--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Christian Plattner. All rights reserved.
+ * Please refer to the LICENSE.txt for licensing details.
+ */
+package ch.ethz.ssh2.channel;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.ChannelCondition;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.PtySettings;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.ServerConnectionCallback;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.ServerSessionCallback;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.log.Logger;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelFailure;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelOpenConfirmation;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelOpenFailure;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketChannelSuccess;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketGlobalForwardRequest;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketOpenSessionChannel;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionExecCommand;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionPtyRequest;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionStartShell;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionSubsystemRequest;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.PacketSessionX11Request;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.Packets;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.packets.TypesReader;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.server.ServerConnectionState;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.transport.MessageHandler;
+import ch.ethz.ssh2.transport.TransportManager;
+ * ChannelManager. Please read the comments in Channel.java.
+ * <p/>
+ * Besides the crypto part, this is the core of the library.
+ *
+ * @author Christian Plattner
+ * @version $Id: ChannelManager.java 48 2013-08-01 12:22:33Z cleondris@gmail.com $
+ */
+public class ChannelManager implements MessageHandler
+ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ChannelManager.class);
+ private final ServerConnectionState server_state;
+ private final TransportManager tm;
+ private final HashMap<String, X11ServerData> x11_magic_cookies = new HashMap<String, X11ServerData>();
+ private final List<Channel> channels = new Vector<Channel>();
+ private int nextLocalChannel = 100;
+ private boolean shutdown = false;
+ private int globalSuccessCounter = 0;
+ private int globalFailedCounter = 0;
+ private final HashMap<Integer, RemoteForwardingData> remoteForwardings = new HashMap<Integer, RemoteForwardingData>();
+ private final List<IChannelWorkerThread> listenerThreads = new Vector<IChannelWorkerThread>();
+ private boolean listenerThreadsAllowed = true;
+ /**
+ * Constructor for client-mode.
+ * @param tm
+ */
+ public ChannelManager(TransportManager tm)
+ {
+ this.server_state = null;
+ this.tm = tm;
+ tm.registerMessageHandler(this, 80, 100);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor for server-mode.
+ * @param state
+ */
+ public ChannelManager(ServerConnectionState state)
+ {
+ this.server_state = state;
+ this.tm = state.tm;
+ tm.registerMessageHandler(this, 80, 100);
+ }
+ private Channel getChannel(int id)
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ for (Channel c : channels)
+ {
+ if (c.localID == id)
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void removeChannel(int id)
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ for (Channel c : channels)
+ {
+ if (c.localID == id)
+ {
+ channels.remove(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int addChannel(Channel c)
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ channels.add(c);
+ return nextLocalChannel++;
+ }
+ }
+ private void waitUntilChannelOpen(Channel c) throws IOException
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ while (c.state == Channel.STATE_OPENING)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ c.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ignore)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ {
+ removeChannel(c.localID);
+ String detail = c.getReasonClosed();
+ if (detail == null)
+ detail = "state: " + c.state;
+ throw new IOException("Could not open channel (" + detail + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ private void waitForGlobalSuccessOrFailure() throws IOException
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ try
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ while ((globalSuccessCounter == 0) && (globalFailedCounter == 0))
+ {
+ if (shutdown)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("The connection is being shutdown");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ channels.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ignore)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (globalFailedCounter != 0)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("The server denied the request (did you enable port forwarding?)");
+ }
+ if (globalSuccessCounter == 0)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("Illegal state.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ private void waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(Channel c) throws IOException
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ try
+ {
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ while ((c.successCounter == 0) && (c.failedCounter == 0))
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ {
+ String detail = c.getReasonClosed();
+ if (detail == null)
+ detail = "state: " + c.state;
