Merge "Added validation of range and length constraints. Fixed base range constraints...
[controller.git] / opendaylight / clustering / integrationtest / src / test / java / org / opendaylight / controller / clustering / services_implementation / internal /
1 package org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services_implementation.internal;\r
2 \r
3 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;\r
4 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;\r
5 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;\r
6 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;\r
7 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;\r
8 import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.junitBundles;\r
9 import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.mavenBundle;\r
10 import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.options;\r
11 import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.systemPackages;\r
12 import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.systemProperty;\r
13 \r
14 import java.util.List;\r
15 import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;\r
16 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\r
17 import;\r
18 import java.util.Dictionary;\r
19 import java.util.HashSet;\r
20 import java.util.Hashtable;\r
21 import java.util.Set;\r
22 import java.util.List;\r
23 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;\r
24 \r
25 import javax.inject.Inject;\r
26 \r
27 import org.junit.Before;\r
28 import org.junit.Test;\r
29 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;\r
30 import;\r
31 import;\r
32 import;\r
33 import;\r
34 import;\r
35 import;\r
36 import;\r
37 import;\r
38 import;\r
39 import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.ServiceHelper;\r
40 import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.UpdateType;\r
41 import org.ops4j.pax.exam.Option;\r
42 import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.Configuration;\r
43 import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.PaxExam;\r
44 import org.ops4j.pax.exam.util.PathUtils;\r
45 import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;\r
46 import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;\r
47 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;\r
48 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;\r
49 import org.slf4j.Logger;\r
50 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;\r
51 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;\r
52 \r
53 @RunWith(PaxExam.class)\r
54 public class ClusteringServicesIT {\r
55     private Logger log = LoggerFactory\r
56         .getLogger(ClusteringServicesIT.class);\r
57     // get the OSGI bundle context\r
58     @Inject\r
59     private BundleContext bc;\r
60     private IClusterServices clusterServices = null;\r
61     private IClusterContainerServices clusterDefaultServices = null;\r
62     private IClusterGlobalServices clusterGlobalServices = null;\r
63 \r
64     // Configure the OSGi container\r
65     @Configuration\r
66     public Option[] config() {\r
67         return options(\r
68             //\r
69             systemProperty("logback.configurationFile").value(\r
70                 "file:" + PathUtils.getBaseDir()\r
71                 + "/src/test/resources/logback.xml"),\r
72             // To start OSGi console for inspection remotely\r
73             systemProperty("osgi.console").value("2401"),\r
74             // Set the systemPackages (used by clustering)\r
75             systemPackages("sun.reflect", "sun.reflect.misc", "sun.misc"),\r
76             // List framework bundles\r
77             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
78                         "org.eclipse.equinox.console").versionAsInProject(),\r
79             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
80                         "org.eclipse.equinox.util").versionAsInProject(),\r
81             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
82                         "").versionAsInProject(),\r
83             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
84                         "org.eclipse.equinox.ds").versionAsInProject(),\r
85             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
86                         "org.apache.felix.gogo.command").versionAsInProject(),\r
87             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
88                         "org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime").versionAsInProject(),\r
89             mavenBundle("equinoxSDK381",\r
90                         "").versionAsInProject(),\r
91             // List logger bundles\r
92             mavenBundle("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api").versionAsInProject(),\r
93             mavenBundle("org.slf4j", "log4j-over-slf4j").versionAsInProject(),\r
94             mavenBundle("ch.qos.logback", "logback-core").versionAsInProject(),\r
95             mavenBundle("ch.qos.logback", "logback-classic").versionAsInProject(),\r
96             // List all the bundles on which the test case depends\r
97             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",\r
98                         "").versionAsInProject(),\r
99             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",\r
100                         "").versionAsInProject(),\r
101             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "sal").versionAsInProject(),\r
102             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",\r
103                         "sal.implementation").versionAsInProject(),\r
104             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller", "containermanager").versionAsInProject(),\r
