2017-08-14 Stephen KittAdd SNMP to the distribution 47/61547/3
2017-08-14 xingjunAdd FaaS into distribution 55/61555/6
2017-08-12 Michal CmaradaAdd Groupbasedpolicy to distribution 55/59755/19
2017-08-11 Luis GomezFix Nitrogen distribution 58/61558/1
2017-08-10 A HAdd nemo karaf4 to distribution 91/61391/3
2017-08-10 A HAdd usc to distribution 90/61390/3
2017-08-10 Jamo LuhrsenRevert "Remove unimgr from nitrogen distribution" 92/61292/3
2017-08-10 wsx25289Add of-config to distribution 93/61093/10
2017-08-10 Kai GaoAdd ALTO to Karaf 4 distribution 89/61089/7
2017-08-10 Stephen KittBump odlparent 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 63/61363/3
2017-08-09 Yrineu RodriguesRemove NIC single feature 'odl-nic-all' 16/61416/1
2017-08-04 Yrineu RodriguesAdd NIC feature to Nitrogen 98/59798/19
2017-08-04 Mufaddal MakatiAdd Packetcable features to Distribution 00/59800/14
2017-08-03 Luis GomezAdd Cardinal to Karaf 4 distribution 68/61068/2
2017-08-02 Luis GomezRemove unimgr from nitrogen distribution 50/61050/2
2017-08-02 Luis GomezRevert "Add Cardinal to Karaf 4 distribution" 52/61052/2
2017-08-02 SubodhAdd Cardinal to Karaf 4 distribution 07/60807/12
2017-08-02 Jaime Caamaño... Add SFC 34/60634/8
2017-08-02 Luis GomezRestore compatible netconf features 16/61016/1
2017-08-02 Sai MarapaReddyAdd l2switch karaf4 to distribution 26/60926/7
2017-08-02 markoAdd OCPplugin to Distribution 02/60802/11
2017-08-01 Vratko PolakBump forgotten Odlparent versions to 2.0.2 89/60989/1
2017-08-01 Jakub MorvayAdd missing NETCONF features to distribution 76/60976/2
2017-08-01 Quan XiongAdd Bier to distribution 96/60796/6
2017-08-01 ylhsiehAdd SNMP4SDN to integration/distribution 52/60852/4
2017-07-31 Donald HunterAdd unimgr into distribution 18/60818/3
2017-07-31 Michal CmaradaAdd VBD to distribution 39/59739/13
2017-07-28 Jakub MorvayAdd NETCONF to integration/distribution 07/59607/10
2017-07-27 Isaku YamahataRevert "Temporary remove neutron from K4 distro" 00/60800/2
2017-07-20 gvranganAdd VTN Karaf4 Features 61/60261/5
2017-07-14 Michael VorburgerAdd Daexim 82/60282/3
2017-07-13 Lorand JakabAdd LISP Flow Mapping to Karaf 4 distribution 09/59709/7
2017-07-11 Stephen KittUpgrade to odlparent 2.0.2 42/60142/2
2017-07-11 Daniel FarrellAdd tox dir to gitignore 69/60169/2
2017-07-10 Daniel FarrellImprove Coala linting, add section stubs/ignores 68/60168/1
2017-07-04 Faseela KAdd COE to integration/distribution 58/59858/4
2017-07-04 Daniel MalachovskyAdd Dlux and DluxApps to Nitrogen 84/59884/3
2017-07-03 Luis GomezTemporary remove neutron from K4 distribution 05/59905/1
2017-07-02 Andrej ZáňAdd Topoprocessing karaf4 features to distribution 62/59762/6
2017-06-30 Colin DixonAdd TTP feature to Nitrogen 38/59638/2
2017-06-30 Michal RehakAdd SXP karaf4 features to distribution 81/59781/2
2017-06-30 Andrej KilvadyAdd Bgpcep feature to Distribution 29/59729/2
2017-06-30 Vishal ThaparAdd netvirt karaf4 features 32/59732/2
2017-06-29 Vishal ThaparAdd genius and dependencies 07/59707/3
2017-06-29 Isaku Yamahataneutron: add neutron karaf4 feature 81/58981/9
2017-06-28 Vishal ThaparAdd OVSDB 96/59596/4
2017-06-27 Vratko PolakAdd offset 0 projects 03/59303/7
2017-06-22 Vratko PolakMigrate to odlparent 2.0.0 65/59265/13
2017-06-15 Vratko PolakApply multiple edits to remove Karaf 3 20/58820/4
2017-06-15 Thanh HaMigrate to odlparent 1.9.0 96/58896/4
2017-06-13 Thanh HaMigrate to odlparent 1.8.0-Carbon 47/58747/4
2017-05-23 Colin DixonRemove UNIMgr b/c of compilation failures 03/57703/1
