Improve the branch cutting script 85/91985/16
authorThanh Ha <>
Fri, 7 Aug 2020 15:24:41 +0000 (11:24 -0400)
committerThanh Ha <>
Wed, 16 Sep 2020 18:11:03 +0000 (14:11 -0400)
This script rewrites the branch cutting script entirely with Python to
use a library that understands YAML. This allows us to smartly parse
the YAML and manipulate the data based on well defined conditions for
supported use cases when updating jobs.

This new script also rely's on pre-commit's prettier hook to format the
YAML files after the script is run in order to maintain consistent and
human readable formatting since Python's YAML libraries strip all
formatting when loading the data stream.

This also adds Python linters to pre-commit as there is Python code
that needs to be managed now.

Issue: RELENG-152
Change-Id: I6360f3a47285197cd9a9be1e95156ea174c919ba
Signed-off-by: Thanh Ha <>
scripts/branch_cut/branch_cut.awk [deleted file]
scripts/branch_cut/ [deleted file]
scripts/ [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/scripts/branch_cut/branch_cut.awk b/scripts/branch_cut/branch_cut.awk
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index a317662..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/awk -f
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
-# Copyright (c) 2017 The Linux Foundation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-    new_tag                     = new_reltag       # new release tag
-    curr_tag                    = curr_reltag      # current release tag
-    prev_tag                    = prev_reltag      # previous release tag
-    new_release                 = tolower(new_tag)
-    curr_release                = tolower(curr_tag)
-    prev_release                = tolower(prev_tag)
-    ws = "[\\t ]*"                                 # white-spaces
-    startpat = "^" ws "- project:"                 # start pattern
-    endpat = startpat                              # end pattern
-    op = "^" ws "---" ws "$"                       # match files starts with "---"
-    next_release_tag            = "^" ws "next-release-tag: '{stream}'"
-    master                      = "'master'"
-    new_branch                  = "'stable/" new_release "'"
-    curr_branch                 = "'stable/" curr_release "'"
-    prev_branch                 = "'stable/" prev_release "'"
-    # replace block to add new release
-    new_rel_yaml_tag            = "- " new_release ":";
-    br_master_yaml_tag          = "    branch: 'master'";
-    jre_yaml_tag                = "    jre: 'openjdk11'";
-    java_version_yaml_tag       = "    java-version: 'openjdk11'";
-    curr_rel_yaml_tag           = "- " curr_release ":";
-    br_stable_curr_yaml_tag     = "    branch: 'stable/" curr_release "'";
-    # replace block for autorelease-projects
-    #new_rel_yaml_tag           = "- " new_release ":";
-    next_rel_tag_new_yaml_tag   = "    next-release-tag: '{stream}'";
-    #br_master_yaml_tag         = "    branch: 'master'";
-    jdk_yaml_tag                = "    jdk: 'openjdk8'";
-    intg_test_yaml_tag          = "    integration-test: " new_release;
-    extra_mvn_opts_tag          = "    extra-mvn-opts: -Dsft.heap.max=4g"
-    #curr_rel_yaml_tag          = "- " curr_release ":";
-    next_rel_tag_curr_yaml_tag  = "    next-release-tag: '{stream}'";
-    #br_stable_curr_yaml_tag    = "    branch: 'stable/" curr_release "'";
-    # search patterns
-    smaster = "^" ws "- master:"
-    sstream = "^" ws "stream:"
-    srelease = "^" ws "- " curr_release ":"
-    snext_release_tag = "^" ws "next-release-tag:"
-    #if (l ~ next_release_tag) { next_release_tag = 1; continue; }
-    sbranch = "^" ws "branch: " master
-    sfunctionality = "^" ws "functionality:"
-    debug = 0                                   # set to 1 to print debug info
-    file_format = 2                             # project stream format
-    release_found = 0
-    stream_found = 0
-    nrt_found = 0
-    func_found = 0
-    # exit if release info is not available
-    if ((length(new_release) == 0 || length(curr_release) == 0)) {
-        exit;
-    }
-    # read all lines of the file into an array
-    file[NR] = $0
-END {
-    n = NR                                      # total number of lines
-    find_blks()                                 # gets number of blocks between start/end pattern
-    process_blk(arr_bs[1], arr_be[1], 1)        # pass start and end of each block and process first block
-    update_file(arr_be[1])                      # write processed content
-    if (debug) {
-        print "number of blocks="nb;
-        print "total records in file[]="length(f);
-        print "size of firstblk[]="length(firstblk);
-        print "size of newblk[]="length(newblk);
-        print "size of oldmaster[]="length(oldmaster);
-        print "size of newblk[]="length(newblk);
-    }
-function find_blks(   i, l, bs, be) {
-    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
-        l = file[i]
-        if (l ~ startpat) project = 1                        # start pattern
-        if (bs > be && l ~ endpat) arr_be[++be] = i - 1      # block end
-        if (           l ~ startpat) arr_bs[++bs] = i - 1    # block start
-    }
-    nb = be
-    # to handle files with single blocks
-    if (nb == 0 && length(file) > 1 && project == 1) {
-        nb = 1
-        arr_bs[1] = 1                               # start after line '---'
-        arr_be[1] = length(file)                    # set length of the file
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-        for (i = 1; i < nb; i++)
-            print "find_blks: nb=" nb " arr_bs[" i "]="arr_bs[i]" arr_be[" i "]="arr_be[i];