105             mavenBundle("org.opendaylight.controller",\r
106                         "containermanager.implementation").versionAsInProject(),\r
107             mavenBundle("org.jboss.spec.javax.transaction",\r
108                         "jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec").versionAsInProject(),\r
109             mavenBundle("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3").versionAsInProject(),\r
110             mavenBundle("org.apache.felix",\r
111                         "org.apache.felix.dependencymanager").versionAsInProject(),\r
112             mavenBundle("org.apache.felix",\r
113                         "").versionAsInProject(),\r
114             junitBundles());\r
115     }\r
116 \r
117     private String stateToString(int state) {\r
118         switch (state) {\r
119         case Bundle.ACTIVE:\r
120             return "ACTIVE";\r
121         case Bundle.INSTALLED:\r
122             return "INSTALLED";\r
123         case Bundle.RESOLVED:\r
124             return "RESOLVED";\r
125         case Bundle.UNINSTALLED:\r
126             return "UNINSTALLED";\r
127         default:\r
128             return "Not CONVERTED";\r
129         }\r
130     }\r
131 \r
132     @Before\r
133     public void areWeReady() {\r
134         assertNotNull(bc);\r
135         boolean debugit = false;\r
136         Bundle b[] = bc.getBundles();\r
137         for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {\r
138             int state = b[i].getState();\r
139             if (state != Bundle.ACTIVE && state != Bundle.RESOLVED) {\r
140                 log.debug("Bundle:" + b[i].getSymbolicName() + " state:"\r
141                           + stateToString(state));\r
142                 debugit = true;\r
143             }\r
144         }\r
145         if (debugit) {\r
146             log.debug("Do some debugging because some bundle is "\r
147                       + "unresolved");\r
148         }\r
149 \r
150         // Assert if true, if false we are good to go!\r
151         assertFalse(debugit);\r
152 \r
153         this.clusterServices = (IClusterServices)ServiceHelper\r
154             .getGlobalInstance(IClusterServices.class, this);\r
155         assertNotNull(this.clusterServices);\r
156 \r
157         this.clusterDefaultServices = (IClusterContainerServices)ServiceHelper\r
158             .getInstance(IClusterContainerServices.class, "default", this);\r
159         assertNotNull(this.clusterDefaultServices);\r
160 \r
161         this.clusterGlobalServices = (IClusterGlobalServices)ServiceHelper\r
162             .getGlobalInstance(IClusterGlobalServices.class, this);\r
163         assertNotNull(this.clusterGlobalServices);\r
164     }\r
165 \r
166     @Test\r
167     public void clusterTest() throws CacheExistException, CacheConfigException,\r
168         CacheListenerAddException {\r
169 \r
170         String container1 = "Container1";\r
171         String container2 = "Container2";\r
172         String cache1 = "Cache1";\r
173         String cache2 = "Cache2";\r
174         String cache3 = "Cache3";\r
175 \r
176         HashSet<cacheMode> cacheModeSet = new HashSet<cacheMode>();\r
177         cacheModeSet.add(cacheMode.NON_TRANSACTIONAL);\r
178         ConcurrentMap cm11 = this.clusterServices.createCache(container1,\r
179                 cache1, cacheModeSet);\r
180         assertNotNull(cm11);\r
181 \r
182         assertNull(this.clusterServices.getCache(container2, cache2));\r
183         assertEquals(cm11, this.clusterServices.getCache(container1, cache1));\r
184 \r
185         assertFalse(this.clusterServices.existCache(container2, cache2));\r
186         assertTrue(this.clusterServices.existCache(container1, cache1));\r
187 \r
188         ConcurrentMap cm12 = this.clusterServices.createCache(container1,\r
189                 cache2, cacheModeSet);\r
190         ConcurrentMap cm23 = this.clusterServices.createCache(container2,\r
191                 cache3, cacheModeSet);\r
192 \r
193         HashSet<String> cacheList = (HashSet<String>) this.clusterServices\r
194                 .getCacheList(container1);\r
195         assertEquals(2, cacheList.size());\r
196         assertTrue(cacheList.contains(cache1));\r
197         assertTrue(cacheList.contains(cache2));\r
198         assertFalse(cacheList.contains(cache3));\r
199 \r
200         assertNotNull(this.clusterServices.getCacheProperties(container1,\r
201                 cache1));\r
202 \r
203         HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>> listeners = (HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>>) this.clusterServices\r
204                 .getListeners(container1, cache1);\r
205         assertEquals(0, listeners.size());\r
206 \r
207         IGetUpdates<?, ?> getUpdate1 = new GetUpdates();\r
208         this.clusterServices.addListener(container1, cache1, getUpdate1);\r
209         listeners = (HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>>) this.clusterServices\r
210                 .getListeners(container1, cache1);\r
211         assertEquals(1, listeners.size());\r
212         this.clusterServices.addListener(container1, cache1, new GetUpdates());\r
213         listeners = (HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>>) this.clusterServices\r
214                 .getListeners(container1, cache1);\r
215         assertEquals(2, listeners.size());\r
216 \r
217         listeners = (HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>>) this.clusterServices\r
218                 .getListeners(container2, cache3);\r
219         assertEquals(0, listeners.size());\r
220 \r
221         this.clusterServices.removeListener(container1, cache1, getUpdate1);\r