+ throw new IOException("This SSH2 channel is not open (" + detail + ")");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ c.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ignore)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c.failedCounter != 0)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("The server denied the request.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ public void registerX11Cookie(String hexFakeCookie, X11ServerData data)
+ {
+ synchronized (x11_magic_cookies)
+ {
+ x11_magic_cookies.put(hexFakeCookie, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public void unRegisterX11Cookie(String hexFakeCookie, boolean killChannels)
+ {
+ if (hexFakeCookie == null)
+ throw new IllegalStateException("hexFakeCookie may not be null");
+ synchronized (x11_magic_cookies)
+ {
+ x11_magic_cookies.remove(hexFakeCookie);
+ }
+ if (killChannels == false)
+ return;
+ log.debug("Closing all X11 channels for the given fake cookie");
+ List<Channel> channel_copy = new Vector<Channel>();
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ channel_copy.addAll(channels);
+ }
+ for (Channel c : channel_copy)
+ {
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (hexFakeCookie.equals(c.hexX11FakeCookie) == false)
+ continue;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ closeChannel(c, "Closing X11 channel since the corresponding session is closing", true);
+ }
+ catch (IOException ignored)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public X11ServerData checkX11Cookie(String hexFakeCookie)
+ {
+ synchronized (x11_magic_cookies)
+ {
+ if (hexFakeCookie != null)
+ return x11_magic_cookies.get(hexFakeCookie);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void closeAllChannels()
+ {
+ log.debug("Closing all channels");
+ List<Channel> channel_copy = new Vector<Channel>();
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ channel_copy.addAll(channels);
+ }
+ for (Channel c : channel_copy)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ closeChannel(c, "Closing all channels", true);
+ }
+ catch (IOException ignored)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void closeChannel(Channel c, String reason, boolean force) throws IOException
+ {
+ byte msg[] = new byte[5];
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (force)
+ {
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_CLOSED;
+ c.EOF = true;
+ }
+ c.setReasonClosed(reason);
+ msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE;
+ msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24);
+ msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16);
+ msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8);
+ msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID);
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent == true)
+ return;
+ tm.sendMessage(msg);
+ c.closeMessageSent = true;
+ }
+ log.debug("Sent SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel " + c.localID + ")");
+ }
+ public void sendEOF(Channel c) throws IOException
+ {
+ byte[] msg = new byte[5];
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ return;
+ msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF;
+ msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24);
+ msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16);
+ msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8);
+ msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID);
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent == true)
+ return;
+ tm.sendMessage(msg);
+ }
+ log.debug("Sent EOF (Channel " + c.localID + "/" + c.remoteID + ")");
+ }
+ public void sendOpenConfirmation(Channel c) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketChannelOpenConfirmation pcoc = null;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPENING)
+ return;
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_OPEN;
+ pcoc = new PacketChannelOpenConfirmation(c.remoteID, c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize);
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent == true)
+ return;
+ tm.sendMessage(pcoc.getPayload());
+ }
+ }
+ public void sendData(Channel c, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len) throws IOException
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ try
+ {
+ while (len > 0)
+ {
+ int thislen = 0;
+ byte[] msg;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
+ throw new ChannelClosedException("SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new ChannelClosedException("SSH channel in strange state. (" + c.state + ")");
+ if (c.remoteWindow != 0)
+ break;
+ try
+ {
+ c.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ignore)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* len > 0, no sign extension can happen when comparing */
+ thislen = (c.remoteWindow >= len) ? len : (int) c.remoteWindow;
+ int estimatedMaxDataLen = c.remoteMaxPacketSize - (tm.getPacketOverheadEstimate() + 9);
+ /* The worst case scenario =) a true bottleneck */
+ if (estimatedMaxDataLen <= 0)
+ {
+ estimatedMaxDataLen = 1;
+ }
+ if (thislen > estimatedMaxDataLen)
+ thislen = estimatedMaxDataLen;
+ c.remoteWindow -= thislen;
+ msg = new byte[1 + 8 + thislen];
+ msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA;
+ msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24);
+ msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16);
+ msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8);
+ msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID);
+ msg[5] = (byte) (thislen >> 24);
+ msg[6] = (byte) (thislen >> 16);
+ msg[7] = (byte) (thislen >> 8);
+ msg[8] = (byte) (thislen);
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, msg, 9, thislen);
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent == true)
