Rename bfd suite teardown
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / netvirt / vnibasedl2switching / vnibasedl2switching.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation     Test Suite for vni-based-l2-l3-nat:
3 ...               This feature attempts to realize the use of VxLAN VNI
4 ...               (Virtual Network Identifier) for VxLAN tenant traffic
5 ...               flowing on the cloud data-network. This is applicable
6 ...               to L2 switching, L3 forwarding and NATing for all VxLAN
7 ...               based provider networks. In doing so, it eliminates the
8 ...               presence of LPort tags, ELAN tags and MPLS labels on the
9 ...               wire and instead, replaces them with VNIs supplied by the
10 ...               tenant’s OpenStack.
11 Suite Setup       Suite Setup
12 Suite Teardown    Suite Teardown
13 Test Setup        VpnOperations.VNI Test Setup
14 Test Teardown     VpnOperations.VNI Test Teardown
15 Library           OperatingSystem
16 Library           RequestsLibrary
17 Library           String
18 Resource          ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot
19 Resource          ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
20 Resource          ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
21 Resource          ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
22 Resource          ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot
23 Resource          ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
24 Resource          ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
25 Resource          ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot
26 Resource          ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
27 Resource          ../../../variables/Variables.robot
29 *** Variables ***
30 ${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}    vni_l2_sg
31 @{VNI_NETWORKS}    vni_l2_net_1
32 @{VNI_SUBNETS}    vni_l2_sub_1    vni_l2_sub_2    vni_l2_sub_3
34 @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}    vni_l2_net_1_port_1    vni_l2_net_1_port_2
35 @{VNI_NET_1_VMS}    vni_l2_net_1_vm_1    vni_l2_net_1_vm_2
37 *** Test Cases ***
38 VNI Based L2 Switching
39     [Documentation]    verify VNI id for L2 Unicast frames exchanged over OVS datapaths that are on different hypervisors
40     BuiltIn.Pass Execution If    "${OPENSTACK_TOPO}" == "1cmb-0ctl-0cmp"    "Test is not supported for combo node"
41     ${port_mac1} =    OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[0]
42     ${port_mac2} =    OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[1]
43     ${segmentation_id} =    OpenStackOperations.Get Network Segmentation Id    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]
44     ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]    @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]    ping -c ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT} @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}[1]
45     ${egress_tun_id}    ${before_count_egress_port1} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}    ${ELAN_DMACTABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=${port_mac2}
46     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${segmentation_id}    ${egress_tun_id}
47     ${egress_tun_id}    ${before_count_egress_port2} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}    ${ELAN_DMACTABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=${port_mac1}
48     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${segmentation_id}    ${egress_tun_id}
49     ${ingress_tun_id}    ${before_count_ingress_port1} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}    ${INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=""
50     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${segmentation_id}    ${ingress_tun_id}
51     ${ingress_tun_id}    ${before_count_ingress_port2} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}    ${INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=""
52     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${segmentation_id}    ${ingress_tun_id}
53     ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]    @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]    ping -c ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT} @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}[1]
54     BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    64 bytes
55     ${tun_id}    ${after_count_egress_port1} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}    ${ELAN_DMACTABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=${port_mac2}
56     ${tun_id}    ${after_count_ingress_port1} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}    ${INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=""
57     ${tun_id}    ${after_count_egress_port2} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}    ${ELAN_DMACTABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=${port_mac1}
58     ${tun_id}    ${after_count_ingress_port2} =    OVSDB.Get Tunnel Id And Packet Count    ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}    ${INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE}    tun_id=${segmentation_id}    mac=""
59     ${diff_count_egress_port1} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    ${after_count_egress_port1} - ${before_count_egress_port1}
60     ${diff_count_ingress_port1} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    ${after_count_ingress_port1} - ${before_count_ingress_port1}
61     ${diff_count_egress_port2} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    ${after_count_egress_port2} - ${before_count_egress_port2}
62     ${diff_count_ingress_port2} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    ${after_count_ingress_port2} - ${before_count_ingress_port2}
63     BuiltIn.Should Be True    ${diff_count_egress_port1} >= ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT}
64     BuiltIn.Should Be True    ${diff_count_ingress_port1} >= ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT}
65     BuiltIn.Should Be True    ${diff_count_egress_port2} >= ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT}
66     BuiltIn.Should Be True    ${diff_count_ingress_port2} >= ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT}
68 *** Keywords ***
69 Suite Setup
70     [Documentation]    Create Basic setup for the feature. Creates single network, subnet, two ports and two VMs.
71     BuiltIn.Return From Keyword If    "${OPENSTACK_TOPO}" == "1cmb-0ctl-0cmp"
72     VpnOperations.Basic Suite Setup
73     OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup    ${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}
74     OpenStackOperations.Create Network    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]
75     OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]    @{VNI_SUBNETS}[0]    @{VNI_SUBNET_CIDRS}[0]
76     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[0]    sg=${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}
77     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    @{VNI_NETWORKS}[0]    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[1]    sg=${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}
78     BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    3s    1s    Utils.Check For Elements At URI    ${PORT_URL}    ${VNI_NET_1_PORTS}
79     OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[0]    @{VNI_NET_1_VMS}[0]    ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME}    sg=${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}
80     OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node    @{VNI_NET_1_PORTS}[1]    @{VNI_NET_1_VMS}[1]    ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME}    sg=${VNI_SECURITY_GROUP}
81     @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}    ${vni_net_1_dhcp_ip} =    OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs    @{VNI_NET_1_VMS}
82     BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    @{VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}
83     BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${VNI_NET_1_VM_IPS}    None
84     BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${vni_net_1_dhcp_ip}    None
85     OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs    @{VNI_NET_1_VMS}
86     OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs
88 Suite Teardown
89     BuiltIn.Return From Keyword If    "${OPENSTACK_TOPO}" == "1cmb-0ctl-0cmp"
90     OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown