import org.opendaylight.controller.configuration.IConfigurationContainerAware;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Bandwidth;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Config;
+import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.ConstructionException;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Description;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.MacAddress;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Name;
private final List<NodeConnector> spanNodeConnectors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<NodeConnector>();
private ConcurrentMap<InetAddress, Subnet> subnets; // set of Subnets keyed by the InetAddress
private ConcurrentMap<String, SubnetConfig> subnetsConfigList;
- private ConcurrentMap<Integer, SpanConfig> spanConfigList;
+ private ConcurrentMap<SpanConfig, SpanConfig> spanConfigList;
private ConcurrentMap<String, SwitchConfig> nodeConfigList; // manually configured parameters for the node like name and tier
private ConcurrentMap<Long, String> configSaveEvent;
private ConcurrentMap<Node, Map<String, Property>> nodeProps; // properties are maintained in global container only
private IClusterContainerServices clusterContainerService = null;
private String containerName = null;
private boolean isDefaultContainer = true;
+ private static final int REPLACE_RETRY = 1;
public enum ReasonCode {
private void allocateCaches() {
if (this.clusterContainerService == null) {
+ this.nonClusterObjectCreate();
log.warn("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't create cache");
log.error("\nFailed to get cache for subnetsConfigList");
- spanConfigList = (ConcurrentMap<Integer, SpanConfig>) clusterContainerService
+ spanConfigList = (ConcurrentMap<SpanConfig, SpanConfig>) clusterContainerService
if (spanConfigList == null) {
log.error("\nFailed to get cache for spanConfigList");
- void nonClusterObjectCreate() {
+ private void nonClusterObjectCreate() {
subnetsConfigList = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SubnetConfig>();
- spanConfigList = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SpanConfig>();
+ spanConfigList = new ConcurrentHashMap<SpanConfig, SpanConfig>();
nodeConfigList = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SwitchConfig>();
subnets = new ConcurrentHashMap<InetAddress, Subnet>();
configSaveEvent = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String>();
nodeConnectorNames = new ConcurrentHashMap<Node, Map<String, NodeConnector>>();
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- private void destroyCaches(String container) {
- if (this.clusterContainerService == null) {
-"un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't create cache");
- return;
- }
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.subnetsConfigList");
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.spanConfigList");
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.nodeConfigList");
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.subnets");
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.configSaveEvent");
- clusterContainerService.destroyCache("switchmanager.nodeProps");
- clusterContainerService
- .destroyCache("switchmanager.nodeConnectorProps");
- clusterContainerService
- .destroyCache("switchmanager.nodeConnectorNames");
- nonClusterObjectCreate();
- }
public List<SubnetConfig> getSubnetsConfigList() {
return new ArrayList<SubnetConfig>(subnetsConfigList.values());
return swList;
- private void updateConfig(SubnetConfig conf, boolean add) {
+ private Status updateConfig(SubnetConfig conf, boolean add) {
if (add) {
- subnetsConfigList.put(conf.getName(), conf);
+ if(subnetsConfigList.putIfAbsent(conf.getName(), conf) != null) {
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Subnet with name " + conf.getName() + "already exists.";
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
} else {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
- private void updateDatabase(SubnetConfig conf, boolean add) {
- Subnet subnet = subnets.get(conf.getIPnum());
+ private Status updateDatabase(SubnetConfig conf, boolean add) {
if (add) {
- if (subnet == null) {
+ Subnet subnetCurr = subnets.get(conf.getIPnum());
+ Subnet subnet;
+ if (subnetCurr == null) {
subnet = new Subnet(conf);
+ } else {
+ subnet = subnetCurr.clone();
// In case of API3 call we may receive the ports along with the
// subnet creation
Set<NodeConnector> sp = conf.getSubnetNodeConnectors();
- subnets.put(conf.getIPnum(), subnet);
- } else { // This is the deletion of the whole subnet
- if (subnet == null) {
- return;
+ boolean result = false;
+ if(subnetCurr == null) {
+ if(subnets.putIfAbsent(conf.getIPnum(), subnet) == null) {
+ result = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = subnets.replace(conf.getIPnum(), subnetCurr, subnet);
+ }
+ if(!result) {
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Conflict while adding the subnet " + conf.getIPnum();
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ } else { // This is the deletion of the whole subnet
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
private Status semanticCheck(SubnetConfig conf) {
Subnet newSubnet = new Subnet(conf);
Set<InetAddress> IPs = subnets.keySet();
if (IPs == null) {
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
for (InetAddress i : IPs) {
Subnet existingSubnet = subnets.get(i);
if ((existingSubnet != null)
&& !existingSubnet.isMutualExclusive(newSubnet)) {
- return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT);
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
private Status addRemoveSubnet(SubnetConfig conf, boolean add) {
