Cleanup Suite
293     Create Session
294     ...    session
295     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
296     ...    auth=${AUTH_SDN_DOMAIN}
297     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
298     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session
299     ...    session
300     ...    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}
301     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
302     ...    expected_status=anything
303     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
304     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
305     ...    session
306     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
307     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
308     ...    expected_status=anything
309     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
310     Create Session
311     ...    session
312     ...    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
313     ...    auth=${AUTH_CSC_NO_ADMIN}
314     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
315     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session
316     ...    session
317     ...    url=${URI_RESTCONF}
318     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
319     ...    expected_status=anything
320     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
321     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.POST On Session    session    url=${URI_CERTIFICATE}    headers=${HEADERS}
322     Should Contain    ${UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
325 *** Keywords ***
326 Init Suite
327     [Documentation]    The steps included in the Initialization phase are:
328     ...
329     ...    - Run Docker Keystone: Deploy a container in the SYSTEM TOOL node containing the Keystone
330     ...
331     ...    - Configure AAA in Controller: shiro.ini file is modified to add new authentication realm based on Keystone
332     ...
333     ...    - Restart Controller: This restart is needed in order to activate new shiro.ini configuration
334     ...
335     ...    - Provision Keystone: Populate keystone database with the needed users and roles
336     ...
337     ...    - Install Keystone certificate into ODL so that the protocol used in the ODL-Keystone communication is HTTPS with server certificate authentication
338     ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}    Run Command On Remote System
339     ...    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}
340     ...    hostname -f
341     ...    user=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER}
342     ...    password=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD}
343     Run Docker Keystone
344     Configure AAA In Controller    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}
345     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_KEYSTONE_CERT_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/put-keystone-cert.json
346     Set Keystone Certificate into ODL    ${PUT_KEYSTONE_CERT_FILE}    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}
347     Restart Controller
348     Provision Keystone
349     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/put-dynamic-auth.json
350     Provision MDSAL    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
352 Cleanup Suite
353     [Documentation]    Destoy keystone container
354     ${result}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Set Domain To False    ${domain}    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}
355     IF    ${result} == True
356         Delete Keystone Domain    ${domain}    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}
357     END
358     IF    ${result} == True    Destroy Docker Keystone
359     SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
361 Configure AAA In Controller
362     [Documentation]    With this keyword shiro.ini and aaa-cert-config.xml are modified to configure Keystone Authentication Realm using TLS1.2. Here you have the settings:
363     ...
364     ...    - shiro.ini:
365     ...
366     ...    keystoneAuthRealm =
367     ...    keystoneAuthRealm.url = https://sandbox-29591-30-docker-0:35357
368     ...    keystoneAuthRealm.sslVerification = true
369     ...
370     ...    securityManager.realms = $tokenAuthRealm, $keystoneAuthRealm
371     ...
372     ...
373     ...
374     ...
375     ...    - aaa-cert-config.xml:
376     ...    <use-config>true</use-config>
377     ...
