Remove testplans and suites for vpnservice 08/109608/18
authorOleksandr Zharov <>
Wed, 3 Jan 2024 19:48:26 +0000 (20:48 +0100)
committerOleksandr Zharov <>
Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:44:45 +0000 (16:44 +0100)
Removed testplans and suites for vpnservice project.

Change-Id: If537c4af19d015f484f1e77cb457d8846bee6d54
Signed-off-by: Oleksandr Zharov <>
csit/suites/vpnservice/010__verify_feature.robot [deleted file]
csit/suites/vpnservice/020__configure_vpn.robot [deleted file]
csit/suites/vpnservice/030__configure_2_switches.robot [deleted file]
csit/suites/vpnservice/__init__.robot [deleted file]
csit/suites/vpnservice/ [deleted file]
csit/testplans/vpnservice-vpnservice.txt [deleted file]
csit/testplans/vpnservice.txt [deleted file]

diff --git a/csit/suites/vpnservice/010__verify_feature.robot b/csit/suites/vpnservice/010__verify_feature.robot
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 44a3a91..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation       Test Suite that, verifies the features and corresponding bundles are installed.
-Resource            ../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
-*** Variables ***
-...                         odl-vpnservice-api
-...                         odl-vpnservice-impl
-...                         odl-vpnservice-impl-rest
-...                         odl-vpnservice-impl-ui
-...                         odl-vpnservice-core
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.vpnmanager-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.interfacemgr-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.nexthopmgr-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.idmanager-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.fibmanager-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.bgpmanager-impl
-...                         org.opendaylight.vpnservice.model-bgp
-...                         VpnserviceProvider Session Initiated
-...                         InterfacemgrProvider Session Initiated
-...                         NexthopmgrProvider Session Initiated
-...                         IDManagerserviceProvider Session Initiated
-...                         FibManagerProvider Session Initiated
-...                         BgpManager Session Initiated
-*** Test Cases ***
-Verify if the VPN Service features are installed for vpnservice
-    [Documentation]    Executes command "feature list -i | grep <feature_name>" in karaf console and checks if output \ contain \ the specific features.
-    [Tags]    verify feature
-    FOR    ${feature}    IN    @{FEATURE_LIST}
-        Verify Feature Is Installed    ${feature}
-    END
-Verify if the VPN Service bundles are loaded
-    [Documentation]    Executes command "bundle:list -s | grep <bundle name>" and checks in the output for the specific bundles
-    [Tags]    verify vpn bundles
-    FOR    ${bundle}    IN    @{BUNDLE_LIST}
-        Verify Bundle Is Installed    ${bundle}
-    END
-Verify if the sessions for bundles got initiated
-    [Documentation]    Executes"log:display | grep vpnservice" command in karaf console and verifies the logs for session initiation
-    [Tags]    verify session
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    240 seconds
-    ...    30 seconds
-    ...    Check Karaf Log Has Messages
-    ...    vpnservice
-    ...    @{MESSAGE_STRING_LIST}
diff --git a/csit/suites/vpnservice/020__configure_vpn.robot b/csit/suites/vpnservice/020__configure_vpn.robot
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72b0249..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation       Test Suite for vpn instance
-Library             OperatingSystem
-Library             String
-Library             RequestsLibrary
-Variables           ../../variables/
-Library             Collections
-Resource            CompareStream.robot
-Suite Setup         Create Session    session    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
-Suite Teardown      Delete All Sessions
-*** Variables ***
-${REST_CON}             /restconf/config/
-@{vpn_inst_values}      testVpn1    1000:1    1000:1,2000:1    3000:1,4000:1
-@{vm_int_values}        s1-eth1    l2vlan    openflow:1:1
-@{vm_vpnint_values}     s1-eth1    testVpn1    12:f8:57:a8:b9:a1
-${VPN_CONFIG_DIR}       ${CURDIR}/../../variables/vpnservice
-*** Test Cases ***
-Create VPN Instance
-    [Documentation]    Creates VPN Instance through restconf
-    [Tags]    post
-    ${body}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${VPN_CONFIG_DIR}/vpn_instance.json
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    ...    data=${body}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    ...    data=${body}
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify VPN instance
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the vpn instance is created
-    [Tags]    get
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    FOR    ${value}    IN    @{vpn_inst_values}
-        Should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${value}
-    END
-Create ietf vm interface
-    [Documentation]    Creates ietf interface through the restconf
-    [Tags]    post
-    ${body}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${VPN_CONFIG_DIR}/vm_interface.json
