make Honeynode and tox scripts BSD compatible
[transportpce.git] / tests / honeynode / 2.2.1 / minimal-distribution-core / src / main / resources / honeycomb-minimal-resources / honeycomb-tpce
1 #!/bin/sh -
2 STATUS=100
3 JAVA_CMD="java"
4 [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && JAVA_CMD="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
5 JAVA_VER=$("$JAVA_CMD" -version 2>&1 | sed -n ';s/.* version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*".*$/\1\2/p;')
6 echo $JAVA_VER
7 [ "$JAVA_VER" -ge 110 ] && echo "ok, java is 11 or newer" || { echo "it's too old..."; exit 1; }
8 if [ -d  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/common ]; then
9     mv  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/common/*  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/.
10     rm -rf  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/common
11 fi
12 if [ -d  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/devices ]; then
13     mv  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/devices/*  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/.
14     rm -rf  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/devices
15 fi
16 if [ -d  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/openconfig ]; then
17     mv  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/openconfig/*  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/.
18     rm -rf  $(dirname $0)/config/yang/openconfig
19 fi
21 if [ "$#" -ge 2 ]
22 then
23     PORT=$1
24     CONFIG=$2
25     if [ -e $CONFIG ]
26     then
27         mkdir -p  $(dirname $0)/persist
28         mkdir -p  $(dirname $0)/logs
29         REST_HTTP=$(echo 81`echo $PORT | tail -c 3`)
30         REST_WEBSOCKET=$(echo 77`echo $PORT | tail -c 3`)
31         cp $CONFIG $(dirname $0)/config/device/
32         filename=$(basename -- "$CONFIG")
33         device=$(basename "$CONFIG" .xml)
34         echo "changing netconf port with $PORT in netconf.json file ..."
35         sed  -i' ' "s/\"netconf-ssh-binding-port\".*,/\"netconf-ssh-binding-port\" : "$PORT",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/netconf.json
36         echo "changing restconf http port with $REST_HTTP in restconf.json file ..."
37         sed  -i' ' "s/\"restconf-port\".*,/\"restconf-port\" : "$REST_HTTP",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/restconf.json
38         echo "changing restconf websocket with $REST_WEBSOCKET in restconf.json file ..."
39         sed  -i' ' "s/\"restconf-websocket-port\".*,/\"restconf-websocket-port\" : "$REST_WEBSOCKET",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/restconf.json
40         echo "changing restconf-https-enabled to false in restconf.json file ..."
41         sed  -i' ' "s/\"restconf-https-enabled\".*,/\"restconf-https-enabled\" : \"false\",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/restconf.json
42         echo "changing persist-context and persist-config to false in honeycomb.json file ..."
43         sed  -i' ' "s/\"persist-context\".*,/\"persist-context\" : \"false\",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json
44         sed  -i' ' "s/\"persist-config\".*,/\"persist-config\" : \"false\",/g" $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json
45         echo "changing netconf-initial-config-xml location with $CONFIG in honeycomb.json file ..."
46         sed -i' ' "s@\"netconf-initial-config-xml\".*,@\"netconf-initial-config-xml\" : \"device/$filename\",@g" $(dirname $0)/config/honeycomb.json
47          while [ $STATUS -eq 100 ]
48          do
49            . $(dirname $0)/../../../../../../
50            # needed to remove JDK11 reflective access warning
51            "$JAVA_CMD" -DDEVICE=${device}$(dirname $0)/logs -Xms512m -Xmn512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m -jar $(dirname $0)/honeynode-distribution-1.19.04.jar
52            STATUS=$?
53            echo "Honeycomb exited with status: $STATUS"
54            if [ $STATUS -eq 100 ]
55            then
56              echo "Restarting..."
57            fi
58          done
59     else
60         echo "initial config file doesn't exist !"
61     fi
62 else
63     echo "honeycomb-tpce port initial-config-xml"
64     echo "Eg : honeycomb-tpce 17832 sample-config-ROADM.xml (rest-http port will be 81 + netconf-port last two digits : 8132)"
65 fi