378     ...    <tls-protocols>TLSv1.2</tls-protocols>
379     [Arguments]    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}
380     ${shiro_path}    Run Command On Controller    cmd=cd /;find /|grep shiro.ini|grep etc|grep -v denied
381     ${cert_path}    Run Command On Controller    cmd=cd /;find /|grep aaa-cert-config.xml|grep etc|grep -v denied
382     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
383     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/#keystoneAuthRealm =.*/keystoneAuthRealm =' ${shiro_path}
384     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
385     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/#keystoneAuthRealm.url =.*/keystoneAuthRealm.url = https:\\/\\/${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}:35357/g' ${shiro_path}
386     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
387     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/securityManager.realms =.*/securityManager.realms = $tokenAuthRealm, $keystoneAuthRealm/g' ${shiro_path}
388     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
389     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/#keystoneAuthRealm.sslVerification =.*/keystoneAuthRealm.sslVerification = true/g' ${shiro_path}
390     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
391     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/\\/operations\\/aaa-cert-rpc.*/\\/operations\\/aaa-cert-rpc** = authcBasic, roles[admin], dynamicAuthorization/g' ${shiro_path}
392     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
393     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/<use-config>.*/<use-config>true<\\/use-config>/g' ${cert_path}
394     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
395     ...    cmd=sed -ie 's/<tls-protocols.*/<tls-protocols>TLSv1.2<\\/tls-protocols>/g' ${cert_path}
396     ${result}    Run Command On Controller    cmd=cat ${shiro_path}
397     Log    ${result}
398     ${result}    Run Command On Controller    cmd=cat ${cert_path}
399     Log    ${result}
400     ${result}    Run Command On Controller
401     ...    cmd=sudo sed -i "2i${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} \ \ ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_NAME}" /etc/hosts
402     ${result}    Run Command On Controller    cmd=cat /etc/hosts
403     Log    ${result}
405 Provision Keystone
406     [Documentation]    As CSC_user provision:
407     ...    - Domain "sdn"
408     ...    - User "sdnadmin"
409     ...    - Role "admin" to "sdnadmin" user in "sdn" domain
410     ${result}    Create Keystone session    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}
411     Log    ${result}
412     Set Suite Variable    ${CREATE_TOKEN_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/create-token.json
413     ${token}    Get Keystone Token    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}    ${CREATE_TOKEN_FILE}
414     Log    ${HEADERS}
415     &{HEADERS}    Create Dictionary    X-Auth-Token=${token}    Content-Type=application/json
416     Set Suite Variable    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}    ${HEADERS}
417     ${admin_role_id}    Get Admin Role Id    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}
418     Set Suite Variable    ${CREATE_DOMAIN_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/create-domain.json
419     ${domain_local}    Create Keystone Domain    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}    ${CREATE_DOMAIN_FILE}
420     Set Suite Variable    ${domain}    ${domain_local}
421     Set Suite Variable    ${CREATE_USERS_FILE}    ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/aaa/create-user.json
422     ${normalized_file}    OperatingSystem.Normalize Path    ${CREATE_USERS_FILE}
423     ${output}    OperatingSystem.Run
424     ...    sed -i 's/\"domain_id\".*/\"domain_id\"\: \"${domain}\",/g' ${CREATE_USERS_FILE}
425     ${user}    Create Keystone User in a Domain    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}    ${CREATE_USERS_FILE}
426     Grant Admin Role    ${domain}    ${user}    ${admin_role_id}    ${HEADERS_TOKEN}
428 Provision MDSAL
429     [Arguments]    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
430     Create Session    session_admin    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
431     Set Suite Variable    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_URI}    /restconf/config/aaa:http-authorization
432     ${body_dyn}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_FILE}
433     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.PUT On Session
434     ...    session_admin
435     ...    url=${PUT_DYNAMIC_AUTH_URI}
436     ...    data=${body_dyn}
437     ...    headers=${HEADERS}
438     ...    expected_status=anything
439     Should Contain    ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES}    ${resp.status_code}
440     DELETE On Session    session_admin    url=http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}
442 Restart Controller
443     [Documentation]    Controller restart is needed in order the new shiro.ini config takes effect
444     ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup
445     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    5x    20    Stop_Single_Member    1
446     Start_Single_Member    1    wait_for_sync=False    timeout=120
447     # TODO: the below Get Controller Modules keyword ends up giving a lot of WARN messages in the robot
448     # log as the controller is coming up and the initial requests are failing. This is just cosmetic at this point, but
449     # would be nice to clean up somehow.
450     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    30x    5s    Get Controller Modules
452 Get Controller Modules
453     [Documentation]    Get the restconf modules, check 200 status and ietf-restconf presence
454     Create Session    session1    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
455     ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.GET On Session    session1    url=${MODULES_API}
456     BuiltIn.Log    ${resp.content}
457     BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal    ${resp.status_code}    ${200}
458     BuiltIn.Should_Contain    ${resp.content}    ietf-restconf