+ private void testNodeProperties(JSONObject node, Integer nodeId,
+ String nodeType, Integer timestamp, String timestampName,
+ Integer actionsValue, Integer capabilitiesValue,
+ Integer tablesValue, Integer buffersValue) throws JSONException {
+ JSONObject nodeInfo = node.getJSONObject("node");
+ Assert.assertEquals(nodeId, (Integer) nodeInfo.getInt("@id"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(nodeType, nodeInfo.getString("@type"));
+ JSONObject properties = node.getJSONObject("properties");
+ if (timestamp == null || timestampName == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("timeStamp"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(
+ timestamp,
+ (Integer) properties.getJSONObject("timeStamp").getInt(
+ "timestamp"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(
+ timestampName,
+ properties.getJSONObject("timeStamp").getString(
+ "timestampName"));
+ }
+ if (actionsValue == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("actions"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(actionsValue, (Integer) properties
+ .getJSONObject("actions").getInt("actionsValue"));
+ }
+ if (capabilitiesValue == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("capabilities"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(capabilitiesValue, (Integer) properties
+ .getJSONObject("capabilities").getInt("capabilitiesValue"));
+ }
+ if (tablesValue == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("tables"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(tablesValue, (Integer) properties
+ .getJSONObject("tables").getInt("tablesValue"));
+ }
+ if (buffersValue == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("buffers"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(buffersValue, (Integer) properties
+ .getJSONObject("buffers").getInt("buffersValue"));
+ }
+ }
+ private void testNodeConnectorProperties(
+ JSONObject nodeConnectorProperties, Integer ncId, String ncType,
+ Integer nodeId, String nodeType, Integer state,
+ Integer capabilities, Integer bandwidth) throws JSONException {
+ JSONObject nodeConnector = nodeConnectorProperties
+ .getJSONObject("nodeconnector");
+ JSONObject node = nodeConnector.getJSONObject("node");
+ JSONObject properties = nodeConnectorProperties
+ .getJSONObject("properties");
+ Assert.assertEquals(ncId, (Integer) nodeConnector.getInt("@id"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(ncType, nodeConnector.getString("@type"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(nodeId, (Integer) node.getInt("@id"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(nodeType, node.getString("@type"));
+ if (state == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("state"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(
+ state,
+ (Integer) properties.getJSONObject("state").getInt(
+ "stateValue"));
+ }
+ if (capabilities == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("capabilities"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(capabilities, (Integer) properties
+ .getJSONObject("capabilities").getInt("capabilitiesValue"));
+ }
+ if (bandwidth == null) {
+ Assert.assertFalse(properties.has("bandwidth"));
+ } else {
+ Assert.assertEquals(
+ bandwidth,
+ (Integer) properties.getJSONObject("bandwidth").getInt(
+ "bandwidthValue"));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSwitchManager() {
+ String baseURL = "";
+ // define Node/NodeConnector attributes for test
+ int nodeId_1 = 51966;
+ int nodeId_2 = 3366;
+ int nodeId_3 = 4477;
+ int nodeConnectorId_1 = 51966;
+ int nodeConnectorId_2 = 12;
+ int nodeConnectorId_3 = 34;
+ String nodeType = "STUB";
+ String ncType = "STUB";
+ int timestamp_1 = 100000;
+ String timestampName_1 = "connectedSince";
+ int actionsValue_1 = 2;
+ int capabilitiesValue_1 = 3;
+ int tablesValue_1 = 1;
+ int buffersValue_1 = 1;
+ int ncState = 1;
+ int ncCapabilities = 1;
+ int ncBandwidth = 1000000000;
+ // Test GET all nodes
+ try {
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodes");
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ // Test for first node
+ JSONObject node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_1);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ testNodeProperties(node, nodeId_1, nodeType, timestamp_1,
+ timestampName_1, actionsValue_1, capabilitiesValue_1,
+ tablesValue_1, buffersValue_1);
+ // Test 2nd node, properties of 2nd node same as first node
+ node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_2);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ testNodeProperties(node, nodeId_2, nodeType, timestamp_1,
+ timestampName_1, actionsValue_1, capabilitiesValue_1,
+ tablesValue_1, buffersValue_1);
+ // Test 3rd node, properties of 3rd node same as first node
+ node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_3);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ testNodeProperties(node, nodeId_3, nodeType, timestamp_1,
+ timestampName_1, actionsValue_1, capabilitiesValue_1,
+ tablesValue_1, buffersValue_1);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ // Test GET nodeConnectors of a node
+ try {
+ //Test first node
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1);
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ JSONObject nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_1, ncType, nodeId_1, nodeType, ncState,
+ ncCapabilities, ncBandwidth);
+ //Test second node
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_2);
+ jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_2, ncType, nodeId_2, nodeType, ncState,
+ ncCapabilities, ncBandwidth);
+ //Test third node
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_3);
+ jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_3, ncType, nodeId_3, nodeType, ncState,
+ ncCapabilities, ncBandwidth);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ // Test delete node property
+ try {
+ // Delete timestamp property from node1
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1
+ + "/property/timeStamp", "DELETE");
+ Assert.assertEquals(200, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ // Check node1
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodes");
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ JSONObject node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_1);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ testNodeProperties(node, nodeId_1, nodeType, null, null,
+ actionsValue_1, capabilitiesValue_1, tablesValue_1,
+ buffersValue_1);
+ // Delete actions property from node2
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_2
+ + "/property/actions", "DELETE");
+ Assert.assertEquals(200, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ // Check node2
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodes");
+ jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_2);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ testNodeProperties(node, nodeId_2, nodeType, timestamp_1,
+ timestampName_1, null, capabilitiesValue_1, tablesValue_1,
+ buffersValue_1);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ // Test add property to node
+ try {
+ // Add Tier and Bandwidth property to node1
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1
+ + "/property/tier/1001", "PUT");
+ Assert.assertEquals(201, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1
+ + "/property/bandwidth/1002", "PUT");
+ Assert.assertEquals(201, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ // Test for first node
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodes");
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ JSONObject node = getJsonInstance(json, "nodeProperties", nodeId_1);
+ Assert.assertNotNull(node);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1001, node.getJSONObject("properties")
+ .getJSONObject("tier").getInt("tierValue"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1002, node.getJSONObject("properties")
+ .getJSONObject("bandwidth").getInt("bandwidthValue"));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ // Test delete nodeConnector property
+ try {
+ // Delete state property of nodeconnector1
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodeconnector/STUB/"
+ + nodeId_1 + "/STUB/" + nodeConnectorId_1
+ + "/property/state", "DELETE");
+ Assert.assertEquals(200, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1);
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ JSONObject nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_1, ncType, nodeId_1, nodeType, null,
+ ncCapabilities, ncBandwidth);
+ // Delete capabilities property of nodeconnector2
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodeconnector/STUB/" + nodeId_2
+ + "/STUB/" + nodeConnectorId_2 + "/property/capabilities",
+ "DELETE");
+ Assert.assertEquals(200, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_2);
+ jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_2, ncType, nodeId_2, nodeType, ncState,
+ null, ncBandwidth);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ // Test PUT nodeConnector property
+ try {
+ int newBandwidth = 1001;
+ // Add Name/Bandwidth property to nodeConnector1
+ String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "nodeconnector/STUB/"
+ + nodeId_1 + "/STUB/" + nodeConnectorId_1
+ + "/property/bandwidth/" + newBandwidth, "PUT");
+ Assert.assertEquals(201, httpResponseCode.intValue());
+ result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "node/STUB/" + nodeId_1);
+ JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
+ JSONObject nodeConnectorProperties = json
+ .getJSONObject("nodeConnectorProperties");
+ // Check for new bandwidth value, state value removed from previous
+ // test
+ testNodeConnectorProperties(nodeConnectorProperties,
+ nodeConnectorId_1, ncType, nodeId_1, nodeType, null,
+ ncCapabilities, newBandwidth);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Assert.assertTrue(false);
+ }
+ }
public void testStatistics() {
String actionTypes[] = { "drop", "loopback", "flood", "floodAll",
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
- private ConcurrentMap<Node, Map<String, Property>> nodeProps; // properties are maintained in global container only
- private ConcurrentMap<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> nodeConnectorProps; // properties are maintained in global container only
+ private ConcurrentMap<Node, Map<String, Property>> nodeProps; // properties
+ // are
+ // maintained
+ // in global
+ // container
+ // only
+ private ConcurrentMap<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> nodeConnectorProps; // properties
+ // are
+ // maintained
+ // in
+ // global
+ // container
+ // only
* Function called by the dependency manager when all the required
nodeProps = new ConcurrentHashMap<Node, Map<String, Property>>();
nodeConnectorProps = new ConcurrentHashMap<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>>();
Node.NodeIDType.registerIDType("STUB", Integer.class);
- NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.registerIDType("STUB", Integer.class, "STUB");
- }
+ NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.registerIDType("STUB", Integer.class,
+ "STUB");
- /**
- * Function called by the dependency manager when at least one dependency
- * become unsatisfied or when the component is shutting down because for
- * example bundle is being stopped.