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Post Request    session    ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/    data=${body}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify ietf vm interface
-    [Documentation]    Verifies ietf interface created
-    [Tags]    get
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]}/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    FOR    ${value}    IN    @{vm_int_values}
-        Should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${value}
-    END
-Create VPN interface
-    [Documentation]    Creates vpn interface for the corresponding ietf interface
-    [Tags]    post
-    ${body}    OperatingSystem.Get File    ${VPN_CONFIG_DIR}/vm_vpninterface.json
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    data=${body}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    data=${body}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify VPN interface
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the vpn interface created
-    [Tags]    get
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    FOR    ${value}    IN    @{vm_vpnint_values}
-        Should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${value}
-    END
-Verify FIB entry after create
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the fib entry for the corresponding vpn interface
-    [Tags]    get
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    5s    1s    Ensure The Fib Entry Is Present    ${vm_vpnint_values[2]}
-Delete vm vpn interface
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the vpn interface
-    [Tags]    delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleteing vm vpn interface
-    [Documentation]    Verifies vpn interface after delete
-    [Tags]    verify after delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Delete VPN Instance
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the VPN Instance
-    [Tags]    delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Requestt
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleting the vpn instance
-    [Documentation]    Verifies after deleting the vpn instance
-    [Tags]    verfiy after delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Delete vm ietf interface
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the ietf interface
-    [Tags]    delete
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleting vm ietf interface
-    [Documentation]    Verifies ietf interface after delete
-    [Tags]    verify after delete
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]}
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Verify FIB entry after delete
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the fib entry is deleted for the corresponding vpn interface
-    [Tags]    get
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    5s    1s    Ensure The Fib Entry Is Removed    ${vm_vpnint_values[2]}
-*** Keywords ***
-Ensure The Fib Entry Is Present
-    [Documentation]    Will succeed if the fib entry is present for the vpn
-    [Arguments]    ${prefix}
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    /restconf/operational/odl-fib:fibEntries/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    Should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${prefix}
-    Should Contain    ${resp.content}    label
-Ensure the Fib Entry Is Removed
-    [Documentation]    Will succeed if the fib entry is removed for the vpn
-    [Arguments]    ${prefix}
-    ${resp}    RequestsLibrary.Get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    /restconf/operational/odl-fib:fibEntries/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-    Should Not Contain    ${resp.content}    ${prefix}
diff --git a/csit/suites/vpnservice/030__configure_2_switches.robot b/csit/suites/vpnservice/030__configure_2_switches.robot
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f238c64..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation       Test Suite for vpn instance
-Variables           ../../variables/vpnservice/    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP}
-Library             SSHLibrary
-Variables           ../../variables/
-Resource            ../../libraries/Utils.robot
-Library             RequestsLibrary
-Suite Setup         Create Session    session    http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
-Suite Teardown      Delete All Sessions
-*** Variables ***
-${REST_CON}             /restconf/config
-@{vpn_inst_values}      testVpn1    100:1    200:1    300:1    testVpn2    400:1    500:1
-...                     600:1
-@{ietf_int_values}      s1-eth1    s1-eth2    s1-gre1    s2-eth1    s2-eth2    s2-gre1
-...                     s1-eth1
-...                     testVpn1
-...                     00:00:00:00:00:01
-...                     s1-eth2
-...                     00:00:00:00:00:02
-...                     s2-eth1
-...                     00:00:00:00:00:03
-...                     testVpn2
-...                     s2-eth2
-...                     00:00:00:00:00:04
-${REST_OPER}            /restconf/operational
-...                     openflow:1
-...                     openflow:1:1
-...                     openflow:1:2
-...                     openflow:1:3
-...                     openflow:2
-...                     openflow:2:1
-...                     openflow:2:2
-...                     openflow:2:3
-*** Test Cases ***
-Veirfy The Switches
-    [Documentation]    Verifies if the switches and node connectors data is available to the controller
-    Check For Elements At URI    ${REST_OPER}/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/    ${NODE_ELEMENTS}
-Create VPN Instances
-    [Documentation]    Creates VPN Instances through restconf
-    [Tags]    post
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    ...    data=${vpn_instances}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    ...    data=${vpn_instances}
-    Log    ${resp.content}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify VPN instances
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the vpn instances in the datastores
-    [Tags]    get
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    ...    ${vpn_inst_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    ...    ${vpn_inst_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    ...    ${vpn_inst_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    ...    ${vpn_inst_values}
-Create ietf interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Creates ietf interfaces through the restconf
-    [Tags]    post
-    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/
-    ...    data=${ietf_interfaces}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify ietf interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Verifies ietf interfaces created in datastores
-    [Tags]    get
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/
-    ...    ${ietf_int_values}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/
-    ...    ${ietf_int_values}
-    @{state}=    Create List    down
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    2s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements Not At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/
-    ...    ${state}
-Create VPN interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Creates vpn interface for the corresponding ietf interface
-    [Tags]    post
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    data=${vpn_instances}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Post Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    data=${vpn_instances}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    204
-Verify VPN interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the vpn interfaces created in datastores
-    [Tags]    get
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values}
-Verify FIB entries after create
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the fib entries in the operational DS for the corresponding vpn interfaces
-    [Tags]    get
-    @{fib_entries1}=    Create List    ${vpn_int_values[2]}    ${vpn_int_values[8]}
-    @{fib_entries2}=    Create List    ${vpn_int_values[5]}    ${vpn_int_values[12]}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[1]}
-    ...    ${fib_entries1}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[5]}
-    ...    ${fib_entries2}
-Verify flows
-    [Documentation]    Verify flows in the switches
-    [Tags]    verify in switch
-    @{flow_elements}=    Create List
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[2]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[5]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[8]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[12]}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    6s    2s    Ensure Flows Are Present    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}    ${flow_elements}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    6s    2s    Ensure Flows Are Present    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}    ${flow_elements}
-Verify groups
-    [Documentation]    Verify groups in the switches
-    [Tags]    verify in switch
-    @{group_elements1}=    Create List    ${vpn_int_values[3]}    ${vpn_int_values[6]}
-    @{group_elements2}=    Create List    ${vpn_int_values[9]}    ${vpn_int_values[13]}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Ensure Groups Are Present
-    ...    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}
-    ...    ${group_elements1}
-    ...    3
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    5s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Ensure Groups Are Present
-    ...    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}
-    ...    ${group_elements2}
-    ...    3
-Verify ping
-    [Documentation]    Verifies the ping between the two hosts. Ping should succeed between hosts in same vpn, (h1,h3) and (h2,h4).Ping between hosts in different vpns should fail (h1,h2) & (h3,h4). The commented out section is to be uncommented when ovs supports mpls over gre in datapath
-    [Tags]    verify in switch
-    Switch Connection    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}
-    Write    h1 ping h2 -c 5
-    ${result}=    Read Until    mininet>
-    Log    ${result}
-    Should Contain    ${result}    100% packet loss
-Delete vpn interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the vpn interfaces
-    [Tags]    delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleting vpn interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Verifies if vpn interfaces are deleted
-    [Tags]    verify after delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Delete ietf interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the ietf interfaces