+ throw new ChannelClosedException("SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(msg);
+ }
+ pos += thislen;
+ len -= thislen;
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ public int requestGlobalForward(String bindAddress, int bindPort, String targetAddress, int targetPort)
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ RemoteForwardingData rfd = new RemoteForwardingData();
+ rfd.bindAddress = bindAddress;
+ rfd.bindPort = bindPort;
+ rfd.targetAddress = targetAddress;
+ rfd.targetPort = targetPort;
+ synchronized (remoteForwardings)
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer(bindPort);
+ if (remoteForwardings.get(key) != null)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("There is already a forwarding for remote port " + bindPort);
+ }
+ remoteForwardings.put(key, rfd);
+ }
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ globalSuccessCounter = globalFailedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ PacketGlobalForwardRequest pgf = new PacketGlobalForwardRequest(true, bindAddress, bindPort);
+ tm.sendMessage(pgf.getPayload());
+ log.debug("Requesting a remote forwarding ('" + bindAddress + "', " + bindPort + ")");
+ try
+ {
+ waitForGlobalSuccessOrFailure();
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ synchronized (remoteForwardings)
+ {
+ remoteForwardings.remove(rfd);
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return bindPort;
+ }
+ public void requestCancelGlobalForward(int bindPort) throws IOException
+ {
+ RemoteForwardingData rfd = null;
+ synchronized (remoteForwardings)
+ {
+ rfd = remoteForwardings.get(new Integer(bindPort));
+ if (rfd == null)
+ throw new IOException("Sorry, there is no known remote forwarding for remote port " + bindPort);
+ }
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ globalSuccessCounter = globalFailedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest pgcf = new PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest(true, rfd.bindAddress,
+ rfd.bindPort);
+ tm.sendMessage(pgcf.getPayload());
+ log.debug("Requesting cancelation of remote forward ('" + rfd.bindAddress + "', " + rfd.bindPort + ")");
+ waitForGlobalSuccessOrFailure();
+ /* Only now we are sure that no more forwarded connections will arrive */
+ synchronized (remoteForwardings)
+ {
+ remoteForwardings.remove(rfd);
+ }
+ }
+ public void registerThread(IChannelWorkerThread thr) throws IOException
+ {
+ synchronized (listenerThreads)
+ {
+ if (listenerThreadsAllowed == false)
+ throw new IOException("Too late, this connection is closed.");
+ listenerThreads.add(thr);
+ }
+ }
+ public Channel openDirectTCPIPChannel(String host_to_connect, int port_to_connect, String originator_IP_address,
+ int originator_port) throws IOException
+ {
+ Channel c = new Channel(this);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.localID = addChannel(c);
+ // end of synchronized block forces writing out to main memory
+ }
+ PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel dtc = new PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel(c.localID, c.localWindow,
+ c.localMaxPacketSize, host_to_connect, port_to_connect, originator_IP_address, originator_port);
+ tm.sendMessage(dtc.getPayload());
+ waitUntilChannelOpen(c);
+ return c;
+ }
+ public Channel openSessionChannel() throws IOException
+ {
+ Channel c = new Channel(this);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.localID = addChannel(c);
+ // end of synchronized block forces the writing out to main memory
+ }
+ log.debug("Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (Channel " + c.localID + ")");
+ PacketOpenSessionChannel smo = new PacketOpenSessionChannel(c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize);
+ tm.sendMessage(smo.getPayload());
+ waitUntilChannelOpen(c);
+ return c;
+ }
+ public void requestPTY(Channel c, String term, int term_width_characters, int term_height_characters,
+ int term_width_pixels, int term_height_pixels, byte[] terminal_modes) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketSessionPtyRequest spr;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ spr = new PacketSessionPtyRequest(c.remoteID, true, term, term_width_characters, term_height_characters,
+ term_width_pixels, term_height_pixels, terminal_modes);
+ c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(spr.getPayload());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException("PTY request failed").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void requestX11(Channel c, boolean singleConnection, String x11AuthenticationProtocol,
+ String x11AuthenticationCookie, int x11ScreenNumber) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketSessionX11Request psr;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ psr = new PacketSessionX11Request(c.remoteID, true, singleConnection, x11AuthenticationProtocol,
+ x11AuthenticationCookie, x11ScreenNumber);
+ c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(psr.getPayload());
+ }
+ log.debug("Requesting X11 forwarding (Channel " + c.localID + "/" + c.remoteID + ")");
+ try
+ {
+ waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException("The X11 request failed.").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void requestSubSystem(Channel c, String subSystemName) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketSessionSubsystemRequest ssr;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ ssr = new PacketSessionSubsystemRequest(c.remoteID, true, subSystemName);
