Decouple config and netconf subsystems.
[controller.git] / opendaylight / md-sal / messagebus-impl / src / main / java / org / opendaylight / controller / messagebus / eventsources / netconf /
1 ///*
2 // * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
3 // *
4 // * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
6 // * and is available at
7 // */
8 //
9 //package org.opendaylight.controller.messagebus.eventsources.netconf;
10 //
11 //import java.util.HashMap;
12 //import java.util.List;
13 //import java.util.Map;
14 //import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
15 //
16 //import;
17 //import;
18 //import;
19 //import;
20 //import;
21 //import;
22 //import;
23 //import;
24 //import;
25 //import org.opendaylight.controller.messagebus.spi.EventSourceRegistry;
26 //import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netconf.node.topology.rev150114.NetconfNode;
27 //import;
28 //import;
29 //import;
30 //import;
31 //import;
32 //import;
33 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.ListenerRegistration;
34 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject;
35 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier;
36 //import org.slf4j.Logger;
37 //import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
38 //
39 //import;
40 //
41 //public final class NetconfEventSourceManager implements DataChangeListener, AutoCloseable {
42 //
43 //    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NetconfEventSourceManager.class);
44 //    private static final TopologyKey NETCONF_TOPOLOGY_KEY = new TopologyKey(new TopologyId(TopologyNetconf.QNAME.getLocalName()));
45 //    private static final InstanceIdentifier<Node> NETCONF_DEVICE_PATH = InstanceIdentifier.create(NetworkTopology.class)
46 //                .child(Topology.class, NETCONF_TOPOLOGY_KEY)
47 //                .child(Node.class);
48 //
49 //    private final Map<String, String> streamMap;
50 //    private final ConcurrentHashMap<InstanceIdentifier<?>, NetconfEventSourceRegistration> registrationMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
51 //    private final DOMNotificationPublishService publishService;
52 //    private final DOMMountPointService domMounts;
53 //    private final MountPointService mountPointService;
54 //    private ListenerRegistration<DataChangeListener> listenerRegistration;
55 //    private final EventSourceRegistry eventSourceRegistry;
56 //
57 //    public static NetconfEventSourceManager create(final DataBroker dataBroker,
58 //            final DOMNotificationPublishService domPublish,
59 //            final DOMMountPointService domMount,
60 //            final MountPointService bindingMount,
61 //            final EventSourceRegistry eventSourceRegistry,
62 //            final List<NamespaceToStream> namespaceMapping){
63 //
64 //        final NetconfEventSourceManager eventSourceManager =
65 //                new NetconfEventSourceManager(domPublish, domMount,bindingMount, eventSourceRegistry, namespaceMapping);
66 //
67 //        eventSourceManager.initialize(dataBroker);
68 //
69 //        return eventSourceManager;
70 //
71 //    }
72 //
73 //    private NetconfEventSourceManager(final DOMNotificationPublishService domPublish,
74 //                              final DOMMountPointService domMount,
75 //                              final MountPointService bindingMount,
76 //                              final EventSourceRegistry eventSourceRegistry,
77 //                              final List<NamespaceToStream> namespaceMapping) {
78 //
79 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(domPublish);
80 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(domMount);
81 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(bindingMount);
82 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(eventSourceRegistry);
83 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespaceMapping);
84 //        this.streamMap = namespaceToStreamMapping(namespaceMapping);
85 //        this.domMounts = domMount;
86 //        this.mountPointService = bindingMount;
87 //        this.publishService = domPublish;
88 //        this.eventSourceRegistry = eventSourceRegistry;
89 //    }
90 //
91 //    private void initialize(final DataBroker dataBroker){
92 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataBroker);
93 //        listenerRegistration = dataBroker.registerDataChangeListener(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, NETCONF_DEVICE_PATH, this, DataChangeScope.SUBTREE);
94 //"NetconfEventSourceManager initialized.");
95 //    }
96 //