-    }
-function process_blk(bs, be, bn,   i, l) {
-    if (debug) {
-        print "process_blk: bn=" bn ", bs=" bs " ,be=" be
-    }
-    # get the first block
-    for (i = bs + 1; i <= be ; i++) {
-        l = file[i]
-        # determine file format
-        if (l ~ /stream:/) {
-            x=index(l,":")
-            s = substr(l, x+2, length(l) - x)
-            if (s == curr_release || s == new_release) {
-                file_format = 1
-            } else if (length(s) == 0 ) {
-                file_format = 0
-            }
-        }
-        firstblk[++nex] = l
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-        print "process_blk: stream='" s "' length(s)=" length(s)" file_format='" file_format "'"
-    }
-    # Handle single stream format
-    if (file_format == 1) {
-        # create new block to be inserted
-        for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk); i++) {
-            l = firstblk[i]
-            if (l ~ /name:|stream:/) sub(curr_release, new_release, l)
-            newblk[++nex1] = l
-        }
-        # re-create old block and change master to stable/branch
-        for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk)-1; i++) {
-            l = firstblk[i]
-            if (l ~ /branch:/) sub(master, curr_branch, l)
-            oldmaster[++nex2] = l
-        }
-    } else if (file_format == 0) {
-        # Handle multi-stream format
-        for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk)-1; i++) {
-            l = firstblk[i]
-            if (l ~ sstream) { stream_found = 1; }
-            if (l ~ srelease) { release_found = 1; indent = substr(l, 1, index(l, "-")-1); continue; }
-            if (l ~ sfunctionality) { func_found = 1; }
-            if (l ~ snext_release_tag) { nrt_found = 1; }
-            if (l ~ sbranch) {
-                # append lines
-                if (stream_found && release_found && !nrt_found) {
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent new_rel_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent br_master_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent java_version_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent curr_rel_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent br_stable_curr_yaml_tag;
-                    stream_found = 0;
-                    release_found = 0;
-                    func_found = 0;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (stream_found && release_found && nrt_found) {
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent new_rel_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent next_rel_tag_new_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent br_master_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent intg_test_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent extra_mvn_opts_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent curr_rel_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent next_rel_tag_curr_yaml_tag;
-                    newblk[++nex3] = indent br_stable_curr_yaml_tag;
-                    stream_found = 0; release_found = 0; nrt_found=0;
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
-            newblk[++nex3] = l
-            if (debug) {
-                print "process_blk: append(newblk[]) : stream="stream" release_found="release_found
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        # exit on unknown file format
-        exit;
-    }
-function update_file(be,   i, j, l) {
-    i = 1
-    # handle lines before "---"
-    while (i <= n) {
-        print l = file[i++]
-        if (l ~ op) break
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-        print "writing master block"
-    }
-    # Handle single stream format
-    if (file_format == 1) {
-        for (j = 1; j <= nex1; j++)                   # write new branch block
-            print newblk[j]
-        if (debug) {
-            print "writing stable block"
-        }
-        for (j = 1; j <= nex2; j++)                   # write updated branch block
-            print oldmaster[j]
-    # Handle multi-stream format
-    } else if (file_format == 0) {
-        # print the first block
-        for (j = 1; j <= nex3; j++)                   # write multi-stream block
-            print newblk[j]
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-        print "writing rest of the file"
-    }
-    while (be <= n) {                                 # write rest of the file
-        print file[be++]
-    }
diff --git a/scripts/branch_cut/ b/scripts/branch_cut/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 80fc652..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
-# Copyright (c) 2017 The Linux Foundation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# List of directories, files to exclude
-declare -a excludes=("defaults.yaml"
-                     "releng-macros.yaml"
-                     "global-jjb"
-                     "lf-infra"
-                     "-macros.yaml"
-                     "validate-autorelease"
-                     "opflex-dependencies.yaml")
-function usage {
-    echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") options (-c [current release]) (-n [next release]) (-p [previous release]) -h for help";
-    echo "example:"
-    echo " -n oxygen -c nitrogen -p carbon"
-    exit 0;
-if ( ! getopts ":n:c:p:h" opt ); then
-    usage;
-while getopts ":n:c:p:h" opt; do
-    case $opt in
-        n)
-            new_reltag=$OPTARG
-            ;;
-        c)
-            curr_reltag=$OPTARG
-            ;;
-        p)
-            prev_reltag=$OPTARG
-            ;;
-        \?)
