Update Robot Framework format - step 13
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / openstack / securitygroup / acl.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation       Test suite to validate ARP functionality for ACL_Enhancement feature.
4 Library             OperatingSystem
5 Library             RequestsLibrary
6 Library             String
7 Resource            ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot
8 Resource            ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
9 Resource            ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot
10 Resource            ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
11 Resource            ../../../libraries/OvsManager.robot
12 Resource            ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
13 Resource            ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
14 Resource            ../../../variables/Variables.robot
15 Resource            ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
17 Suite Setup         Start Suite
18 Suite Teardown      OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown
19 Test Setup          SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
20 Test Teardown       OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
23 *** Variables ***
24 @{REQ_NETWORKS}             acl_net_1    acl_net_2
25 @{REQ_SUBNETS}              acl_subnet_1    acl_subnet_2
27 @{PORTS}                    acl_port_1    acl_port_2    acl_port_3    acl_port_4
28 @{VM_NAMES}                 acl_myvm_1    acl_myvm_2
29 @{SECURITY_GROUP}           acl_sg_1
30 ${VIRTUAL_IP}     
31 ${PACKET_COUNT}             5
32 ${RANDOM_IP}      
33 ${NETMASK}        
34 ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO}        0
35 ${DHCP_CMD}                 sudo /sbin/cirros-dhcpc up eth1
36 ${SPOOF_IP}       
37 @{SPOOF_MAC_ADDRESSES}      FA:17:3E:73:65:86    fa:16:3e:3d:3b:5e
39 ...                         sudo ifconfig eth0 down \n sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether ${SPOOF_MAC_ADDRESSES[0]} \n sudo ifconfig eth0 up
40 ${ARP_SHA}                  arp_sha
41 ${ARP}                      arp
42 ${TABLE}                    goto_table:217
45 *** Test Cases ***
46 Verify ARP request Valid MAC and Valid IP for the VM Egress Table
47     [Documentation]    Verifying ARP resquest resolved for Valid MAC and Valid IP at the VM Egress Table
48     OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0]    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[0]    ${DHCP_CMD}
49     OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0]    ${VM_IP_DPN2}[0]    ${DHCP_CMD}
50     ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
51     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
52     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
53     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
54     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
55     ${arping_cli} =    BuiltIn.Set Variable    sudo arping -I eth0 -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP}
56     OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    ${REQ_NETWORKS[1]}    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]    ${arping_cli}
57     ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
58     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
59     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
60     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
61     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
62     ${pkt_diff} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp})
63     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff}    ${PACKET_COUNT}
65 Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed IP for the VM
66     [Documentation]    Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed IP with Valid MAC and Validate the packet drop at the VM Egress Table
67     ${arp_int_up_cli} =    BuiltIn.Set Variable    sudo ifconfig eth0:1 ${SPOOF_IP} netmask ${NETMASK} up
68     ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance
69     ...    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]
70     ...    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]
71     ...    ${arp_int_up_cli}
72     ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
73     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
74     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
75     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
76     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
77     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
78     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
79     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
80     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
81     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
82     ${arping_cli} =    BuiltIn.Set Variable    sudo arping -s ${SPOOF_IP} -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP}
83     ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance
84     ...    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]
85     ...    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]
86     ...    ${arping_cli}
87     ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
88     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
89     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
90     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
91     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
92     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
93     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
94     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
95     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
96     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
97     ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before})
98     ${pkt_diff} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp})
99     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff}    ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO}
100     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff_arp_drop}    ${PACKET_COUNT}
102 Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed MAC for the VM
103     [Documentation]    Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed MAC with Valid IP and Validate the ARP packet drop at the VM Egress Table
104     ${count} =    String.Get Line Count    ${ARP_CONFIG}
105     FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    0    ${count}
106         ${cmd} =    String.Get Line    ${ARP_CONFIG}    ${index}
107         ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance
108         ...    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]
109         ...    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]
110         ...    ${cmd}
111     END
112     ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
113     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
114     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
115     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
116     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
117     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
118     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
119     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
120     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
121     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
122     ${arping_cli} =    BuiltIn.Set Variable    sudo arping -I eth0 -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP}