+ c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(ssr.getPayload());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException("The subsystem request failed.").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void requestExecCommand(Channel c, String cmd) throws IOException
+ {
+ this.requestExecCommand(c, cmd, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param charsetName The charset used to convert between Java Unicode Strings and byte encodings
+ */
+ public void requestExecCommand(Channel c, String cmd, String charsetName) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketSessionExecCommand sm;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ sm = new PacketSessionExecCommand(c.remoteID, true, cmd);
+ c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload(charsetName));
+ }
+ log.debug("Executing command (channel " + c.localID + ", '" + cmd + "')");
+ try
+ {
+ waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException("The execute request failed.").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void requestShell(Channel c) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketSessionStartShell sm;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ sm = new PacketSessionStartShell(c.remoteID, true);
+ c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0;
+ }
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ if (c.closeMessageSent)
+ throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")");
+ tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException("The shell request failed.").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void msgChannelExtendedData(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen <= 13)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ int dataType = ((msg[5] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[6] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[7] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[8] & 0xff);
+ int len = ((msg[9] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[10] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[11] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[12] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ if (dataType != Packets.SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has unknown type (" + dataType + ")");
+ if (len != (msglen - 13))
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message has wrong len (calculated " + (msglen - 13)
+ + ", got " + len + ")");
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA (channel " + id + ", " + len + ")");
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
+ return; // ignore
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, but channel is not in correct state ("
+ + c.state + ")");
+ if (c.localWindow < len)
+ throw new IOException("Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.");
+ c.localWindow -= len;
+ System.arraycopy(msg, 13, c.stderrBuffer, c.stderrWritepos, len);
+ c.stderrWritepos += len;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wait until for a condition.
+ *
+ * @param c Channel
+ * @param timeout in ms, 0 means no timeout.
+ * @param condition_mask minimum event mask (at least one of the conditions must be fulfilled)
+ * @return all current events
+ */
+ public int waitForCondition(Channel c, long timeout, int condition_mask)
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ try
+ {
+ long end_time = 0;
+ boolean end_time_set = false;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int current_cond = 0;
+ int stdoutAvail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos;
+ int stderrAvail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos;
+ if (stdoutAvail > 0)
+ current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDOUT_DATA;
+ if (stderrAvail > 0)
+ current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDERR_DATA;
+ if (c.EOF)
+ current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EOF;
+ if (c.getExitStatus() != null)
+ current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS;
+ if (c.getExitSignal() != null)
+ current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_SIGNAL;
+ if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
+ return current_cond | ChannelCondition.CLOSED | ChannelCondition.EOF;
+ if ((current_cond & condition_mask) != 0)
+ return current_cond;
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ if (!end_time_set)
+ {
+ end_time = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
+ end_time_set = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeout = end_time - System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if (timeout <= 0)
+ return current_cond | ChannelCondition.TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ c.wait(timeout);
+ else
+ c.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException e)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ public int getAvailable(Channel c, boolean extended) throws IOException
+ {
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ int avail;
+ if (extended)
+ avail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos;
+ else
+ avail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos;
+ return ((avail > 0) ? avail : (c.EOF ? -1 : 0));
+ }
+ }
+ public int getChannelData(Channel c, boolean extended, byte[] target, int off, int len) throws IOException
+ {
+ boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+ try
+ {
+ int copylen = 0;
+ int increment = 0;
+ int remoteID = 0;
+ int localID = 0;
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ int stdoutAvail = 0;
+ int stderrAvail = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Data available? We have to return remaining data even if the
+ * channel is already closed.