222         listeners = (HashSet<IGetUpdates<?, ?>>) this.clusterServices\r
223                 .getListeners(container1, cache1);\r
224         assertEquals(1, listeners.size());\r
225 \r
226         InetAddress addr = this.clusterServices.getMyAddress();\r
227         assertNotNull(addr);\r
228 \r
229         List<InetAddress> addrList = this.clusterServices\r
230                 .getClusteredControllers();\r
231 \r
232         this.clusterServices.destroyCache(container1, cache1);\r
233         assertFalse(this.clusterServices.existCache(container1, cache1));\r
234 \r
235     }\r
236 \r
237     private class GetUpdates implements IGetUpdates<Integer, String> {\r
238 \r
239         @Override\r
240         public void entryCreated(Integer key, String containerName,\r
241                 String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
242             return;\r
243         }\r
244 \r
245         @Override\r
246         public void entryUpdated(Integer key, String newValue,\r
247                 String containerName, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
248             return;\r
249         }\r
250 \r
251         @Override\r
252         public void entryDeleted(Integer key, String containerName,\r
253                 String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
254             return;\r
255         }\r
256     }\r
257 \r
258     @Test\r
259     public void clusterContainerAndGlobalTest() throws CacheExistException, CacheConfigException,\r
260         CacheListenerAddException, InterruptedException {\r
261         String cache1 = "Cache1";\r
262         String cache2 = "Cache2";\r
263         // Lets test the case of caches with same name in different\r
264         // containers (actually global an container case)\r
265         String cache3 = "Cache2";\r
266 \r
267         HashSet<cacheMode> cacheModeSet = new HashSet<cacheMode>();\r
268         cacheModeSet.add(cacheMode.NON_TRANSACTIONAL);\r
269         ConcurrentMap cm11 = this.clusterDefaultServices.createCache(cache1, cacheModeSet);\r
270         assertNotNull(cm11);\r
271 \r
272         assertTrue(this.clusterDefaultServices.existCache(cache1));\r
273         assertEquals(cm11, this.clusterDefaultServices.getCache(cache1));\r
274 \r
275         ConcurrentMap cm12 = this.clusterDefaultServices.createCache(cache2, cacheModeSet);\r
276         ConcurrentMap cm23 = this.clusterGlobalServices.createCache(cache3, cacheModeSet);\r
277 \r
278         // Now given cahe2 and cache3 have same name lets make sure\r
279         // they don't return the same reference\r
280         assertNotNull(this.clusterGlobalServices.getCache(cache2));\r
281         // cm12 reference must be different than cm23\r
282         assertTrue(cm12 != cm23);\r
283 \r
284         HashSet<String> cacheList = (HashSet<String>) this.clusterDefaultServices\r
285             .getCacheList();\r
286         assertEquals(2, cacheList.size());\r
287         assertTrue(cacheList.contains(cache1));\r
288         assertTrue(cacheList.contains(cache2));\r
289 \r
290         assertNotNull(this.clusterDefaultServices.getCacheProperties(cache1));\r
291 \r
292         {\r
293             /***********************************/\r
294             /* Testing cacheAware in Container */\r
295             /***********************************/\r
296             Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();\r
297             Set<String> propSet = new HashSet<String>();\r
298             propSet.add(cache1);\r
299             propSet.add(cache2);\r
300             props.put("cachenames", propSet);\r
301             CacheAware listener = new CacheAware();\r
302             CacheAware listenerRepeated = new CacheAware();\r
303             ServiceRegistration updateServiceReg = ServiceHelper.registerServiceWReg(ICacheUpdateAware.class, "default",\r
304                                                                                      listener, props);\r
305             assertNotNull(updateServiceReg);\r
306 \r
307             // Register another service for the same caches, this\r
308             // should not get any update because we don't allow to\r
309             // override the existing unless before unregistered\r
310             ServiceRegistration updateServiceRegRepeated = ServiceHelper.registerServiceWReg(ICacheUpdateAware.class,\r
311                                                                                              "default",\r
312                                                                                              listenerRepeated, props);\r
313             assertNotNull(updateServiceRegRepeated);\r
314             CountDownLatch res = null;\r
315             List<Update> ups = null;\r
316             Update up = null;\r
317             Integer k1 = new Integer(10);\r
318             Long k2 = new Long(100L);\r
319 \r
320             /***********************/\r
321             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
322             /***********************/\r
323             // Start monitoring the updates\r
324             res = listener.restart(2);\r
325             // modify the cache\r
326             cm11.put(k1, "foo");\r
327             // Wait\r
328             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
329             // Analyze the updates\r
330             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
331             assertTrue(ups.size() == 2);\r
332             // Validate that first we get an update (yes even in case of a\r
333             // new value added)\r
334             up = ups.get(0);\r
335             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
336             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