return rc;
- // Update Configuration
- updateConfig(conf, add);
// Update Database
- updateDatabase(conf, add);
+ Status rc = updateDatabase(conf, add);
+ if (rc.isSuccess()) {
+ // Update Configuration
+ rc = updateConfig(conf, add);
+ if(!rc.isSuccess()) {
+ updateDatabase(conf, (!add));
+ }
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return rc;
public Status addPortsToSubnet(String name, String switchPorts) {
- // Update Configuration
- SubnetConfig conf = subnetsConfigList.get(name);
- if (conf == null) {
+ SubnetConfig confCurr = subnetsConfigList.get(name);
+ if (confCurr == null) {
return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Subnet does not exist");
- if (!conf.isValidSwitchPort(switchPorts)) {
+ if (!confCurr.isValidSwitchPort(switchPorts)) {
return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid switchports");
- conf.addNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
- subnetsConfigList.put(name, conf);
+ Subnet subCurr = subnets.get(confCurr.getIPnum());
+ if (subCurr == null) {
+ log.debug("Cluster conflict: Subnet entry {} is not present in the subnets cache.", confCurr.getIPnum());
+ return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Subnet does not exist");
+ }
// Update Database
- Subnet sub = subnets.get(conf.getIPnum());
- Set<NodeConnector> sp = conf.getNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
+ Subnet sub = subCurr.clone();
+ Set<NodeConnector> sp = confCurr.getNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
- subnets.put(conf.getIPnum(), sub);
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ boolean subnetsReplace = subnets.replace(confCurr.getIPnum(), subCurr, sub);
+ if (!subnetsReplace) {
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Conflict while adding ports to the subnet " + name;
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ // Update Configuration
+ SubnetConfig conf = confCurr.clone();
+ conf.addNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
+ boolean result = subnetsConfigList.replace(name, confCurr, conf);
+ if (!result) {
+ // TODO: recovery using Transactionality
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Conflict while adding ports to the subnet " + name;
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
public Status removePortsFromSubnet(String name, String switchPorts) {
- // Update Configuration
- SubnetConfig conf = subnetsConfigList.get(name);
- if (conf == null) {
+ SubnetConfig confCurr = subnetsConfigList.get(name);
+ if (confCurr == null) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Subnet does not exist");
+ }
+ Subnet subCurr = subnets.get(confCurr.getIPnum());
+ if (subCurr == null) {
+ log.debug("Cluster conflict: Subnet entry {} is not present in the subnets cache.", confCurr.getIPnum());
return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Subnet does not exist");
- conf.removeNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
- subnetsConfigList.put(name, conf);
// Update Database
- Subnet sub = subnets.get(conf.getIPnum());
- Set<NodeConnector> sp = conf.getNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
+ Subnet sub = subCurr.clone();
+ Set<NodeConnector> sp = confCurr.getNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
- subnets.put(conf.getIPnum(), sub);
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ boolean subnetsReplace = subnets.replace(confCurr.getIPnum(), subCurr, sub);
+ if (!subnetsReplace) {
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Conflict while removing ports from the subnet " + name;
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ // Update Configuration
+ SubnetConfig conf = confCurr.clone();
+ conf.removeNodeConnectors(switchPorts);
+ boolean result = subnetsConfigList.replace(name, confCurr, conf);
+ if (!result) {
+ // TODO: recovery using Transactionality
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Conflict while removing ports from " + conf;
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
public String getContainerName() {
+ SwitchConfig sc = nodeConfigList.get(cfgObject.getNodeId());
+ if (sc == null) {
+ if (nodeConfigList.putIfAbsent(cfgObject.getNodeId(), cfgObject) != null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeConfigList.replace(cfgObject.getNodeId(), sc, cfgObject)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
boolean modeChange = false;
- SwitchConfig sc = nodeConfigList.get(cfgObject.getNodeId());
if ((sc == null) || !cfgObject.getMode().equals(sc.getMode())) {
modeChange = true;
- nodeConfigList.put(cfgObject.getNodeId(), cfgObject);
try {
String nodeId = cfgObject.getNodeId();
Node node = Node.fromString(nodeId);
- Map<String, Property> propMap;
- if (nodeProps.get(node) != null) {
- propMap = nodeProps.get(node);
- } else {
- propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = nodeProps.get(node);
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ if (propMapCurr != null) {
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
Property desc = new Description(cfgObject.getNodeDescription());
propMap.put(desc.getName(), desc);
Property tier = new Tier(Integer.parseInt(cfgObject.getTier()));
propMap.put(tier.getName(), tier);
- addNodeProps(node, propMap);
-"Set Node {}'s Mode to {}", nodeId,
- cfgObject.getMode());
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeProps.putIfAbsent(node, propMap) != null) {
+ // TODO rollback using Transactionality
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeProps.replace(node, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ // TODO rollback using Transactionality
