NETCONF-520: Fix netconf test in oxygen
[integration/test.git] / csit / suites / tsdr / HSQLDB / 070_Netflow.robot
1 *** Settings ***
2 Documentation     Test suite for HSQLDB DataStore NetFlow Stats Verification
3 Suite Setup       Initialize Netflow
4 Suite Teardown    Stop Tsdr Suite
5 Library           SSHLibrary
6 Library           Collections
7 Library           String
8 Library           ../../../libraries/
9 Resource          ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
10 Resource          ../../../libraries/TsdrUtils.robot
11 Variables         ../../../variables/
13 *** Variables ***
14 ${IP_1} 
15 ${IP_2} 
16 ${NODE_ID}
17 ${engine_type}    11
18 ${engine_id}      11
19 ${nexthop}        0
20 ${port}           0
21 ${prot}           1
22 ${int1}           1
23 ${int2}           2
24 ${version}        5
26 *** Test Cases ***
27 Verification of Full Record Text for Netflow Dumps
28     [Documentation]    Verify the Netflow Record Text Hbase client
29     ${out}=    Issue Command On Karaf Console    tsdr:list NETFLOW | grep srcAddr=${IP_2}
30     Should Contain    ${out}    srcPort=${port}
31     Should Contain    ${out}    srcAddr=${IP_2}
32     Should Contain    ${out}    dstAddr=${IP_1}
33     Should Contain    ${out}    srcPort=${port}
34     Should Contain    ${out}    protocol=${prot}
35     Should Contain    ${out}    nextHop=${nexthop}
36     Should Contain    ${out}    engine_type
37     Should Contain    ${out}    engine_id
38     Should Contain    ${out}    input=${int2}
39     Should Contain    ${out}    output=${int1}
40     ${out}=    Issue Command On Karaf Console    tsdr:list NETFLOW | grep srcAddr=${IP_1}
41     Should Contain    ${out}    srcAddr=${IP_1}
42     Should Contain    ${out}    dstAddr=${IP_2}
43     Should Contain    ${out}    dstPort=${port}
44     Should Contain    ${out}    protocol=${prot}
45     Should Contain    ${out}    nextHop=${nexthop}
46     Should Contain    ${out}    engine_type
47     Should Contain    ${out}    engine_id
48     Should Contain    ${out}    input=${int1}
49     Should Contain    ${out}    output=${int2}
50     Should Contain    ${out}    sysUpTime
51     Should Contain    ${out}    flow_sequence
52     Should Contain    ${out}    unix_nsecs
53     Should Contain    ${out}    dPkts
54     Should Contain    ${out}    dOctets
55     Should Contain    ${out}    tcpFlags
56     Should Contain    ${out}    dstAS=0
57     Should Contain    ${out}    srcAS=0
58     Should Contain    ${out}    dstMask=0
59     Should Contain    ${out}    srcMask=0
61 *** Keywords ***
62 Initialize Netflow
63     [Documentation]    Initialize Mininet topology and check if netflow data is getting collected
64     Bringup Netflow
65     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    36x    5 sec    Ping Pair Hosts HSQLDB    2\\d+