// get the OSGI bundle context
private BundleContext bc;
+ @Inject
private ITopologyManager manager = null;
// Configure the OSGi container
- @Before
- public void areWeReady() {
- assertNotNull(bc);
- boolean debugit = false;
- Bundle b[] = bc.getBundles();
- for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
- int state = b[i].getState();
- if (state != Bundle.ACTIVE && state != Bundle.RESOLVED) {
- log.debug("Bundle:" + b[i].getSymbolicName() + " state:"
- + stateToString(state));
- debugit = true;
- }
- }
- if (debugit) {
- log.debug("Do some debugging because some bundle is "
- + "unresolved");
- }
- // Assert if true, if false we are good to go!
- assertFalse(debugit);
- ServiceReference r = bc.getServiceReference(ITopologyManager.class
- .getName());
- if (r != null) {
- this.manager = (ITopologyManager) bc.getService(r);
- }
- // If StatisticsManager is null, cannot run tests.
- assertNotNull(this.manager);
- }
* This test verifies that the isInternal method of the TopologyManager returns true when a node is internal and
* not otherwise