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+"Set Node {}'s Mode to {}", nodeId, cfgObject.getMode());
if (modeChange) {
notifyModeChange(node, cfgObject.isProactive());
retS = objWriter.write(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SubnetConfig>(
subnetsConfigList), subnetFileName);
- retP = objWriter.write(new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SpanConfig>(
+ retP = objWriter.write(new ConcurrentHashMap<SpanConfig, SpanConfig>(
spanConfigList), spanFileName);
retS = objWriter.write(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SwitchConfig>(
nodeConfigList), switchConfigFileName);
// Presence check
- if (spanConfigList.containsKey(conf.hashCode())) {
+ if (spanConfigList.containsKey(conf)) {
return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, "Same span config exists");
- // Update database and notify clients
- addSpanPorts(conf.getNode(), conf.getPortArrayList());
// Update configuration
- spanConfigList.put(conf.hashCode(), conf);
+ if (spanConfigList.putIfAbsent(conf, conf) == null) {
+ // Update database and notify clients
+ addSpanPorts(conf.getNode(), conf.getPortArrayList());
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
removeSpanPorts(conf.getNode(), conf.getPortArrayList());
// Update configuration
- spanConfigList.remove(conf.hashCode());
+ spanConfigList.remove(conf);
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
- Map<String, Property> propMap;
- if (nodeProps.get(node) != null) {
- propMap = nodeProps.get(node);
- } else {
- propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = nodeProps.get(node);
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ if (propMapCurr != null) {
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
// copy node properties from plugin
String nodeId = node.toString();
for (SwitchConfig conf : nodeConfigList.values()) {
if (conf.getNodeId().equals(nodeId)) {
- Property description = new Description(
- conf.getNodeDescription());
+ Property description = new Description(conf.getNodeDescription());
propMap.put(description.getName(), description);
Property tier = new Tier(Integer.parseInt(conf.getTier()));
propMap.put(tier.getName(), tier);
- addNodeProps(node, propMap);
+ boolean result = false;
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeProps.putIfAbsent(node, propMap) == null) {
+ result = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = nodeProps.replace(node, propMapCurr, propMap);
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ log.debug(
+ "Cluster conflict: Conflict while adding the node properties. Node: {} Properties: {}",
+ node.getID(), props);
+ addNodeProps(node, propMap);
+ }
// check if span ports are configed
- Map<String, Property> propMap;
- if (nodeProps.get(node) != null) {
- propMap = nodeProps.get(node);
- } else {
- propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = nodeProps.get(node);
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ if (propMapCurr != null) {
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
// copy node properties from plugin
propMap.put(prop.getName(), prop);
- addNodeProps(node, propMap);
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeProps.putIfAbsent(node, propMap) != null) {
+ log.debug("Cluster conflict: Conflict while updating the node. Node: {} Properties: {}",
+ node.getID(), props);
+ addNodeProps(node, propMap);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeProps.replace(node, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ log.debug("Cluster conflict: Conflict while updating the node. Node: {} Properties: {}",
+ node.getID(), props);
+ addNodeProps(node, propMap);
+ }
+ }
/* notify node listeners */
notifyNode(node, UpdateType.CHANGED, propMap);
public void setNodeProp(Node node, Property prop) {
- /* Get a copy of the property map */
- Map<String, Property> propMap = getNodeProps(node);
- if (propMap == null) {
- return;
- }
- propMap.put(prop.getName(), prop);
- this.nodeProps.put(node, propMap);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= REPLACE_RETRY; i++) {
+ /* Get a copy of the property map */
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = getNodeProps(node);
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
+ propMap.put(prop.getName(), prop);
+ if (nodeProps.replace(node, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!propMapCurr.get(prop.getName()).equals(nodeProps.get(node).get(prop.getName()))) {
+ log.warn("Cluster conflict: Unable to add property {} to node {}.", prop.getName(), node.getID());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ log.warn("Cluster conflict: Unable to add property {} to node {}.", prop.getName(), node.getID());
public Status removeNodeProp(Node node, String propName) {
- Map<String, Property> propMap = getNodeProps(node);
- if (propMap != null) {
- propMap.remove(propName);
- this.nodeProps.put(node, propMap);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= REPLACE_RETRY; i++) {
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = getNodeProps(node);
+ if (propMapCurr != null) {
+ if (!propMapCurr.containsKey(propName)) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
+ propMap.remove(propName);
+ if (nodeProps.replace(node, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ if (!propMapCurr.get(propName).equals(nodeProps.get(node).get(propName))) {
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Unable to remove property " + propName + " for node "
+ + node.getID();
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Unable to remove property " + propName + " for node " + node.getID();
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
public Status removeNodeAllProps(Node node) {
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
public Status addNodeConnectorProp(NodeConnector nodeConnector,
Property prop) {
- Map<String, Property> propMap = getNodeConnectorProps(nodeConnector);
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = getNodeConnectorProps(nodeConnector);
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
- if (propMap == null) {
- propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ if (propMapCurr != null) {
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
+ }
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Unable to add NodeConnector Property.";
// Just add the nodeConnector if prop is not available (in a non-default
// container)
if (prop == null) {
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nodeConnector, propMap);
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeConnectorProps.putIfAbsent(nodeConnector, propMap) != null) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeConnectorProps.replace(nodeConnector, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
propMap.put(prop.getName(), prop);
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nodeConnector, propMap);
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeConnectorProps.putIfAbsent(nodeConnector, propMap) != null) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeConnectorProps.replace(nodeConnector, propMapCurr, propMap)) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ }
if (prop.getName().equals(Name.NamePropName)) {
if (nodeConnectorNames != null) {
Node node = nodeConnector.getNode();
- Map<String, NodeConnector> map = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
- if (map == null) {
- map = new HashMap<String, NodeConnector>();
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> mapCurr = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> map = new HashMap<String, NodeConnector>();
+ if (mapCurr != null) {
+ for (String s : mapCurr.keySet()) {
+ try {
+ map.put(s, new NodeConnector(mapCurr.get(s)));
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
map.put(((Name) prop).getValue(), nodeConnector);
- nodeConnectorNames.put(node, map);
+ if (mapCurr == null) {
+ if (nodeConnectorNames.putIfAbsent(node, map) != null) {
+ // TODO: recovery using Transactionality
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!nodeConnectorNames.replace(node, mapCurr, map)) {
+ // TODO: recovery using Transactionality
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
* @return success or failed reason
- public Status removeNodeConnectorProp(NodeConnector nodeConnector,
- String propName) {
- Map<String, Property> propMap = getNodeConnectorProps(nodeConnector);
+ public Status removeNodeConnectorProp(NodeConnector nodeConnector, String propName) {
+ Map<String, Property> propMapCurr = getNodeConnectorProps(nodeConnector);
- if (propMap == null) {
+ if (propMapCurr == null) {
/* Nothing to remove */
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ for (String s : propMapCurr.keySet()) {
+ propMap.put(s, propMapCurr.get(s).clone());
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nodeConnector, propMap);
+ boolean result = nodeConnectorProps.replace(nodeConnector, propMapCurr, propMap);
+ String msg = "Cluster conflict: Unable to remove NodeConnector property.";
+ if (!result) {
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
- if (nodeConnectorNames != null) {
- Name name = ((Name) getNodeConnectorProp(nodeConnector,
- Name.NamePropName));
- if (name != null) {
- Node node = nodeConnector.getNode();
- Map<String, NodeConnector> map = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
- if (map != null) {
- map.remove(name.getValue());
- nodeConnectorNames.put(node, map);
+ if (propName.equals(Name.NamePropName)) {
+ if (nodeConnectorNames != null) {
+ Name name = ((Name) getNodeConnectorProp(nodeConnector, Name.NamePropName));
+ if (name != null) {
+ Node node = nodeConnector.getNode();
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> mapCurr = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
+ if (mapCurr != null) {
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> map = new HashMap<String, NodeConnector>();
+ for (String s : mapCurr.keySet()) {
+ try {
+ map.put(s, new NodeConnector(mapCurr.get(s)));
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ map.remove(name.getValue());
+ if (!nodeConnectorNames.replace(node, mapCurr, map)) {
+ // TODO: recovery using Transactionality
+ return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, msg);
+ }
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
public Status removeNodeConnectorAllProps(NodeConnector nodeConnector) {
if (nodeConnectorNames != null) {
- Name name = ((Name) getNodeConnectorProp(nodeConnector,
- Name.NamePropName));
+ Name name = ((Name) getNodeConnectorProp(nodeConnector, Name.NamePropName));
if (name != null) {
Node node = nodeConnector.getNode();
- Map<String, NodeConnector> map = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
- if (map != null) {
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> mapCurr = nodeConnectorNames.get(node);
+ if (mapCurr != null) {
+ Map<String, NodeConnector> map = new HashMap<String, NodeConnector>();
+ for (String s : mapCurr.keySet()) {
+ try {
+ map.put(s, new NodeConnector(mapCurr.get(s)));
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
- nodeConnectorNames.put(node, map);
+ if (!nodeConnectorNames.replace(node, mapCurr, map)) {
+ log.warn("Cluster conflict: Unable remove Name property of nodeconnector {}, skip.",
+ nodeConnector.getID());
+ }
- return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null);
