Merge "NETCONF scalability: share instances"
[controller.git] / opendaylight / md-sal / sal-rest-docgen / src / test / resources / topology-good.json
1 {
2     "apiVersion": "1.0.0",
3     "swaggerVersion": "1.2",
4     "basePath": "/api",
5     "resourcePath": "/config",
6     "produces": [ "application/json", "application/xml" ],
7     "apis": [
8         {
9             "path": "/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology",
10             "operations": [
11                 {
12                     "method": "GET",
13                     "summary": "Test",
14                     "notes": "",
15                     "type": "Toaster",
16                     "nickname": "something",
17                     "consumes": [
18                         "application/json",
19                         "application/xml"
20                     ],
21                     "responseMessages": [
22                         {
23                             "code": 405,
24                             "message": "Invalid input"
25                         }
26                     ]
27                 }
28             ]
29         }
30     ],
31     "models": {
32         "Toaster": {
33             "id":"Toaster",
34             "$schema": "",
35             "description": "Top-level container for all toaster database objects.",
36             "properties": {
37                 "allow-user": {
38                     "description": "A list of user name patterns to allow",
39                     "items": {"type": "string"},
40                     "required": false,
41                     "type": "array"
42                 },
43                 "how": {
44                     "oneOf": [
45                         {
46                             "manual": {"manual": {
47                                 "required": false,
48                                 "type": "string"
49                             }},
50                             "type": "object"
51                         },
52                         {
53                             "interval": {"interval": {
54                                 "required": false,
55                                 "type": "integer"
56                             }},
57                             "type": "object"
58                         },
59                         {
60                             "daily": {
61                                 "daily": {
62                                     "required": false,
63                                     "type": "string"
64                                 },
65                                 "time-of-day": {
66                                     "required": false,
67                                     "type": "string"
68                                 }
69                             },
70                             "type": "object"
71                         }
72                     ],
73                     "type": "object"
74                 },
75                 "testToasterBits": {
76                     "enum": [
77                         "testbit1",
78                         "testbit2"
79                     ],
80                     "minItems": 0,
81                     "required": false,
82                     "type": "String",
83                     "uniqueItems": true
84                 },
85                 "toasterManufacturer": {
86                     "description": "The name of the toaster's manufacturer. For instance, \n                Microsoft Toaster.",
87                     "required": true,
88                     "type": "string"
89                 },
90                 "toasterModelNumber": {
91                     "description": "The name of the toaster's model. For instance,\n               Radiant Automatic.",
92                     "required": true,
93                     "type": "string"
94                 },
95                 "toasterStatus": {
96                     "description": "This variable indicates the current state of \n               the toaster.",
97                     "enum": [
98                         "up",
99                         "down"
100                     ],
101                     "required": true
102                 }
103             }
104         }
105     }
106 }