123     OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]    ${arping_cli}
124     ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
125     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
126     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
127     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
128     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
129     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
130     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
131     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
132     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
133     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
134     ${pkt_diff} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp})
135     ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before})
136     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff}    ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO}
137     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff_arp_drop}    ${PACKET_COUNT}
139 Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed IP and spoofed MAC for the VM
140     [Documentation]    Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed MAC with Spoofed IP and Validate the ARP packet drop at the VM Egress Table
141     ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
142     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
143     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
144     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
145     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
146     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
147     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
148     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
149     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
150     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
151     ${arping_cli} =    BuiltIn.Set Variable    sudo arping -s ${SPOOF_IP} -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP}
152     OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]    ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1]    ${arping_cli}
153     ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
154     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
155     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
156     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
157     ...    | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA}
158     ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} =    OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table
159     ...    ${OS_CMP1_IP}
160     ...    ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}
161     ...    table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15]
162     ...    | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE}
163     ${pkt_diff} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp})
164     ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} =    BuiltIn.Evaluate    int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before})
165     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff}    ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO}
166     BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${pkt_diff_arp_drop}    ${PACKET_COUNT}
169 *** Keywords ***
170 Start Suite
171     [Documentation]    Suite setup for ACL_Enhancement feature
172     OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup
173     Create Setup
175 Create Setup
176     [Documentation]    Create Two Networks, Two Subnets, Four Ports
177     Create Multiple Networks    @{REQ_NETWORKS}
178     Create Multiple Subnets    ${REQ_NETWORKS}    ${REQ_SUBNETS}    ${REQ_SUBNET_CIDR}
179     OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
180     OpenStackOperations.Delete All Security Group Rules    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
181     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0]    ${PORTS}[0]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
182     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]    ${PORTS}[1]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
183     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0]    ${PORTS}[2]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
184     OpenStackOperations.Create Port    ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1]    ${PORTS}[3]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
185     OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create
186     ...    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
187     ...    direction=ingress
188     ...    protocol=icmp
189     ...    remote_ip=
190     OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create
191     ...    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
192     ...    direction=egress
193     ...    protocol=icmp
194     ...    remote_ip=
195     OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create
196     ...    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
197     ...    direction=ingress
198     ...    port_range_max=65535
199     ...    port_range_min=1
200     ...    protocol=tcp
201     ...    remote-ip=
202     OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create
203     ...    ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
204     ...    direction=egress
205     ...    port_range_max=65535
206     ...    port_range_min=1
207     ...    protocol=tcp
208     ...    remote-ip=
209     OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Ports On Compute Node
210     ...    ${PORTS}[0]
211     ...    ${PORTS}[1]
212     ...    ${VM_NAMES}[0]
213     ...    ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME}
214     ...    flavor=m1.tiny
215     ...    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
216     OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Ports On Compute Node
217     ...    ${PORTS}[2]
218     ...    ${PORTS}[3]
219     ...    ${VM_NAMES}[1]
220     ...    ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME}
221     ...    flavor=m1.tiny
222     ...    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0]
223     FOR    ${vm}    IN    @{VM_NAMES}
224         OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE    ${vm}
225     END
226     ${VM_IP_DPN1} =    BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
227     ...    300 sec
228     ...    15 sec
229     ...    OpenStackOperations.Get All VM IP Addresses
230     ...    ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
231     ...    ${VM_NAMES}[0]
232     ${VM_IP_DPN2} =    BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
233     ...    300 sec
234     ...    15 sec
235     ...    OpenStackOperations.Get All VM IP Addresses
236     ...    ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}
237     ...    ${VM_NAMES}[1]
238     BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    @{VM_IP_DPN1}
239     BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    @{VM_IP_DPN2}
240     FOR    ${ip}    IN    @{VM_IP_DPN1}
241         BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${ip}    None
242     END
243     FOR    ${ip}    IN    @{VM_IP_DPN2}
244         BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${ip}    None
245     END
246     ${VM1_PORT} =    Get VMs OVS Port Number    ${OS_CMP1_IP}    ${PORTS}[0]
247     ${VM1_METADATA} =    OVSDB.Get Port Metadata    ${OS_CMP1_IP}    ${VM1_PORT}
248     BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    ${VM1_METADATA}