+ return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS);
Map<Node, Map<String, Property>> nodeProp = this.inventoryService.getNodeProps();
- for(Map.Entry<Node, Map<String, Property>> entry : nodeProp.entrySet()) {
+ for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<String, Property>> entry : nodeProp.entrySet()) {
Node node = entry.getKey();
- log.debug("getInventories: {} added for container {}",
- new Object[] { node, containerName });
+ log.debug("getInventories: {} added for container {}", new Object[] { node, containerName });
Map<String, Property> propMap = entry.getValue();
Set<Property> props = new HashSet<Property>();
- for(Property property : propMap.values()) {
+ for (Property property : propMap.values()) {
addNode(node, props);
Map<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> nodeConnectorProp = this.inventoryService.getNodeConnectorProps();
- for(Map.Entry<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> entry : nodeConnectorProp.entrySet()) {
+ for (Map.Entry<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> entry : nodeConnectorProp.entrySet()) {
Map<String, Property> propMap = entry.getValue();
- for(Property property : propMap.values()) {
+ for (Property property : propMap.values()) {
addNodeConnectorProp(entry.getKey(), property);
package org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.internal;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.junitBundles;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.mavenBundle;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.options;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.systemPackages;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.systemProperty;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import javax.inject.Inject;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider;
import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Actions;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Bandwidth;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Buffers;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Capabilities;
+import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Capabilities.CapabilitiesType;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.ConstructionException;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector;
+import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.State;
import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.TimeStamp;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.UpdateType;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Capabilities.CapabilitiesType;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NodeConnectorCreator;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NodeCreator;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.inventory.IListenInventoryUpdates;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.*;
-import org.opendaylight.controller.configuration.IConfigurationContainerAware;
import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.ISwitchManager;
-import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.PaxExam;
-import org.ops4j.pax.exam.util.Filter;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.Configuration;
-import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.*;
import org.ops4j.pax.exam.Option;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.Configuration;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.PaxExam;
import org.ops4j.pax.exam.util.PathUtils;
-import org.ops4j.pax.exam.spi.reactors.ExamReactorStrategy;
-import org.ops4j.pax.exam.spi.reactors.PerClass;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class SwitchManagerIT {
- private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SwitchManagerIT.class);
+ private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SwitchManagerIT.class);
// get the OSGI bundle context
private BundleContext bc;
mavenBundle("ch.qos.logback", "logback-classic")
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "switchmanager")
- .versionAsInProject(),
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",
- "switchmanager.implementation").versionAsInProject(),
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "sal")
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "clustering.stub")
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "sal.implementation")
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "configuration")
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",
+ "configuration.implementation").versionAsInProject(),
mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "containermanager")
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "clustering.stub")
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "sal")
- mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "configuration")
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "sal.implementation")
- "configuration.implementation").versionAsInProject(),
+ "protocol_plugins.stub").versionAsInProject(),
+ mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "switchmanager")
+ .versionAsInProject(),
- "protocol_plugins.stub").versionAsInProject(),
+ "switchmanager.implementation").versionAsInProject(),
mavenBundle("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3")
- new Capabilities((int) 3)));
+ new Capabilities(3)));
- Actions.ActionsPropName).equals(new Actions((int) 2)));
+ Actions.ActionsPropName).equals(new Actions(2)));
- Buffers.BuffersPropName).equals(new Buffers((int) 1)));
+ Buffers.BuffersPropName).equals(new Buffers(1)));
new TimeStamp(100000L, "connectedSince")));