[Documentation] Get the device data label and make sure it contains the modified content.
Check_Config_Data <data xmlns="${ODL_NETCONF_NAMESPACE}"><cont xmlns="urn:opendaylight:test:netconf:crud"><l>Modified Content</l></cont></data>
+ [Documentation] Make request to deconfigure the testtool device on Netconf connector.
+ ... This is the first part of the "configure/deconfigure" cycle of the device
+ ... The purpose of cycling the device like this is to see that the configuration
+ ... data was really stored in the device.
+ [Tags] critical
+ [Setup] SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+ NetconfKeywords.Remove_Device_From_Netconf ${device_name}
+ [Documentation] Wait for the device to completely disappear.
+ NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${device_name}
+ [Documentation] Configure the device again.
+ ... This is the second step of the device configuration.
+ [Tags] critical
+ NetconfKeywords.Configure_Device_In_Netconf ${device_name}
+ [Documentation] Wait until the device becomes available through Netconf.
+ NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${device_name}
+ [Documentation] Get the device data and make sure it contains the created content.
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 1s Check_Config_Data <data xmlns="${ODL_NETCONF_NAMESPACE}"><cont xmlns="urn:opendaylight:test:netconf:crud"><l>Modified Content</l></cont></data>
+ [Documentation] Send a request to change the sample test data and check that the request went OK.
+ ${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable {'DEVICE_NAME': '${device_name}'}
+ NetconfViaRestconf.Put_Xml_Template_Folder_Via_Restconf ${DIRECTORY_WITH_TEMPLATE_FOLDERS}${/}datamod2 ${template_as_string}
+ [Documentation] Get the device data and make sure it contains the created content.
+ Check_Config_Data <data xmlns="${ODL_NETCONF_NAMESPACE}"><cont xmlns="urn:opendaylight:test:netconf:crud"><l>Another Modified Content</l></cont></data>
[Documentation] Send a JSON request to change the sample test data label and check that the request went OK.
${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable {'DEVICE_NAME': '${device_name}'}