Status: 200 OK
-Websocket change event notification subscription tutorial
-Subscribing to data change notifications makes it possible to obtain
-notifications about data manipulation (insert, change, delete) which are
-done on any specified **path** of any specified **datastore** with
-specific **scope**. In following examples *{odlAddress}* is address of
-server where ODL is running and *{odlPort}* is port on which
-OpenDaylight is running.
-Websocket notifications subscription process
-In this section we will learn what steps need to be taken in order to
-successfully subscribe to data change event notifications.
-Create stream
-In order to use event notifications you first need to call RPC that
-creates notification stream that you can later listen to. You need to
-provide three parameters to this RPC:
-- **path**: data store path that you plan to listen to. You can
- register listener on containers, lists and leaves.
-- **datastore**: data store type. *OPERATIONAL* or *CONFIGURATION*.
-- **scope**: Represents scope of data change. Possible options are:
- - BASE: only changes directly to the data tree node specified in the
- path will be reported
- - ONE: changes to the node and to direct child nodes will be
- reported
- - SUBTREE: changes anywhere in the subtree starting at the node will
- be reported
-The RPC to create the stream can be invoked via RESTCONF like this:
-- URI:
- http://{odlAddress}:{odlPort}/restconf/operations/sal-remote:create-data-change-event-subscription
-- HEADER: Content-Type=application/json
-- DATA:
- .. code:: json
- {
- "input": {
- "path": "/toaster:toaster/toaster:toasterStatus",
- "sal-remote-augment:datastore": "OPERATIONAL",
- "sal-remote-augment:scope": "ONE"
- }
- }
-The response should look something like this:
-.. code:: json
- {
- "output": {
- "stream-name": "data-change-event-subscription/toaster:toaster/toaster:toasterStatus/datastore=CONFIGURATION/scope=SUBTREE"
- }
- }
-**stream-name** is important because you will need to use it when you
-subscribe to the stream in the next step.
-.. note::
- Internally, this will create a new listener for *stream-name* if it
- did not already exist.
-Subscribe to stream
-In order to subscribe to stream and obtain WebSocket location you need
-to call *GET* on your stream path. The URI should generally be
-where *{streamName}* is the *stream-name* parameter contained in
-response from *create-data-change-event-subscription* RPC from the
-previous step.
-- URI:
- http://{odlAddress}:{odlPort}/restconf/streams/stream/data-change-event-subscription/toaster:toaster/datastore=CONFIGURATION/scope=SUBTREE
-The subscription call may be modified with the following query parameters defined in the RESTCONF RFC:
-- `filter <>`__
-- `start-time <>`__
-- `end-time <>`__
-In addition, the following ODL extension query parameter is supported:
- If this parameter is set to "true", create and update notifications will only
- contain the leaf nodes modified instead of the entire subscription subtree.
- This can help in reducing the size of the notifications.
- If this parameter is set to "true", create and update notifications will only
- contain modified leaf nodes without data.
- This can help in reducing the size of the notifications.
-The expected response status is 200 OK and response body should be
-empty. You will get your WebSocket location from **Location** header of
-response. For example in our particular toaster example location header
-would have this value:
-.. note::
- During this phase there is an internal check for to see if a
- listener for the *stream-name* from the URI exists. If not, new a
- new listener is registered with the DOM data broker.
-Receive notifications
-You should now have a data change notification stream created and have
-location of a WebSocket. You can use this WebSocket to listen to data
-change notifications. To listen to notifications you can use a
-JavaScript client or if you are using chrome browser you can use the
-`Simple WebSocket
-Client <>`__.
-Also, for testing purposes, there is simple Java application named
-WebSocketClient. The application is placed in the
-*-sal-rest-connector-classes.class* project. It accepts a WebSocket URI
-as and input parameter. After starting the utility (WebSocketClient
-class directly in Eclipse/InteliJ Idea) received notifications should be
-displayed in console.
-Notifications are always in XML format and look like this:
-.. code:: xml
- <notification xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0">
- <eventTime>2014-09-11T09:58:23+02:00</eventTime>
- <data-changed-notification xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:remote">
- <data-change-event>
- <path xmlns:meae="">/meae:toaster</path>
- <operation>updated</operation>
- <data>
- <!-- updated data -->
- </data>
- </data-change-event>
- </data-changed-notification>
- </notification>
-Example use case
-The typical use case is listening to data change events to update web
-page data in real-time. In this tutorial we will be using toaster as the
-When you call *make-toast* RPC, it sets *toasterStatus* to "down" to
-reflect that the toaster is busy making toast. When it finishes,
-*toasterStatus* is set to "up" again. We will listen to this toaster
-status changes in data store and will reflect it on our web page in
-real-time thanks to WebSocket data change notification.
-Simple javascript client implementation
-We will create simple JavaScript web application that will listen
-updates on *toasterStatus* leaf and update some element of our web page
-according to new toaster status state.
-Create stream
-First you need to create stream that you are planing to subscribe to.
-This can be achieved by invoking "create-data-change-event-subscription"
-RPC on RESTCONF via AJAX request. You need to provide data store
-**path** that you plan to listen on, **data store type** and **scope**.
-If the request is successful you can extract the **stream-name** from
-the response and use that to subscribe to the newly created stream. The
-*{username}* and *{password}* fields represent your credentials that you
-use to connect to OpenDaylight via RESTCONF:
-.. note::
- The default user name and password are "admin".
-.. code:: javascript
- function createStream() {
- $.ajax(
- {
- url: 'http://{odlAddress}:{odlPort}/restconf/operations/sal-remote:create-data-change-event-subscription',
- type: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa('{username}:{password}'),
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- data: JSON.stringify(
- {
- 'input': {
- 'path': '/toaster:toaster/toaster:toasterStatus',
- 'sal-remote-augment:datastore': 'OPERATIONAL',
- 'sal-remote-augment:scope': 'ONE'
- }
- }
- )
- }).done(function (data) {
- // this function will be called when ajax call is executed successfully
- subscribeToStream(data.output['stream-name']);
- }).fail(function (data) {
- // this function will be called when ajax call fails
- console.log("Create stream call unsuccessful");
- })
- }
-Subscribe to stream
-The Next step is to subscribe to the stream. To subscribe to the stream
-you need to call *GET* on
-If the call is successful, you get WebSocket address for this stream in
-**Location** parameter inside response header. You can get response
-header by calling *getResponseHeader(\ *Location*)* on HttpRequest
-object inside *done()* function call:
-.. code:: javascript
- function subscribeToStream(streamName) {
- $.ajax(
- {
- url: 'http://{odlAddress}:{odlPort}/restconf/streams/stream/' + streamName;
- type: 'GET',
- headers: {
- 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa('{username}:{password}'),
- }
- }
- ).done(function (data, textStatus, httpReq) {
- // we need function that has http request object parameter in order to access response headers.
- listenToNotifications(httpReq.getResponseHeader('Location'));
- }).fail(function (data) {
- console.log("Subscribe to stream call unsuccessful");
- });
- }
-Receive notifications
-Once you got WebSocket server location you can now connect to it and
-start receiving data change events. You need to define functions that
-will handle events on WebSocket. In order to process incoming events
-from OpenDaylight you need to provide a function that will handle
-*onmessage* events. The function must have one parameter that represents
-the received event object. The event data will be stored in
-**. The data will be in an XML format that you can then easily
-parse using jQuery.
-.. code:: javascript
- function listenToNotifications(socketLocation) {
- try {
- var notificatinSocket = new WebSocket(socketLocation);
- notificatinSocket.onmessage = function (event) {
- // we process our received event here
- console.log('Received toaster data change event.');
- $($.parseXML('data-change-event').each(
- function (index) {
- var operation = $(this).find('operation').text();
- if (operation == 'updated') {
- // toaster status was updated so we call function that gets the value of toasterStatus leaf
- updateToasterStatus();
- return false;
- }
- }
- );
- }
- notificatinSocket.onerror = function (error) {
- console.log("Socket error: " + error);
- }
- notificatinSocket.onopen = function (event) {
- console.log("Socket connection opened.");
- }
- notificatinSocket.onclose = function (event) {
- console.log("Socket connection closed.");
- }
- // if there is a problem on socket creation we get exception (i.e. when socket address is incorrect)
- } catch(e) {
- alert("Error when creating WebSocket" + e );
- }
- }
-The *updateToasterStatus()* function represents function that calls
-*GET* on the path that was modified and sets toaster status in some web
-page element according to received data. After the WebSocket connection
-has been established you can test events by calling make-toast RPC via
-.. note::
- for more information about WebSockets in JavaScript visit `Writing
- WebSocket client
- applications <>`__
.. _config_subsystem:
Config Subsystem