Add initial files for dom data broker testing
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / controller / dom_data_broker / remote_listener.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation     DOMDataBroker testing: Remote Listener
3 ...
4 ...               Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
5 ...
6 ...               This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
7 ...               terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
8 ...               and is available at
9 ...
10 ...               The goal is to ensure listeners do no observe disruption when the leader moves.
11 ...               This is performed by having a steady stream of transactions being observed by
12 ...               the listeners and having the leader move.
13 Suite Setup       SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
14 Suite Teardown    SSHLibrary.Close_All_Connections
15 Test Setup        SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
16 Test Teardown     SetupUtils.Teardown_Test_Show_Bugs_If_Test_Failed
17 Default Tags      critical
18 Test Template     DdbCommons.Remote_Listener_Test_Templ
19 Library           SSHLibrary
20 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/controller/DdbCommons.robot
21 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
23 *** Test Cases ***
24 Listener_On_Shard_Leader_Node
25     [Documentation]    Listener runs on leader node when leader changed.
26     leader
28 Listener_On_Shard_Non_Leader_Node
29     [Documentation]    Listener runs on non-leader node when leader changed.
30     non-leader