+ */
+ stdoutAvail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos;
+ stderrAvail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos;
+ if ((!extended) && (stdoutAvail != 0))
+ break;
+ if ((extended) && (stderrAvail != 0))
+ break;
+ /* Do not wait if more data will never arrive (EOF or CLOSED) */
+ if ((c.EOF) || (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN))
+ return -1;
+ try
+ {
+ c.wait();
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ignore)
+ {
+ wasInterrupted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK, there is some data. Return it. */
+ if (!extended)
+ {
+ copylen = (stdoutAvail > len) ? len : stdoutAvail;
+ System.arraycopy(c.stdoutBuffer, c.stdoutReadpos, target, off, copylen);
+ c.stdoutReadpos += copylen;
+ if (c.stdoutReadpos != c.stdoutWritepos)
+ System.arraycopy(c.stdoutBuffer, c.stdoutReadpos, c.stdoutBuffer, 0, c.stdoutWritepos
+ - c.stdoutReadpos);
+ c.stdoutWritepos -= c.stdoutReadpos;
+ c.stdoutReadpos = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ copylen = (stderrAvail > len) ? len : stderrAvail;
+ System.arraycopy(c.stderrBuffer, c.stderrReadpos, target, off, copylen);
+ c.stderrReadpos += copylen;
+ if (c.stderrReadpos != c.stderrWritepos)
+ System.arraycopy(c.stderrBuffer, c.stderrReadpos, c.stderrBuffer, 0, c.stderrWritepos
+ - c.stderrReadpos);
+ c.stderrWritepos -= c.stderrReadpos;
+ c.stderrReadpos = 0;
+ }
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ return copylen;
+ if (c.localWindow < ((Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) / 2))
+ {
+ int minFreeSpace = Math.min(Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE - c.stdoutWritepos,
+ Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE - c.stderrWritepos);
+ increment = minFreeSpace - c.localWindow;
+ c.localWindow = minFreeSpace;
+ }
+ remoteID = c.remoteID; /* read while holding the lock */
+ localID = c.localID; /* read while holding the lock */
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a consumer reads stdout and stdin in parallel, we may end up with
+ * sending two msgWindowAdjust messages. Luckily, it
+ * does not matter in which order they arrive at the server.
+ */
+ if (increment > 0)
+ {
+ log.debug("Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel " + localID + ", " + increment + ")");
+ synchronized (c.channelSendLock)
+ {
+ byte[] msg = c.msgWindowAdjust;
+ msg[1] = (byte) (remoteID >> 24);
+ msg[2] = (byte) (remoteID >> 16);
+ msg[3] = (byte) (remoteID >> 8);
+ msg[4] = (byte) (remoteID);
+ msg[5] = (byte) (increment >> 24);
+ msg[6] = (byte) (increment >> 16);
+ msg[7] = (byte) (increment >> 8);
+ msg[8] = (byte) (increment);
+ if (c.closeMessageSent == false)
+ tm.sendMessage(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ return copylen;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (wasInterrupted)
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ public void msgChannelData(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen <= 9)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ int len = ((msg[5] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[6] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[7] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[8] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ if (len != (msglen - 9))
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message has wrong len (calculated " + (msglen - 9) + ", got "
+ + len + ")");
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (channel " + id + ", " + len + ")");
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
+ return; // ignore
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)
+ throw new IOException("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, but channel is not in correct state (" + c.state + ")");