-            echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-        h)
-            usage
-            ;;
-        :)
-            echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-echo "Start Branch Cutting:"
-while IFS="" read -r file; do
-    found=0
-    for exclude in "${excludes[@]}"; do
-        if [[ $file =~ $exclude && $found -eq 0 ]]; then
-            found=1
-            break
-        fi
-    done
-    if [[ $found -eq 1 ]]; then
-        echo "Ignore file $file found in excludes list"
-    else
-        ./branch_cut.awk -v new_reltag="$new_reltag" -v curr_reltag="$curr_reltag" -v prev_reltag="$prev_reltag" "$file" > "$TEMP"
-        [[ ! -s "$TEMP" ]] && echo "$file: excluded"
-        [[ -s "$TEMP" ]] && mv "$TEMP" "$file" && echo "$file: Done" && (( mod++ ))
-        (( count++ ))
-    fi
-done < <(find ../../jjb -name "*.yaml")
-echo "Modified $mod out of $count files"
-echo "Completed"
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..29cb121
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Thanh Ha
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+"""Script for cutting new jobs when branching a new stable release."""
+import argparse
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+import copy
+import fileinput
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+    import ruamel.yaml
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+    print("ERROR: This script requires the package 'ruamel.yaml', please install it.")
+    print(
+        "If ruamel.yaml is not available in your system's package manager you"
+        " can install from PyPi with:"
+    )
+    print("")
+    print("    pip install --user ruamel.yaml")
+    sys.exit(1)
+yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
+yaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True
+yaml.preserve_quotes = True
+default_branch = "master"  # This is the primary dev branch of the project
+def create_and_update_project_jobs(
+    release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, job_dir
+    """Create and update project build jobs for the current and next dev release.
+    Project jobs are jobs defined in the project.yaml that have the same name
+    the directory they are in.
+    Only updates projects where the top project configuration has a name that
+    is equivalent to the current release. For example project name
+    "aaa-silicon" would have a release that matches what was passed to
+    release_on_stable_branch.
+    """
+    for directory in filter(
+        lambda x: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(job_dir, x)), os.listdir(job_dir)
+    ):
+        try:
+            with open(
+                os.path.join(job_dir, directory, "{}.yaml".format(directory)), "r"
+            ) as f:
+                data = yaml.load(f)
+                # Only create new jobs if the top level project name matches
+                # release_on_stable_branch variable
+                if not data[0]["project"]["name"] == "{}-{}".format(
+                    directory, release_on_stable_branch
+                ):
+                    continue
+                # Create a new job for the next release on the default_branch
+                new_job = copy.deepcopy(data[0])
+                new_job["project"]["name"] = "{}-{}".format(
+                    directory, release_on_current_branch
+                )
+                new_job["project"]["branch"] = default_branch
+                new_job["project"]["stream"] = "{}".format(release_on_current_branch)
+                # Update exiting job for the new stable branch
+                data[0]["project"]["branch"] = "stable/{}".format(
+                    release_on_stable_branch
+                )
+                data.insert(0, new_job)
+            with open(
+                os.path.join(job_dir, directory, "{}.yaml".format(directory)), "w"
+            ) as f:
+                stream = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data)
+                f.write("---\n")
+                f.write(stream)
+        except FileNotFoundError:  # If project.yaml file does not exist we can skip
+            pass
+def update_job_streams(release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, job_dir):
+    """Update projects that have a stream variable that is a list.
+    If a stream variable is a list that means the project likely has multiple
+    maintainance branches supported.
+    This function also does not support {project}.yaml files as parsing those
+    are handled by other functions in this script.
