use constant for ping 0% packet loss
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / distribution / karaf_sequence_install.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation     Bug 4462 test suite.
3 ...
4 ...               Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
5 ...
6 ...               This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
7 ...               terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
8 ...               and is available at
9 ...
10 ...
11 ...               Try to detect whether Karaf hangs when trying to install
12 ...               list of features one by one. Default list is odl-integration-compatible-with-all.
13 Suite Setup       SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
14 Default Tags      critical    distribution    features
15 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/distribution/StreamDistro.robot
16 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot
17 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
18 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot
19 Resource          ${CURDIR}/../../variables/Variables.robot
20 Library           XML
21 Library           SSHLibrary
23 *** Variables ***
24 ${FEATURES_LIST_NAME}    odl-integration-compatible-with-all
27 *** Testcases ***
28 Install_Features_One_By_One
29     [Documentation]    Try to install current list of features and check whether Karaf hangs on it or not (bug 4462).
30     SSHKeywords.Open_Connection_To_ODL_System
31     ${filename_prefix} =    StreamDistro.Compose_Zip_Filename_Prefix
32     ${actual_version} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    '''${BUNDLEFOLDER}'''[len("${filename_prefix}-"):]
33     ${features_test} =    StreamDistro.Compose_Test_Feature_Repo_Name
34     SSHLibrary.Get_File    ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/system/org/opendaylight/integration/${features_test}/${actual_version}/${features_test}-${actual_version}-features.xml    features.xml
35     @{features} =    XML.Get_Elements_Texts    features.xml    .feature[@name="${FEATURES_LIST_NAME}"]/feature
36     Collections.Log_List    ${features}
37     KarafKeywords.Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_With_Timeout    ${1}    ${FEATURE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT}
38     : FOR    ${feature}    IN    @{features}
39     \    KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf    Installing feature: ${feature}
40     \    KarafKeywords.Install_a_Feature_Using_Active_Connection    ${feature}