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80 Package org.openexi.scomp\r
81 </H2>\r
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83 <tr valign="top" cellpadding="3" border="0">\r
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85 The <code>scomp</code> (schema compiler) package contains the EXISchemaFactory, which is used to compile XML Schema Documents (XSDs) to EXISchemas.\r
86 <P>\r
87 <B>See:</B>\r
88 <BR>\r
89 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="#package_description"><B>Description</B></A>\r
90 <P>\r
91 \r
93 <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor">\r
94 <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2">\r
95 <B>Interface Summary</B></FONT></TH>\r
96 </TR>\r
97 <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">\r
98 <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../org/openexi/scomp/EntityResolverEx.html" title="interface in org.openexi.scomp">EntityResolverEx</A></B></TD>\r
99 <TD>Extended SAX EntityResolver interface for resolving entities and
100  schema documents.</TD>\r
101 </TR>\r
102 <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">\r
103 <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../org/openexi/scomp/EXISchemaFactoryErrorHandler.html" title="interface in org.openexi.scomp">EXISchemaFactoryErrorHandler</A></B></TD>\r
104 <TD>This interface reports exceptions from EXISchemaFactory during schema 
105  processing.</TD>\r
106 </TR>\r
107 </TABLE>\r
108 &nbsp;\r
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110 <P>\r
111 \r
113 <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor">\r
114 <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2">\r
115 <B>Class Summary</B></FONT></TH>\r
116 </TR>\r
117 <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">\r
118 <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../org/openexi/scomp/EXISchemaFactory.html" title="class in org.openexi.scomp">EXISchemaFactory</A></B></TD>\r
119 <TD>EXISchemaFactory compiles XML Schema into an EXISchema instance.</TD>\r
120 </TR>\r
121 <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">\r
122 <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../org/openexi/scomp/EXISchemaReader.html" title="class in org.openexi.scomp">EXISchemaReader</A></B></TD>\r
123 <TD>EXISchemaReader parses EXI-encoded EXI Grammar into an EXISchema.</TD>\r
124 </TR>\r
125 </TABLE>\r
126 &nbsp;\r
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128 <P>\r
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131 <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor">\r
132 <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2">\r
133 <B>Exception Summary</B></FONT></TH>\r
134 </TR>\r
135 <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">\r
136 <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../org/openexi/scomp/EXISchemaFactoryException.html" title="class in org.openexi.scomp">EXISchemaFactoryException</A></B></TD>\r
137 <TD>Any errors encountered during schema compilation are communicated to
138  an application as EXISchemaFactoryException objects.</TD>\r
139 </TR>\r
140 </TABLE>\r
141 &nbsp;\r
142 \r
143 <P>\r
144 <A NAME="package_description"><!-- --></A><H2>\r
145 Package org.openexi.scomp Description\r
146 </H2>\r
147 \r
148 <P>\r
149 <table>\r
150 <tr valign="top" cellpadding="3" border="0">\r
151 <td>\r
152 <p>The <code>scomp</code> (schema compiler) package contains the EXISchemaFactory, which is used to compile XML Schema Documents (XSDs) to EXISchemas. Developers can implement the interface <code>EXISchemaFactoryErrorHandler</code> to capture and report runtime exceptions from EXISchemaFactory.\r
153 </p>\r
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156 <img src="" width="375" height="280" />\r
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