97 //    private Map<String,String> namespaceToStreamMapping(final List<NamespaceToStream> namespaceMapping) {
98 //        final Map<String, String> streamMap = new HashMap<>(namespaceMapping.size());
99 //
100 //        for (final NamespaceToStream nToS  : namespaceMapping) {
101 //            streamMap.put(nToS.getUrnPrefix(), nToS.getStreamName());
102 //        }
103 //
104 //        return streamMap;
105 //    }
106 //
107 //    @Override
108 //    public void onDataChanged(final AsyncDataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> event) {
109 //
110 //        LOG.debug("[DataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject>: {}]", event);
111 //        for (final Map.Entry<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> changeEntry : event.getCreatedData().entrySet()) {
112 //            if (changeEntry.getValue() instanceof Node) {
113 //                nodeCreated(changeEntry.getKey(),(Node) changeEntry.getValue());
114 //            }
115 //        }
116 //
117 //        for (final Map.Entry<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> changeEntry : event.getUpdatedData().entrySet()) {
118 //            if (changeEntry.getValue() instanceof Node) {
119 //                nodeUpdated(changeEntry.getKey(),(Node) changeEntry.getValue());
120 //            }
121 //        }
122 //
123 //        for(InstanceIdentifier<?> removePath : event.getRemovedPaths()){
124 //            DataObject removeObject = event.getOriginalData().get(removePath);
125 //            if(removeObject instanceof Node){
126 //                nodeRemoved(removePath);
127 //            }
128 //        }
129 //
130 //    }
131 //
132 //    private void nodeCreated(final InstanceIdentifier<?> key, final Node node){
133 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
134 //        if(validateNode(node) == false){
135 //            LOG.warn("NodeCreated event : Node [{}] is null or not valid.", key.toString());
136 //            return;
137 //        }
138 //"Netconf event source [{}] is creating...", key.toString());
139 //        NetconfEventSourceRegistration nesr = NetconfEventSourceRegistration.create(key, node, this);
140 //        if(nesr != null){
141 //            NetconfEventSourceRegistration nesrOld = registrationMap.put(key, nesr);
142 //            if(nesrOld != null){
143 //                nesrOld.close();
144 //            }
145 //        }
146 //    }
147 //
148 //    private void nodeUpdated(final InstanceIdentifier<?> key, final Node node){
149 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
150 //        if(validateNode(node) == false){
151 //            LOG.warn("NodeUpdated event : Node [{}] is null or not valid.", key.toString());
152 //            return;
153 //        }
154 //
155 //"Netconf event source [{}] is updating...", key.toString());
156 //        NetconfEventSourceRegistration nesr = registrationMap.get(key);
157 //        if(nesr != null){
158 //            nesr.updateStatus();
159 //        } else {
160 //            nodeCreated(key, node);
161 //        }
162 //    }
163 //
164 //    private void nodeRemoved(final InstanceIdentifier<?> key){
165 //        Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
166 //"Netconf event source [{}] is removing...", key.toString());
167 //        NetconfEventSourceRegistration nesr = registrationMap.remove(key);
168 //        if(nesr != null){
169 //            nesr.close();
170 //        }
171 //    }
172 //
173 //    private boolean validateNode(final Node node){
174 //        if(node == null){
175 //            return false;
176 //        }
177 //        return isNetconfNode(node);
178 //    }
179 //
180 //    Map<String, String> getStreamMap() {
181 //        return streamMap;
182 //    }
183 //
184 //    DOMNotificationPublishService getPublishService() {
185 //        return publishService;
186 //    }
187 //
188 //    DOMMountPointService getDomMounts() {
189 //        return domMounts;
190 //    }
191 //
192 //    EventSourceRegistry getEventSourceRegistry() {
193 //        return eventSourceRegistry;
194 //    }
195 //
196 //    MountPointService getMountPointService() {
197 //        return mountPointService;
198 //    }
199 //
200 //    private boolean isNetconfNode(final Node node)  {
201 //        return node.getAugmentation(NetconfNode.class) != null ;
202 //    }
203 //
204 //    @Override
205 //    public void close() {
206 //        listenerRegistration.close();
207 //        for(final NetconfEventSourceRegistration reg : registrationMap.values()){
208 //            reg.close();
209 //        }
210 //        registrationMap.clear();
211 //    }
212 //
213 //}