pending = this.dispatcher.createClient(this.address, cs, b, new AbstractDispatcher.PipelineInitializer<S>() {
public void initializeChannel(final SocketChannel channel, final Promise<S> promise) {
- // add closed channel handler
- // This handler has to be added before initializer.initializeChannel is called
- // Initializer might add some handlers using addFirst e.g. AsyncSshHandler and in that case
- // closed channel handler is before the handler that invokes channel inactive event
- channel.pipeline().addFirst(new ClosedChannelHandler(ReconnectPromise.this));
initializer.initializeChannel(channel, promise);
+ // add closed channel handler
+ // This handler has to be added as last channel handler and the channel inactive event has to be caught by it
+ // Handlers in front of it can react to channelInactive event, but have to forward the event or the reconnect will not work
+ // This handler is last so all handlers in front of it can handle channel inactive (to e.g. resource cleanup) before a new connection is started
+ channel.pipeline().addLast(new ClosedChannelHandler(ReconnectPromise.this));
public void channelInactive(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
- // Pass info about disconnect further and then reconnect
- super.channelInactive(ctx);
+ // This is the ultimate channel inactive handler, not forwarding
if (promise.isCancelled()) {
public synchronized void connect(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
+ LOG.debug("XXX session connecting on channel {}. promise: {} ",, connectPromise);
this.connectPromise = promise;
startSsh(ctx, remoteAddress);
public synchronized void disconnect(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ChannelPromise promise) {
- // Super disconnect is necessary in this case since we are using NioSocketChannel and it needs to cleanup its resources
- // e.g. Socket that it tries to open in its constructor (
- // TODO better solution would be to implement custom ChannelFactory + Channel that will use mina SSH lib internally: port this to custom channel implementation
- try {
- super.disconnect(ctx, ctx.newPromise());
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- LOG.warn("Unable to cleanup all resources for channel: {}. Ignoring.",, e);
- }
+ LOG.trace("Closing SSH session on channel: {} with connect promise in state: {}",, connectPromise);
- if(sshReadAsyncListener != null) {
- sshReadAsyncListener.close();
+ // If we have already succeeded and the session was dropped after, we need to fire inactive to notify reconnect logic
+ if(connectPromise.isSuccess()) {
+ ctx.fireChannelInactive();
if(sshWriteAsyncHandler != null) {
+ if(sshReadAsyncListener != null) {
+ sshReadAsyncListener.close();
+ }
if(session!= null && !session.isClosed() && !session.isClosing()) {
session.close(false).addListener(new SshFutureListener<CloseFuture>() {
- // If we have already succeeded and the session was dropped after, we need to fire inactive to notify reconnect logic
- if(connectPromise.isSuccess()) {
- ctx.fireChannelInactive();
+ // Super disconnect is necessary in this case since we are using NioSocketChannel and it needs to cleanup its resources
+ // e.g. Socket that it tries to open in its constructor (
+ // TODO better solution would be to implement custom ChannelFactory + Channel that will use mina SSH lib internally: port this to custom channel implementation
+ try {
+ // Disconnect has to be closed after inactive channel event was fired, because it interferes with it
+ super.disconnect(ctx, ctx.newPromise());
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ LOG.warn("Unable to cleanup all resources for channel: {}. Ignoring.",, e);
channel = null;
LOG.debug("SSH session closed on channel: {}",;