+    Only updates projects where the top stream in the list is equivalent to the
+    current release. For example stream "silicon" would have a release that
+    matches what was passed to release_on_stable_branch.
+    """
+    for directory in filter(
+        lambda d: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(job_dir, d)), os.listdir(job_dir)
+    ):
+        for job_file in filter(
+            lambda f: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_dir, directory, f)),
+            os.listdir(os.path.join(job_dir, directory)),
+        ):
+            # Projects may have non-yaml files in their repos so ignore them.
+            if not job_file.endswith(".yaml"):
+                continue
+            # Ignore project.yaml files as they are not supported by this function.
+            if job_file == "{}.yaml".format(directory):
+                continue
+            file_changed = False
+            with open(os.path.join(job_dir, directory, job_file), "r") as f:
+                data = yaml.load(f)
+                for project in data:
+                    streams = project.get("project", {}).get("stream", None)
+                    if not isinstance(streams, list):  # We only support lists streams
+                        continue
+                    # Skip if the stream does not match
+                    # release_on_stable_branch in the first item
+                    if not streams[0].get(release_on_stable_branch, None):
+                        continue
+                    # Create the next release stream
+                    new_stream = {}
+                    new_stream[release_on_current_branch] = copy.deepcopy(
+                        streams[0].get(release_on_stable_branch)
+                    )
+                    # Update the previous release stream branch to
+                    # stable/{stream} instead of default_branch
+                    streams[0][release_on_stable_branch]["branch"] = "stable/{}".format(
+                        release_on_stable_branch
+                    )
+                    streams.insert(0, new_stream)
+                    file_changed = True
+            # Because we are looping every file we only want to save if we made changes.
+            if file_changed:
+                with open(os.path.join(job_dir, directory, job_file), "w") as f:
+                    stream = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data)
+                    f.write("---\n")
+                    f.write(stream)
+def update_integration_csit_list(
+    release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, job_dir
+    """Update csit-*-list variables and files integration-test-jobs.yaml."""
+    class Generic:
+        def __init__(self, tag, value, style=None):
+            self._value = value
+            self._tag = tag
+            self._style = style
+    class GenericScalar(Generic):
+        @classmethod
+        def to_yaml(self, representer, node):
+            return representer.represent_scalar(node._tag, node._value)
+        @staticmethod
+        def construct(constructor, node):
+            return constructor.construct_scalar(node)
+    def default_constructor(constructor, tag_suffix, node):
+        generic = {ruamel.yaml.ScalarNode: GenericScalar,}.get(  # noqa
+            type(node)
+        )
+        if generic is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Node: " + str(type(node)))
+        style = getattr(node, "style", None)
+        instance = generic.__new__(generic)
+        yield instance
+        state = generic.construct(constructor, node)
+        instance.__init__(tag_suffix, state, style=style)
+    ruamel.yaml.add_multi_constructor(
+        "", default_constructor, Loader=ruamel.yaml.SafeLoader
+    )
+    yaml.register_class(GenericScalar)
+    integration_test_jobs_yaml = os.path.join(
+        job_dir, "integration", "integration-test-jobs.yaml"
+    )
+    with open(integration_test_jobs_yaml, "r") as f:
+        data = yaml.load(f)
+        for project in data:
+            # Skip items that are not of "project" type
+            if not project.get("project"):
+                continue
+            streams = project.get("project", {}).get("stream", None)
+            # Skip projects that do not have a stream configured
+            if not isinstance(streams, list):  # We only support lists streams
+                continue
+            # Skip if the stream does not match
+            # release_on_current_branch in the first item
+            if not streams[0].get(release_on_current_branch, None):
+                continue
+            # Update csit-list parameters for next release
+            if streams[0][release_on_current_branch].get("csit-list"):
+                update_stream = streams[0][release_on_current_branch]
+                update_stream["csit-list"] = GenericScalar(
+                    "!include:", "csit-jobs-{}.lst".format(release_on_current_branch)
+                )
+            # Update csit-mri-list parameters for next release
+            if streams[0][release_on_current_branch].get("csit-mri-list"):
+                update_stream = streams[0][release_on_current_branch]
+                update_stream["csit-mri-list"] = "{{csit-mri-list-{}}}".format(
+                    release_on_current_branch
+                )
+            # Update csit-weekly-list parameters for next release