+ if (c.localWindow < len)
+ throw new IOException("Remote sent too much data, does not fit into window.");
+ c.localWindow -= len;
+ System.arraycopy(msg, 9, c.stdoutBuffer, c.stdoutWritepos, len);
+ c.stdoutWritepos += len;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ public void msgChannelWindowAdjust(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen != 9)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ int windowChange = ((msg[5] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[6] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[7] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[8] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ final long huge = 0xFFFFffffL; /* 2^32 - 1 */
+ c.remoteWindow += (windowChange & huge); /* avoid sign extension */
+ /* TODO - is this a good heuristic? */
+ if ((c.remoteWindow > huge))
+ c.remoteWindow = huge;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel " + id + ", " + windowChange + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelOpen(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen);
+ tr.readByte(); // skip packet type
+ String channelType = tr.readString();
+ int remoteID = tr.readUINT32(); /* sender channel */
+ int remoteWindow = tr.readUINT32(); /* initial window size */
+ int remoteMaxPacketSize = tr.readUINT32(); /* maximum packet size */
+ if ("x11".equals(channelType))
+ {
+ synchronized (x11_magic_cookies)
+ {
+ /* If we did not request X11 forwarding, then simply ignore this bogus request. */
+ if (x11_magic_cookies.size() == 0)
+ {
+ PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure(remoteID,
+ Packets.SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, "X11 forwarding not activated", "");
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload());
+ log.warning("Unexpected X11 request, denying it!");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ String remoteOriginatorAddress = tr.readString();
+ int remoteOriginatorPort = tr.readUINT32();
+ Channel c = new Channel(this);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.remoteID = remoteID;
+ c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* properly convert UINT32 to long */
+ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize;
+ c.localID = addChannel(c);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The open confirmation message will be sent from another thread
+ */
+ RemoteX11AcceptThread rxat = new RemoteX11AcceptThread(c, remoteOriginatorAddress, remoteOriginatorPort);
+ rxat.setDaemon(true);
+ rxat.start();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ("forwarded-tcpip".equals(channelType))
+ {
+ String remoteConnectedAddress = tr.readString(); /* address that was connected */
+ int remoteConnectedPort = tr.readUINT32(); /* port that was connected */
+ String remoteOriginatorAddress = tr.readString(); /* originator IP address */
+ int remoteOriginatorPort = tr.readUINT32(); /* originator port */
+ RemoteForwardingData rfd = null;
+ synchronized (remoteForwardings)
+ {
+ rfd = remoteForwardings.get(new Integer(remoteConnectedPort));
+ }
+ if (rfd == null)
+ {
+ PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure(remoteID,
+ "No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request", "");
+ /* Always try to be polite. */
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload());
+ log.debug("Unexpected forwarded-tcpip request, denying it!");
+ return;
+ }
+ Channel c = new Channel(this);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.remoteID = remoteID;
+ c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* convert UINT32 to long */
+ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize;
+ c.localID = addChannel(c);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The open confirmation message will be sent from another thread.