337             assertTrue(up.value.equals("foo"));\r
338             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache1));\r
339             // Validate that we then get a create\r
340             up = ups.get(1);\r
341             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.ADDED));\r
342             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
343             assertNull(up.value);\r
344             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache1));\r
345 \r
346             /*******************************/\r
347             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
348             /*******************************/\r
349             // Start monitoring the updates\r
350             res = listener.restart(1);\r
351             // modify the cache\r
352             cm11.put(k1, "baz");\r
353             // Wait\r
354             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
355             // Analyze the updates\r
356             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
357             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
358             // Validate we get an update with expect fields\r
359             up = ups.get(0);\r
360             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
361             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
362             assertTrue(up.value.equals("baz"));\r
363             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache1));\r
364 \r
365             /********************************/\r
366             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
367             /********************************/\r
368             // Start monitoring the updates\r
369             res = listener.restart(1);\r
370             // modify the cache\r
371             cm11.remove(k1);\r
372             // Wait\r
373             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
374             // Analyze the updates\r
375             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
376             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
377             // Validate we get a delete with expected fields\r
378             up = ups.get(0);\r
379             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.REMOVED));\r
380             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
381             assertNull(up.value);\r
382             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache1));\r
383 \r
384             /***********************/\r
385             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
386             /***********************/\r
387             // Start monitoring the updates\r
388             res = listener.restart(2);\r
389             // modify the cache\r
390             cm12.put(k2, new Short((short)15));\r
391             // Wait\r
392             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
393             // Analyze the updates\r
394             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
395             assertTrue(ups.size() == 2);\r
396             // Validate that first we get an update (yes even in case of a\r
397             // new value added)\r
398             up = ups.get(0);\r
399             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
400             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k2));\r
401             assertTrue(up.value.equals(new Short((short)15)));\r
402             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache2));\r
403             // Validate that we then get a create\r
404             up = ups.get(1);\r
405             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.ADDED));\r
406             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k2));\r
407             assertNull(up.value);\r
408             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache2));\r
409 \r
410             /*******************************/\r
411             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
412             /*******************************/\r
413             // Start monitoring the updates\r
414             res = listener.restart(1);\r
415             // modify the cache\r
416             cm12.put(k2, "BAZ");\r
417             // Wait\r
418             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
419             // Analyze the updates\r
420             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
421             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
422             // Validate we get an update with expect fields\r
423             up = ups.get(0);\r
424             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
425             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k2));\r
426             assertTrue(up.value.equals("BAZ"));\r
427             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache2));\r
428 \r
429             /********************************/\r
430             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
431             /********************************/\r
432             // Start monitoring the updates\r
433             res = listener.restart(1);\r
434             // modify the cache\r
435             cm12.remove(k2);\r
436             // Wait\r
437             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
438             // Analyze the updates\r
439             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
440             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
441             // Validate we get a delete with expected fields\r
442             up = ups.get(0);\r
443             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.REMOVED));\r