+            if streams[0][release_on_current_branch].get("csit-weekly-list"):
+                update_stream = streams[0][release_on_current_branch]
+                update_stream["csit-weekly-list"] = "{{csit-weekly-list-{}}}".format(
+                    release_on_current_branch
+                )
+            # Update csit-sanity-list parameters for next release
+            if streams[0][release_on_current_branch].get("csit-sanity-list"):
+                update_stream = streams[0][release_on_current_branch]
+                update_stream["csit-sanity-list"] = "{{csit-sanity-list-{}}}".format(
+                    release_on_current_branch
+                )
+    with open(integration_test_jobs_yaml, "w") as f:
+        stream = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data)
+        f.write("---\n")
+        f.write(stream)
+    # Update the csit-*-list variables in defaults.yaml
+    defaults_yaml = os.path.join(job_dir, "defaults.yaml")
+    with open(defaults_yaml, "r") as f:
+        data = yaml.load(f)
+        # Add next release csit-mri-list-RELEASE
+        new_csit_mri_list = copy.deepcopy(
+            data[0]["defaults"].get("csit-mri-list-{}".format(release_on_stable_branch))
+        )
+        data[0]["defaults"][
+            "csit-mri-list-{}".format(release_on_current_branch)
+        ] = new_csit_mri_list.replace(
+            release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch
+        )
+        # Add next release csit-mri-list-RELEASE
+        new_csit_mri_list = copy.deepcopy(
+            data[0]["defaults"].get("csit-mri-list-{}".format(release_on_stable_branch))
+        )
+        data[0]["defaults"][
+            "csit-mri-list-{}".format(release_on_current_branch)
+        ] = new_csit_mri_list.replace(
+            release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch
+        )
+        # Add next release csit-weekly-list-RELEASE
+        new_csit_mri_list = copy.deepcopy(
+            data[0]["defaults"].get(
+                "csit-weekly-list-{}".format(release_on_stable_branch)
+            )
+        )
+        data[0]["defaults"][
+            "csit-weekly-list-{}".format(release_on_current_branch)
+        ] = new_csit_mri_list.replace(
+            release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch
+        )
+        # Add next release csit-sanity-list-RELEASE
+        new_csit_mri_list = copy.deepcopy(
+            data[0]["defaults"].get(
+                "csit-sanity-list-{}".format(release_on_stable_branch)
+            )
+        )
+        data[0]["defaults"][
+            "csit-sanity-list-{}".format(release_on_current_branch)
+        ] = new_csit_mri_list.replace(
+            release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch
+        )
+    with open(defaults_yaml, "w") as f:
+        stream = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data)
+        f.write("---\n")
+        f.write(stream)
+    # Handle copying and updating the csit-*.lst files
+    csit_file = "csit-jobs-{}.lst".format(release_on_stable_branch)
+    src = os.path.join(job_dir, "integration", csit_file)
+    dest = os.path.join(
+        job_dir,
+        "integration",
+        csit_file.replace(release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch),
+    )
+    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+    with fileinput.FileInput(dest, inplace=True) as file:
+        for line in file:
+            print(
+                line.replace(release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch),
+                end="",
+            )
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="""Creates & updates jobs for ODL projects when branch cutting.
+    Example usage: python scripts/ Silicon Phosphorus jjb/
+    ** If calling from tox the JOD_DIR is auto-detected so only pass the current
+    and next release stream name. **
+    """,
+    formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
+    "release_on_stable_branch",
+    type=str,
+    help="The ODL release codename for the stable branch that was cut.",
+    "release_on_current_branch",
+    type=str,
+    help="""The ODL release codename for the new {}
+        (eg. Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon).""".format(
+        default_branch
+    ),
+    "job_dir",
+    metavar="JOB_DIR",
+    type=str,
+    help="Path to the directory containing JJB config.",
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# We only handle lower release codenames
+release_on_stable_branch = args.release_on_stable_branch.lower()
+release_on_current_branch = args.release_on_current_branch.lower()
+    release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, args.job_dir
+update_job_streams(release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, args.job_dir)
+    release_on_stable_branch, release_on_current_branch, args.job_dir
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 9277b269b97f4acf535415d1cc08b1db19baafb7..a432fb1bb558b8239e6a50b456b0498cd75b5d5b 100644 (file)
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -30,3 +30,12 @@ commands = python {toxinidir}/
 basepython = python3
 commands = python {toxinidir}/
+basepython = python3
+deps =
+    pre-commit
+    ruamel.yaml
+commands =
+    python scripts/ {posargs:--help} {toxinidir}/jjb
+    - pre-commit run --all-files prettier