-    [Tags]    delete
-    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request    session    ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleting ietf interfaces
-    [Documentation]    Verifies if ietf interfaces are deleted
-    [Tags]    verify after delete
-    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Delete VPN Instances
-    [Documentation]    Deletes the VPN Instances
-    [Tags]    delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
-Verify after deleting the vpn instances
-    [Documentation]    Verifies after deleting the vpn instances
-    [Tags]    verfiy after delete
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Magnesium
-    ...    ${resp}
-    ...    RequestsLibrary.get Request
-    ...    session
-    ...    ${REST_CON}/l3vpn-instances-interfaces:vpn-instances/
-    ...    headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    404
-Verify FIB entries after delete
-    [Documentation]    Verifies if the fib entries are deleted in the operational DS
-    [Tags]    get
-    @{fib_entries}=    Create List
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[2]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[5]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[8]}
-    ...    ${vpn_int_values[12]}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
-    ...    3s
-    ...    1s
-    ...    Check For Elements Not At URI
-    ...    ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/
-    ...    ${fib_entries}
-Verify flows after delete
-    [Documentation]    Verify if the flows are deleted from the switch
-    [Tags]    verify in switch
-    [Template]    ${EMPTY}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    12s    2s    Ensure Flows Are Removed    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    12s    2s    Ensure Flows Are Removed    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}
-*** Keywords ***
-Ensure Flows Are Present
-    [Documentation]    Succeeds if the flows for vpn service are present
-    [Arguments]    ${conn_id}    ${flow_elements}
-    Switch Connection    ${conn_id}
-    Write    dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13
-    ${output}=    Read Until    mininet>
-    Log    ${output}
-    Should Contain    ${output}    goto_table:20
-    Should Contain X Times    ${output}    goto_table:21    2
-    Should Contain X Times    ${output}    table=20    2
-    Should Contain X Times    ${output}    table=21    4
-    FOR    ${i}    IN    @{flow_elements}
-        Should Contain    ${output}    ${i}
-    END
-Ensure Groups Are Present
-    [Documentation]    Succeeds if the groups for the vpn service are present
-    [Arguments]    ${conn_id}    ${group_elements}    ${gre_port_id}
-    Switch Connection    ${conn_id}
-    Write    dpctl dump-groups -O OpenFlow13
-    ${output}=    Read Until    mininet>
-    Log    ${output}
-    Should Contain X Times    ${output}    actions=output:${gre_port_id}    1
-    FOR    ${i}    IN    @{group_elements}
-        Should Contain    ${output}    actions=pop_mpls:0x0800,set_field:${i}
-    END
-Ensure Flows Are Removed
-    [Documentation]    Succeeds if the flows are removed from the switch
-    [Arguments]    ${conn_id}
-    Switch Connection    ${conn_id}
-    Write    dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13
-    ${output}=    Read Until    mininet>
-    Log    ${output}
-    Should Not contain    ${output}    goto_table:20
-    Should Not contain    ${output}    goto_table:21
-    Should Not contain    ${output}    table=20
-    Should Not contain    ${output}    table=21
-Ensure Groups Are Removed
-    [Documentation]    Succeeds if the group entries are removed from switch
-    [Arguments]    ${conn_id}
-    Switch Connection    ${conn_id}
-    Write    dpctl dump-groups -O OpenFlow13
-    ${output}=    Read Until    mininet>
-    Log    ${output}
-    Should Not Contain    ${output}    actions=output:
-    Should Not Contain    ${output}    actions=pop_mpls:0x0800
diff --git a/csit/suites/vpnservice/__init__.robot b/csit/suites/vpnservice/__init__.robot
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 13702a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation       Test suite for Inventory Scalability
-Library             SSHLibrary
-Library             ../../libraries/
-Variables           ../../variables/
-Resource            ../../libraries/Utils.robot
-Suite Setup         Start Suite
-Suite Teardown      Stop Suite
-*** Variables ***
-...             sudo mn \ --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom --topo Switch1 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
-...             sudo mn \ --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom --topo Switch2 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
-*** Keywords ***
-Start Suite
-    [Documentation]    Test suit for vpn service using mininet OF13 and OVS 2.3.1
-    Log    Start the tests
-    Clean Mininet System
-    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}=    Open Connection    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}    prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}    timeout=30s
-    Set Global Variable    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}