444             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k2));\r
445             assertNull(up.value);\r
446             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache2));\r
447 \r
448             /******************************************************************/\r
450             /******************************************************************/\r
451             updateServiceReg.unregister();\r
452             // Start monitoring the updates, noone should come in\r
453             res = listener.restart(1);\r
454 \r
455             /***********************/\r
456             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
457             /***********************/\r
458             // modify the cache\r
459             cm11.put(k1, "foo");\r
460 \r
461             /*******************************/\r
462             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
463             /*******************************/\r
464             // modify the cache\r
465             cm11.put(k1, "baz");\r
466 \r
467             /********************************/\r
468             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
469             /********************************/\r
470             // modify the cache\r
471             cm11.remove(k1);\r
472 \r
473             /***********************/\r
474             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
475             /***********************/\r
476             // modify the cache\r
477             cm12.put(k2, new Short((short)15));\r
478 \r
479             /*******************************/\r
480             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
481             /*******************************/\r
482             // modify the cache\r
483             cm12.put(k2, "BAZ");\r
484 \r
485             /********************************/\r
486             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
487             /********************************/\r
488             // modify the cache\r
489             cm12.remove(k2);\r
490 \r
491 \r
492             // Wait to make sure no updates came in, clearly this is\r
493             // error prone as logic, but cannot find a better way than\r
494             // this to make sure updates didn't get in\r
495             res.await(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
496             // Analyze the updates\r
497             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
498             assertTrue(ups.size() == 0);\r
499         }\r
500 \r
501         {\r
502             /***********************************/\r
503             /* Testing cacheAware in Global */\r
504             /***********************************/\r
505             Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();\r
506             Set<String> propSet = new HashSet<String>();\r
507             propSet.add(cache3);\r
508             props.put("cachenames", propSet);\r
509             CacheAware listener = new CacheAware();\r
510             ServiceRegistration updateServiceReg = ServiceHelper.registerGlobalServiceWReg(ICacheUpdateAware.class,\r
511                                                                                            listener, props);\r
512             assertNotNull(updateServiceReg);\r
513 \r
514             CountDownLatch res = null;\r
515             List<Update> ups = null;\r
516             Update up = null;\r
517             Integer k1 = new Integer(10);\r
518 \r
519             /***********************/\r
520             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
521             /***********************/\r
522             // Start monitoring the updates\r
523             res = listener.restart(2);\r
524             // modify the cache\r
525             cm23.put(k1, "foo");\r
526             // Wait\r
527             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
528             // Analyze the updates\r
529             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
530             assertTrue(ups.size() == 2);\r
531             // Validate that first we get an update (yes even in case of a\r
532             // new value added)\r
533             up = ups.get(0);\r
534             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
535             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
536             assertTrue(up.value.equals("foo"));\r
537             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache3));\r
538             // Validate that we then get a create\r
539             up = ups.get(1);\r
540             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.ADDED));\r
541             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
542             assertNull(up.value);\r
543             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache3));\r
544 \r
545             /*******************************/\r
546             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
547             /*******************************/\r
548             // Start monitoring the updates\r
549             res = listener.restart(1);\r
550             // modify the cache\r
551             cm23.put(k1, "baz");\r
552             // Wait\r
553             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
554             // Analyze the updates\r
555             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
556             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
557             // Validate we get an update with expect fields\r
558             up = ups.get(0);\r
559             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.CHANGED));\r