- *
- */
- void destroy() {
+ setupNodeProps();
+ setupNodeConnectorProps();
- /**
- * Function called by dependency manager after "init ()" is called and after
- * the services provided by the class are registered in the service registry
- *
- */
- void start() {
- }
+ private void setupNodeConnectorProps() {
+ Map<String, Property> ncPropMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
+ Capabilities cap = new Capabilities(
+ CapabilitiesType.FLOW_STATS_CAPABILITY.getValue());
+ ncPropMap.put(Capabilities.CapabilitiesPropName, cap);
+ Bandwidth bw = new Bandwidth(Bandwidth.BW1Gbps);
+ ncPropMap.put(Bandwidth.BandwidthPropName, bw);
+ State st = new State(State.EDGE_UP);
+ ncPropMap.put(State.StatePropName, st);
- /**
- * Function called by the dependency manager before the services exported by
- * the component are unregistered, this will be followed by a "destroy ()"
- * calls
- *
- */
- void stop() {
- }
+ // setup property map for all node connectors
+ NodeConnector nc;
+ Node node;
+ try {
+ node = new Node("STUB", new Integer(0xCAFE));
+ nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 0xCAFE, node);
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ nc = null;
+ node = null;
+ }
+ nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
- /**
- * Retrieve nodes from openflow
- */
- @Override
- public ConcurrentMap<Node, Map<String, Property>> getNodeProps() {
+ try {
+ node = new Node("STUB", 3366);
+ nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 12, node);
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ nc = null;
+ node = null;
+ }
+ nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
+ try {
+ node = new Node("STUB", 4477);
+ nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 34, node);
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
+ nc = null;
+ node = null;
+ }
+ nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
- // setup nodeProps
+ }
+ private void setupNodeProps() {
Map<String, Property> propMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
- Tables t = new Tables((byte)1);
+ Tables t = new Tables((byte) 1);
propMap.put(Tables.TablesPropName, t);
- Capabilities c = new Capabilities((int)3);
+ Capabilities c = new Capabilities((int) 3);
propMap.put(Capabilities.CapabilitiesPropName, c);
- Actions a = new Actions((int)2);
+ Actions a = new Actions((int) 2);
propMap.put(Actions.ActionsPropName, a);
- Buffers b = new Buffers((int)1);
+ Buffers b = new Buffers((int) 1);
propMap.put(Buffers.BuffersPropName, b);
Long connectedSinceTime = 100000L;
TimeStamp timeStamp = new TimeStamp(connectedSinceTime,
// setup property map for all nodes
Node node;
- try{
+ try {
node = new Node("STUB", new Integer(0xCAFE));
- }catch(ConstructionException e){
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
node = null;
nodeProps.put(node, propMap);
- try{
+ try {
node = new Node("STUB", 3366);
- }catch(ConstructionException e){
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
node = null;
nodeProps.put(node, propMap);
- try{
+ try {
node = new Node("STUB", 4477);
- }catch(ConstructionException e){
+ } catch (ConstructionException e) {
node = null;
nodeProps.put(node, propMap);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function called by the dependency manager when at least one dependency
+ * become unsatisfied or when the component is shutting down because for
+ * example bundle is being stopped.
+ *
+ */
+ void destroy() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function called by dependency manager after "init ()" is called and after
+ * the services provided by the class are registered in the service registry
+ *
+ */
+ void start() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function called by the dependency manager before the services exported by
+ * the component are unregistered, this will be followed by a "destroy ()"
+ * calls
+ *
+ */
+ void stop() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve nodes from openflow
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ConcurrentMap<Node, Map<String, Property>> getNodeProps() {
return nodeProps;
public ConcurrentMap<NodeConnector, Map<String, Property>> getNodeConnectorProps(
Boolean refresh) {
- // setup nodeConnectorProps
- Map<String, Property> ncPropMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
- Capabilities cap = new Capabilities
- (CapabilitiesType.FLOW_STATS_CAPABILITY.getValue());
- ncPropMap.put(Capabilities.CapabilitiesPropName, cap);
- Bandwidth bw = new Bandwidth (Bandwidth.BW1Gbps);
- ncPropMap.put(Bandwidth.BandwidthPropName, bw);
- State st = new State (State.EDGE_UP);
- ncPropMap.put(State.StatePropName, st);
- // setup property map for all node connectors
- NodeConnector nc;
- Node node;
- try{
- node = new Node("STUB", new Integer(0xCAFE));
- nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 0xCAFE, node);
- }catch(ConstructionException e){
- nc = null;
- node = null;
- }
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
- try{
- node = new Node("STUB", 3366);
- nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 12, node);
- } catch(ConstructionException e){
- nc = null;
- node = null;
- }
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
- try{
- node = new Node("STUB", 4477);
- nc = new NodeConnector("STUB", 34, node);
- }catch(ConstructionException e){
- nc = null;
- node = null;
- }
- nodeConnectorProps.put(nc, ncPropMap);
- return nodeConnectorProps;
+ return nodeConnectorProps;