-    Login With Public Key    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER}    ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY}    any
-    Execute Command    sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
-    Put File    ${CURDIR}/
-    Write    ${start1}
-    Read Until    mininet>
-    ${mininet1_conn_id_2}=    Open Connection    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}    prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}    timeout= 30s
-    Set Global Variable    ${mininet1_conn_id_2}
-    Login With Public Key    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER}    ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY}    any
-    Execute Command
-    ...    sudo ovs-vsctl add-port s1 s1-gre1 -- set interface s1-gre1 type=gre options:remote_ip=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} options:local_ip=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}
-    ${output}=    Execute Command    sudo ovs-vsctl show
-    Log    ${output}
-    Execute Command    sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow s1 -O OpenFlow13 arp,actions=FLOOD
-    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}=    Open Connection    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP}    prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}    timeout=30s
-    Set Global Variable    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}
-    Login With Public Key    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER}    ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY}    any
-    Execute Command    sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
-    Put File    ${CURDIR}/
-    Write    ${start2}
-    Read Until    mininet>
-    ${mininet2_conn_id_2}=    Open Connection    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP}    prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}    timeout= 30s
-    Set Global Variable    ${mininet2_conn_id_2}
-    Login With Public Key    ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER}    ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY}    any
-    Execute Command
-    ...    sudo ovs-vsctl add-port s2 s2-gre1 -- set interface s2-gre1 type=gre options:remote_ip=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} options:local_ip=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP}
-    ${output}=    Execute Command    sudo ovs-vsctl show
-    Log    ${output}
-    Execute Command    sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow s2 -O OpenFlow13 arp,actions=FLOOD
-Stop Suite
-    Log    Stop the tests
-    Switch Connection    ${mininet1_conn_id_1}
-    Read
-    Write    exit
-    Read Until    ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}
-    Close Connection
-    Switch Connection    ${mininet1_conn_id_2}
-    Close Connection
-    Switch Connection    ${mininet2_conn_id_1}
-    Read
-    Write    exit
-    Read Until    ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT}
-    Close Connection
-    Switch Connection    ${mininet2_conn_id_2}
-    Close Connection
diff --git a/csit/suites/vpnservice/ b/csit/suites/vpnservice/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index a941a2b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"""Topology description for configuring vpnservice for hosts on 2 switches
-     MININET                  MININET1
-   -------------    gre     -------------
-   | h1-----s1 |------------| s2------h3|
-   |        |  |            | |         |
-   |        |  |            | |         |
-   |        h2 |            | h4        |
-   -------------            -------------
-1)The topology consits of switch s1 in one VM connected to hosts h1,h2.Switch s2 in another VM connected to hosts h3,h4.
-2)GRE tunnel is configured between s1 and s2 using ovs-vsctl commands.
-3)h1 and h3 will be configured for vpn instance testVpn1 and h2,h4 for testVpn2.
-from mininet.topo import Topo
-class Switch1(Topo):
-    """Single switch s1 connected to n=2 hosts."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        Topo.__init__(self)
-        switch = self.addSwitch("s1")
-        n = 2
-        for h in range(n):
-            host = self.addHost(
-                "h%s" % (h + 1),
-                mac="00:00:00:00:00:0" + str(h + 1),
-                ip="10.0.0." + str(h + 1),
-            )
-            self.addLink(host, switch)
-class Switch2(Topo):
-    """Single switch s2 connected to n=2 hosts."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        Topo.__init__(self)
-        switch = self.addSwitch("s2")
-        n = 2
-        for h in range(n):
-            host = self.addHost(
-                "h%s" % (h + 3),
-                mac="00:00:00:00:00:0" + str(h + 3),
-                ip="10.0.0." + str(h + 3),
-            )
-            self.addLink(host, switch)
-topos = {"Switch1": (lambda: Switch1()), "Switch2": (lambda: Switch2())}
diff --git a/csit/testplans/vpnservice-vpnservice.txt b/csit/testplans/vpnservice-vpnservice.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3b48e16..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Place the suites in run order:
diff --git a/csit/testplans/vpnservice.txt b/csit/testplans/vpnservice.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3b48e16..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Place the suites in run order: