Add missing DOMDataTreeService method
[controller.git] / opendaylight / md-sal / sal-clustering-config / src / main /
2017-08-25 Robert VargaToaster is shardless 95/62295/2
2017-06-26 Tom PantelisBug 7449: Add custom dispatcher for message serializati... 97/59297/4
2017-06-22 Tom PantelisBug 7449: Add maximum-message-slice-size config param 94/59294/3
2017-06-15 Robert VargaBUG-8618: make sync threshold tuneable 40/59040/1
2017-06-09 Tom PantelisRemove config yang/module from sal-cluster-admin-impl 09/58509/3
2017-06-05 Tom PantelisBug 5740: Configure control-aware mailbox 19/57819/5
2017-06-04 Tomas CereBUG 8318: Add section for remoting transport-failure... 43/57943/2
2017-05-12 Tomas CereBUG 8318: Add a separate dispatcher for cluster actors 38/56938/2
2017-03-17 Robert VargaBUG-5280: Add use-tell-based-protocol config knob 97/53397/2
2017-02-28 Tom PantelisBug 7521: Add custom local snapshot store 78/51078/16
2017-01-11 Vratko PolakBug 7518: Temporarily revert the main akka.conf to... 20/50220/3
2017-01-05 Robert VargaUse Akka artery for remote transport 66/49466/10
2016-08-24 Alexis de TalhouëtRemove deprecated CSS files - sal-remoterpc-connector 53/44553/3
2016-08-05 Tom PantelisEnable akka WeaklyUp feature 99/42799/3
2016-07-23 Vaclav DemcakAdd again mdsal-singleton but remove prefix DOM 17/42317/4
2016-07-22 Vaclav DemcakComment out mdsal-signleton-service in controller 11/42311/1
2016-07-21 Sai MarapaReddyChange default value of parameter "auto-down-unreachabl... 94/42094/6
2016-07-19 Tom PantelisAdd odl-mdsal-singleton-dom feature and CSS yang 93/42093/2
2016-07-19 Tom PantelisConvert distributed EOS impl to use new DOM EOS interfaces 75/35475/14
2016-04-05 Tom PantelisDefault shard-journal-recovery-log-batch-size to 1 21/37121/2
2016-03-11 Tom PantelisBug 4823: Offload generation of DCNs from Shard 96/34096/5
2016-03-07 Robert VargaBUG-4964: Bump to akka-2.4.1 24/32524/19
2016-02-23 Tom PantelisBug 5329: Add factory akka.conf 53/34553/5
2016-02-04 Moiz RajaAdd notification-dispatcher configuration for default... 95/33495/5
2015-11-09 Tom PantelisBug 4564: Implement clustering backup-datastore RPC 15/29215/3
2015-11-05 Tom PantelisBug 4563: Increase akka seed-node-timeout 75/29075/2
2015-11-03 Gary WuBUG 3973: Add config option for Java-only leveldb 17/29217/1
2015-10-23 Gary WuBug 4037: Allow auto-downed node to rejoin cluster 52/27852/8
2015-10-14 Tom PantelisAdd cluster config yang RPCs and provider wiring 66/28366/6
2015-10-10 Moiz RajaBUG 4151 : Create a shared actor system 62/27562/9
2015-09-17 Shaleen SaxenaBug-4214 - Add support for configurable snapshot chunk... 13/26413/3
2015-09-10 Tom PantelisBug 4105: Added DistributedEntityOwnershipService and... 86/26786/2
2015-09-01 Moiz RajaBUG 2185 : Make the Custom Raft Policy externally confi... 10/24810/4
2015-08-06 Tom PantelisFix akka logging initialization timeout on startup 83/24883/1
2015-06-11 Moiz RajaBUG 3019 : Fix Operation throttling for modification... 71/22371/2
2015-05-16 Robert VargaCDS: Implement front-end support for local transactions 23/20523/2
2015-05-07 Tony TkacikMerge "Add missing copyright text"
2015-05-07 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2954 : Thread local DocumentBuilder's for...
2015-05-05 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2820 - LLDP refactor"
2015-05-05 Tony TkacikMerge "Bug 2820 - LLDP TLV support and testing"
2015-05-05 Tony TkacikMerge "Bug 2820 - problem to add second TLV with type...
2015-05-04 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 3057 - notify added event source by topics...
2015-05-04 Tony TkacikMerge changes Ibe016728,Ic719c519,I87a81a54
2015-05-04 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 3066 : Optimistic lock failed, on NetconfSta...
2015-05-04 Tony TkacikMerge "Bug222:Comments incorporated for response based...
2015-05-01 Moiz RajaMerge "BUG 3049 : Upgrade from akka 2.3.9 to 2.3.10"
2015-04-30 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2288: deprecate old binding Notification...
2015-04-30 Tom PantelisMerge "Return local shard tree from FindPrimaryShard"
2015-04-30 Tom PantelisMerge "Add documentation in akka.conf on how to specify...
2015-04-26 Moiz RajaAdd documentation in akka.conf on how to specify locati... 02/17202/7
2015-03-30 Moiz RajaMerge "Adjust Tx rate limiter for unused transactions"
2015-03-30 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2743 - Added support for runtime RPC's to...
2015-03-30 Tony TkacikMerge "Avoid IllegalArgument on missing source"
2015-03-30 Tony TkacikMerge "Increase default negotiation timeout for netconf...
2015-03-30 Tony TkacikMerge "Set unable-to-connect(netconf node) if no source...
2015-03-30 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2877: Allow hello message with no namespace"
2015-03-27 Tom PantelisMerge "BUG 2792 : ThreePhaseCommitCohortProxy should...
2015-03-27 Tom PantelisMerge "BUG 2773 : Transition Shard to Leader state...
2015-03-27 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2424 Bump mina sshd-core version to 0.14"
2015-03-27 Tom PantelisMerge "BUG 2584 : Datastore is ready when all local...
2015-03-27 Moiz RajaMerge "Make FollowerLogInformationImpl fields non-volatile"
2015-03-27 Moiz RajaMerge "Remove RaftActor#trimPersistentData method"
2015-03-25 Tom PantelisBug 2847: Recovery of a large journal runs out of memory 40/16540/6
2015-03-23 Moiz RajaMerge "Refactor LeaderElectionScenarioTests"
2015-03-08 Tony TkacikMerge "Remove Neutron dependencies"
2015-03-08 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2412 - restconf RestconfDocumentedExceptionM...
2015-03-05 Tony TkacikMerge "Unit Test for md-sal netconf northbound mapping...
2015-03-05 Tony TkacikMerge "Fixed discard-changes for mdsal netconf, mapping...
2015-03-04 Moiz RajaMerge "Dynamically update DatastoreContext properties"
2015-03-04 Tony TkacikMerge changes Ida315250,I90171a8b
2015-03-04 Moiz RajaBUG 2768 : Make election timeout factor 20 by default 13/15813/2
2015-02-25 Tony TkacikMerge "Startup arch - add odlparent to root pom."
2015-02-25 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2412 - restconf @GET getModule(identifier...
2015-02-25 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2412 - restconf @GET getModule(identifier...
2015-02-25 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG 2412 - restconf @GET getModule(uri) method...
2015-02-25 Tony TkacikMerge "Removing { } from NormalizedNodeJsonBodyWriter"
2015-02-24 Tony TkacikMerge "Bug 2697: Improvement wrong response handling...
2015-02-24 Tony TkacikMerge "Bug 2731: Discard changes only when transaction...
2015-02-23 Ed WarnickeMerge "Bug 2673: Binding cursor-based data change API"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Startup archetype: remove 'Impl' from config...
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Startup archetype: Add basic unit tests for...
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Startup arch - remove artifactId prefix from...
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Cleanup root pom "name"."
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Migrate JMX plugin's use of BindingGeneratorUtil"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Migrate deprecated guava methods"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Do not override artifact versions"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Use Preconditions"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Do not override jsr305 version"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Make reconnect on capability changed truly optional"
2015-02-23 Tony TkacikMerge "Prevent multiple config pushers"
2015-02-22 tpantelisUse Config Admin to overlay datastore properties 85/15485/11
2015-02-24 Ed WarnickeMerge "Create odl-nsf-service feature, which excludes...
2015-02-21 Tom PantelisMerge "Fix for Bug 2727 - Upgrade Akka from 2.3.4 to...
2015-02-21 Ed WarnickeMerge "Revert "BUG-2637: migrate features""
2015-02-20 Anil VishnoiMerge "BUG-2637: migrate features"
2015-02-20 Tom PantelisMerge "BUG 2676 : Add some tuning parameters to improve...
2015-02-20 Moiz RajaBUG 2676 : Add some tuning parameters to improve perfor... 36/15536/1
2015-02-13 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2573: create DOMRpcRouter"
2015-02-13 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2626: activate enunciate only on jdk-1.7"
2015-02-13 Tony TkacikMerge "BUG-2626: Do not override enunciate version"