2017-05-23 Luis GomezRemove unimgr from distribution 55/57655/4
2017-05-18 Luis GomezAdd k4 progress from Carbon to Nitrogen 90/56990/2
2017-05-17 Claudio D.... BUG-6801: Remove deprecated bgpcep *-all features 79/57279/1
2017-05-09 Luis GomezRemove SNMP4SDN from Nitrogen distribution 39/56739/2
2017-04-26 Luis GomezBUG 8304: Remove lisp from feature 4 test 30/56030/2
2017-04-24 Lorand JakabAdd Karaf 4 features for lispflowmapping 82/55882/2
2017-04-15 Sam HagueDeprecate legacy netvirt features 83/55083/1
2017-04-13 Luis GomezRemove capwap from nitrogen distribution 07/55007/1
2017-04-11 Anil BelurBump versions by x.(y+1).z for next dev cycle 00/54700/1
2017-04-05 Michael Vorburgerbin/aaa-cli-jar.jar without version number 88/54388/1
2017-03-30 Vratko PolakRemove mentions of projects not in release 86/53986/2
2017-03-29 Vratko PolakActivate coala checking of comit messages 31/54031/1
2017-03-22 Vratko PolakAdd Restconf to Karaf 4 distribution 58/53258/4
2017-03-22 Tomas JancigaUse iotdmcsitdist repository instead of onem2mall-features 08/53608/2
2017-03-17 Thanh HaRemove snbi from Carbon 21/53421/2
2017-03-16 Thanh HaRemove natapp from Carbon 20/53420/1
2017-03-14 Colin DixonRemove odl-ttp-all feature 65/53165/2
2017-03-10 Vratko PolakKaraf4 features and distribution 62/51762/13
2017-03-06 YuLing ChenAdd back tsdr feature in feature-test 07/52907/1
2017-03-03 Thanh HaAdd missing <name> fields for pom.xml files 04/52704/1
2017-03-02 Taliadd federation feature to distribution 21/52621/2
2017-03-02 Jamo LuhrsenAdd lacp-ui back to features test 64/52264/2
2017-03-01 Mohamed El... Remove odl-aaa-authn feature 24/52424/2
2017-02-24 Jamo LuhrsenAdd LACP back to carbon distro 31/52231/3
2017-02-14 Vratko PolakImprove Karaf3 features before Karaf4 migration 50/51750/6
2017-02-13 Michael VorburgerRemove x5 inactive projects (atrium centinel yang-push... 16/51816/1
2017-02-09 sirishasangamAdding sdninterfaceapp to the distribution 15/51615/1
2017-01-27 Tomas JancigaUse onem2mall-features repository instead of onem2m... 04/51104/2
2017-01-25 Michal RehakRename odl-groupbasedpolicy-sxp-mapper feature 95/50995/1
2017-01-19 Quan XiongAdd bier project to distribution. 28/49828/5
2017-01-18 Ryan GouldingRemove odl-aaa-authz 78/50578/2
2017-01-18 Mohamed El... Remove odl-aaa-sssd-plugin feature 17/50217/2
2017-01-11 Michael VorburgerFix NoClassDefFoundError (related to c/48901) 93/50293/2
2017-01-11 Vratko PolakBug 7518: Revert "BUG 7493: fix akka configure cluster... 21/50221/2
2017-01-09 Ravit PeretzBUG 7493: fix akka configure cluster script 29/50129/1
2016-12-22 Michael VorburgerMinor clean-up: Remove junit-dep and add missing scope... 21/49721/1
2016-12-20 Michael VorburgerInclude aaa-cli-jar in distribution 78/49278/4
2016-12-19 Vratko PolakBug 7404: Remove Sdnitnerfaceapp from distribution 49/49549/1
2016-12-15 Daniel MalachovskyDluxApps project features 53/48953/2
2016-12-13 Michael VorburgerAdd maven-paxexam-plugin to features-test, for dependen... 46/49246/2
2016-12-12 Michael Vorburgertarget-ide/ on .gitignore 45/49245/1
2016-12-06 Vratko PolakUse opendaylight-karaf-empty from odlparent 36/48936/2
2016-12-05 Peter Gubkaodl-unimgr moved to incompatible with all 72/48972/1
2016-12-01 Vratko PolakBug 7255: Move netconf features to incompatible 94/48794/5
2016-11-08 Alexis de TalhouëtRevert "Remove of-config from distribution" 24/48124/1
2016-11-07 Alexis de TalhouëtRemove of-config from distribution 75/48075/2
2016-11-04 Vratko PolakUse hostname -I in ipdetect script 25/46125/2
2016-11-03 Vratko PolakBump SFC version 86/47886/1