560             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
561             assertTrue(up.value.equals("baz"));\r
562             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache3));\r
563 \r
564             /********************************/\r
565             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
566             /********************************/\r
567             // Start monitoring the updates\r
568             res = listener.restart(1);\r
569             // modify the cache\r
570             cm23.remove(k1);\r
571             // Wait\r
572             res.await(100L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
573             // Analyze the updates\r
574             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
575             assertTrue(ups.size() == 1);\r
576             // Validate we get a delete with expected fields\r
577             up = ups.get(0);\r
578             assertTrue(up.t.equals(UpdateType.REMOVED));\r
579             assertTrue(up.key.equals(k1));\r
580             assertNull(up.value);\r
581             assertTrue(up.cacheName.equals(cache3));\r
582 \r
583             /******************************************************************/\r
585             /******************************************************************/\r
586             updateServiceReg.unregister();\r
587             // Start monitoring the updates, noone should come in\r
588             res = listener.restart(1);\r
589 \r
590             /***********************/\r
591             /* CREATE NEW KEY CASE */\r
592             /***********************/\r
593             // modify the cache\r
594             cm23.put(k1, "foo");\r
595 \r
596             /*******************************/\r
597             /* UPDATE AN EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
598             /*******************************/\r
599             // modify the cache\r
600             cm23.put(k1, "baz");\r
601 \r
602             /********************************/\r
603             /* REMOVAL OF EXISTING KEY CASE */\r
604             /********************************/\r
605             // modify the cache\r
606             cm23.remove(k1);\r
607 \r
608             // Wait to make sure no updates came in, clearly this is\r
609             // error prone as logic, but cannot find a better way than\r
610             // this to make sure updates didn't get in\r
611             res.await(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\r
612             // Analyze the updates\r
613             ups = listener.getUpdates();\r
614             assertTrue(ups.size() == 0);\r
615         }\r
616 \r
617         InetAddress addr = this.clusterDefaultServices.getMyAddress();\r
618         assertNotNull(addr);\r
619 \r
620         List<InetAddress> addrList = this.clusterDefaultServices\r
621             .getClusteredControllers();\r
622 \r
623         this.clusterDefaultServices.destroyCache(cache1);\r
624         assertFalse(this.clusterDefaultServices.existCache(cache1));\r
625     }\r
626 \r
627     private class Update {\r
628         Object key;\r
629         Object value;\r
630         String cacheName;\r
631         UpdateType t;\r
632 \r
633         Update (UpdateType t, Object key, Object value, String cacheName) {\r
634             this.t = t;\r
635             this.key = key;\r
636             this.value = value;\r
637             this.cacheName = cacheName;\r
638         }\r
639     }\r
640 \r
641     private class CacheAware implements ICacheUpdateAware {\r
642         private CopyOnWriteArrayList<Update> gotUpdates;\r
643         private CountDownLatch latch = null;\r
644 \r
645         CacheAware() {\r
646             this.gotUpdates = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Update>();\r
647         }\r
648 \r
649 \r
650         /**\r
651          * Restart the monitor of the updates on the CacheAware object\r
652          *\r
653          * @param expectedOperations Number of expected updates\r
654          *\r
655          * @return a countdown latch which will be used to wait till the updates are done\r
656          */\r
657         CountDownLatch restart(int expectedOperations) {\r
658             this.gotUpdates.clear();\r
659             this.latch = new CountDownLatch(expectedOperations);\r
660             return this.latch;\r
661         }\r
662 \r
663         List<Update> getUpdates() {\r
664             return this.gotUpdates;\r
665         }\r
666 \r
667         @Override\r
668         public void entryCreated(Object key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
669             log.debug("CACHE[{}] Got an entry created for key:{}", cacheName, key);\r
670             Update u = new Update(UpdateType.ADDED, key, null, cacheName);\r
671             this.gotUpdates.add(u);\r
672             this.latch.countDown();\r
673         }\r
674 \r
675         @Override\r
676         public void entryUpdated(Object key, Object newValue, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
677             log.debug("CACHE[{}] Got an entry updated for key:{} newValue:{}", cacheName, key, newValue);\r
678             Update u = new Update(UpdateType.CHANGED, key, newValue, cacheName);\r
679             this.gotUpdates.add(u);\r
680             this.latch.countDown();\r
681         }\r
682 \r
683         @Override\r
684         public void entryDeleted(Object key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) {\r
685             log.debug("CACHE[{}] Got an entry delete for key:{}", cacheName, key);\r
686             Update u = new Update(UpdateType.REMOVED, key, null, cacheName);\r
687             this.gotUpdates.add(u);\r
688             this.latch.countDown();\r
689         }\r
690     }\r
691 }\r