+ */
+ RemoteAcceptThread rat = new RemoteAcceptThread(c, remoteConnectedAddress, remoteConnectedPort,
+ remoteOriginatorAddress, remoteOriginatorPort, rfd.targetAddress, rfd.targetPort);
+ rat.setDaemon(true);
+ rat.start();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((server_state != null) && ("session".equals(channelType)))
+ {
+ ServerConnectionCallback cb = null;
+ synchronized (server_state)
+ {
+ cb = server_state.cb_conn;
+ }
+ if (cb == null)
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelOpenFailure(remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED,
+ "Sessions are currently not enabled", "en").getPayload());
+ return;
+ }
+ final Channel c = new Channel(this);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.remoteID = remoteID;
+ c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* convert UINT32 to long */
+ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize;
+ c.localID = addChannel(c);
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_OPEN;
+ c.ss = new ServerSessionImpl(c);
+ }
+ PacketChannelOpenConfirmation pcoc = new PacketChannelOpenConfirmation(c.remoteID, c.localID,
+ c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize);
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcoc.getPayload());
+ c.ss.sscb = cb.acceptSession(c.ss);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Tell the server that we have no idea what it is talking about */
+ PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure(remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE,
+ "Unknown channel type", "");
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload());
+ log.warning("The peer tried to open an unsupported channel type (" + channelType + ")");
+ }
+ /* Starts the given runnable in a foreground (non-daemon) thread */
+ private void runAsync(Runnable r)
+ {
+ Thread t = new Thread(r);
+ t.start();
+ }
+ public void msgChannelRequest(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen);
+ tr.readByte(); // skip packet type
+ int id = tr.readUINT32();
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ ServerSessionImpl server_session = null;
+ if (server_state != null)
+ {
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ server_session = c.ss;
+ }
+ }
+ String type = tr.readString("US-ASCII");
+ boolean wantReply = tr.readBoolean();
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel " + id + ", '" + type + "')");
+ if (type.equals("exit-status"))
+ {
+ if (wantReply != false)
+ throw new IOException(
+ "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST exit-status message, 'want reply' is true");
+ int exit_status = tr.readUINT32();
+ if (tr.remain() != 0)
+ throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message");
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.exit_status = new Integer(exit_status);
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got EXIT STATUS (channel " + id + ", status " + exit_status + ")");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((server_state == null) && (type.equals("exit-signal")))
+ {
+ if (wantReply != false)
+ throw new IOException(
+ "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST exit-signal message, 'want reply' is true");
+ String signame = tr.readString("US-ASCII");
+ tr.readBoolean();
+ tr.readString();
+ tr.readString();
+ if (tr.remain() != 0)
+ throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message");
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.exit_signal = signame;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel " + id + ", signal " + signame + ")");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("pty-req")))
+ {
+ PtySettings pty = new PtySettings();
+ pty.term = tr.readString();
+ pty.term_width_characters = tr.readUINT32();
+ pty.term_height_characters = tr.readUINT32();
+ pty.term_width_pixels = tr.readUINT32();
+ pty.term_height_pixels = tr.readUINT32();
+ pty.terminal_modes = tr.readByteString();
+ if (tr.remain() != 0)
+ throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message");
+ Runnable run_after_sending_success = null;
+ ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback();
+ if (sscb != null)
+ run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestPtyReq(server_session, pty);
+ if (wantReply)
+ {
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ }
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ runAsync(run_after_sending_success);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("shell")))
+ {
+ if (tr.remain() != 0)
+ throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message");
+ Runnable run_after_sending_success = null;
+ ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback();
+ if (sscb != null)
+ run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestShell(server_session);
+ if (wantReply)
+ {
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ }
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ runAsync(run_after_sending_success);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("exec")))
+ {
+ String command = tr.readString();
+ if (tr.remain() != 0)
+ throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message");
+ Runnable run_after_sending_success = null;
+ ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback();
+ if (sscb != null)
+ run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestExec(server_session, command);
+ if (wantReply)
+ {
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ }
+ if (run_after_sending_success != null)
+ {
+ runAsync(run_after_sending_success);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We simply ignore unknown channel requests, however, if the server wants a reply,
+ * then we signal that we have no idea what it is about.
+ */
+ if (wantReply)
+ {
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload());
+ }
+ log.debug("Channel request '" + type + "' is not known, ignoring it");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelEOF(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen != 5)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.EOF = true;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF (channel " + id + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelClose(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen != 5)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.EOF = true;
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_CLOSED;
+ c.setReasonClosed("Close requested by remote");
+ c.closeMessageRecv = true;
+ removeChannel(c.localID);
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel " + id + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelSuccess(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen != 5)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.successCounter++;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (channel " + id + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelFailure(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen != 5)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ int id = ((msg[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((msg[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((msg[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[4] & 0xff);
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.failedCounter++;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE (channel " + id + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelOpenConfirmation(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ PacketChannelOpenConfirmation sm = new PacketChannelOpenConfirmation(msg, 0, msglen);
+ Channel c = getChannel(sm.recipientChannelID);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for non-existent channel "
+ + sm.recipientChannelID);
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPENING)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message for channel "
+ + sm.recipientChannelID);
+ c.remoteID = sm.senderChannelID;
+ c.remoteWindow = sm.initialWindowSize & 0xFFFFffffL; /* convert UINT32 to long */
+ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = sm.maxPacketSize;
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_OPEN;
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION (channel " + sm.recipientChannelID + " / remote: "
+ + sm.senderChannelID + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgChannelOpenFailure(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msglen < 5)
+ throw new IOException("SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message has wrong size (" + msglen + ")");
+ TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen);
+ tr.readByte(); // skip packet type
+ int id = tr.readUINT32(); /* sender channel */
+ Channel c = getChannel(id);
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message for non-existent channel " + id);
+ int reasonCode = tr.readUINT32();
+ String description = tr.readString("UTF-8");
+ String reasonCodeSymbolicName = null;
+ switch (reasonCode)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ reasonCodeSymbolicName = "SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ reasonCodeSymbolicName = "SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ reasonCodeSymbolicName = "SSH_OPEN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE";
+ break;
+ default:
+ reasonCodeSymbolicName = "UNKNOWN REASON CODE (" + reasonCode + ")";
+ }
+ StringBuilder descriptionBuffer = new StringBuilder();
+ descriptionBuffer.append(description);
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptionBuffer.length(); i++)
+ {
+ char cc = descriptionBuffer.charAt(i);
+ if ((cc >= 32) && (cc <= 126))
+ continue;
+ descriptionBuffer.setCharAt(i, '\uFFFD');
+ }
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.EOF = true;
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_CLOSED;
+ c.setReasonClosed("The server refused to open the channel (" + reasonCodeSymbolicName + ", '"
+ + descriptionBuffer.toString() + "')");
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE (channel " + id + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgGlobalRequest(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ /* Currently we do not support any kind of global request */
+ TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen);
+ tr.readByte(); // skip packet type
+ String requestName = tr.readString();
+ boolean wantReply = tr.readBoolean();
+ if (wantReply)
+ {
+ byte[] reply_failure = new byte[1];
+ reply_failure[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE;
+ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(reply_failure);
+ }
+ /* We do not clean up the requestName String - that is OK for debug */
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST (" + requestName + ")");
+ }
+ public void msgGlobalSuccess() throws IOException
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ globalSuccessCounter++;
+ channels.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS");
+ }
+ public void msgGlobalFailure() throws IOException
+ {
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ globalFailedCounter++;
+ channels.notifyAll();
+ }
+ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE");
+ }
+ public void handleMessage(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (msg == null)
+ {
+ log.debug("HandleMessage: got shutdown");
+ synchronized (listenerThreads)
+ {
+ for (IChannelWorkerThread lat : listenerThreads)
+ {
+ lat.stopWorking();
+ }
+ listenerThreadsAllowed = false;
+ }
+ synchronized (channels)
+ {
+ shutdown = true;
+ for (Channel c : channels)
+ {
+ synchronized (c)
+ {
+ c.EOF = true;
+ c.state = Channel.STATE_CLOSED;
+ c.setReasonClosed("The connection is being shutdown");
+ c.closeMessageRecv = true; /*
+ * You never know, perhaps
+ * we are waiting for a
+ * pending close message
+ * from the server...
+ */
+ c.notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ channels.clear();
+ channels.notifyAll(); /* Notify global response waiters */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (msg[0])
+ {
+ msgChannelOpenConfirmation(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelWindowAdjust(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ case Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA:
+ msgChannelData(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelExtendedData(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelRequest(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ case Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF:
+ msgChannelEOF(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ case Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN:
+ msgChannelOpen(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelClose(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelSuccess(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelFailure(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgChannelOpenFailure(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgGlobalRequest(msg, msglen);
+ break;
+ msgGlobalSuccess();
+ break;
+ msgGlobalFailure();
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IOException("Cannot handle unknown channel message " + (msg[0] & 0xff));
+ }
+ }